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【摘要】 目的 将超声引导下锁骨上臂丛神经阻滞的单靶点和三靶点注射法与传统解剖定位法进行比较,从而探讨单靶点和三靶点注射法阻滞的可行性及临床效果。 方法 90例上肢择期手术患者,ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级,随机分为:21ml单靶点注射组(单靶组),7ml三靶点注射组(三靶组),21ml传统解剖定位组(传统组)。局麻药为0.375%罗哌卡因和1.0%利多卡因的混合液。记录各组的操作时间、麻醉镇痛持续时间、以及尺神经、正中神经、桡神经分布区痛觉消失的时间;评价各神经支配区域的痛觉阻滞程度(完全、部分、缺乏阻滞)和切皮时麻醉效果(优秀、良好、无效),观察并记录并发症。 结果 单靶组和传统组的操作时间较三靶组短(P<0.05),单靶组和传统组的尺神经痛觉消失时间较三靶组长(P<0.05)。与传统组相比,单靶组和传统组麻醉效果的优秀率较高(P<0.05),麻醉镇痛持续的时间延长(P<0.05),尺神经、正中神经的阻滞完全率较高(P<0.05),而桡神经阻滞完全率的比较三组无明显差异(P>0.05)。单靶组和三靶组均无并发症,传统组刺破血管4例,轻度局麻药中毒1例。 结论 与传统解剖定位法相比,超声引导下锁骨上臂丛神经阻滞的单靶点和三靶点注射法麻醉效果较好、镇痛持续时间较长及并发症较少。三靶点注射法的操作时间较单靶点注射法长,但对尺神经的阻滞较快且较完全。 【关键词】 超声检查;臂丛;神经传导阻滞 The routing study of ultrasound-guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block FU Zhi-Hai, XIE Hong, WANG Chen, et al. Department of Anesthesiology, the Second Affiliated Hospital, Corresponding author: Xie hong(E-mail:hongx93044@hotmail.com)
【Abstract】 Objective To compare supraclavicular brachial plexus block guided by ultrasound (single-injection and three-injection) with that guided by anatomical landmarks, in order to explore the feasibility and clinical effect of the single-injection and three-injection method. Methods Ninety ASAⅠ~Ⅱ patients scheduled for upper extremity operation were randomly divided into three groups: Group S (21ml single-injection), Group T (7ml three-injection) and Group A (21ml injection by anatomical landmarks). A mixture of local anaesthetic (0.375% ropivacaine and 1.0% lidocaine) was administered in each group. The execution time of block, duration of analgesia and complications were recorded, the time of deprivation of pain in ulnar nerve, median nerve and radial nerve were measured, the extent of sensory block of each nervated region (completeness、part、lack) and the effects of anesthesia (excellent、good、failure) during operation were assessed. Results The operation time of block in Group S and Group A were shorter than that in Group T (P<0.05). The time of deprivation of pain of ulnar nerve in Group S and Group A were longer than those in Group T (P<0.05). The effects of pain sensory block of ulnar nerve and medial nerve in Group S-T were more complete than that in Group A (P<0.05), there were no significant difference in the effects of pain sensory block of radial nerve (P>0.05). The excellent anesthesia rate in Group S and Group T were higher than that in Group A (P<0.05). The duration of analgesia in Group S and Group T were longer than that in Group A (P<0.05). No complication occurred in Group S and Group T. 5 adverse events occurred in Group A (4 cases of vascular puncture, 1 case of mild toxic reaction). Conclusion Ultrasound-guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block (single-injection and three-injection) may provide more excellent block, longer duration of analgesia and fewer complications compared with that guided by anatomical landmarks. Compared with single-injection, the execution time of block was longer, but the time of deprivation of pain of ulnar nerve was shorter and the extent of ulnar nerve block was more complete in three-injection groups. 【Key words】 Ultrasonography; Brachial plexus; Nerve block 近十年来,超声技术不断地革新突破,尤其是高分辨率便携式超声设备的出现和超声探头技术的改良,使超声引导技术在各种神经阻滞中得以广泛应用。本研究旨在通过与传统解剖定位法比较,探讨超声引导下锁骨上臂丛神经阻滞不同操作方法在临床应用中的可行性和优越性。 资料与方法 1 研究对象 90例上肢择期手术患者,ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级,年龄18~65岁,体重指数在18~28㎏/m2。有颈部畸形、锁骨手术史、神经感觉异常史及局麻药过敏史者排除在外。随机分为:21ml单靶点注射组(单靶组);7ml三靶点注射组(三靶组);21ml传统解剖定位组(传统组)。 2 麻醉与操作方法 2.1麻醉前准备 患者禁食、禁饮,入室开放静脉后,面罩吸氧3L/min,持续监测NIBP、ECG、SpO2,静脉推注咪唑安定0.02mg/kg,芬太尼0.5μg/㎏。使用的局麻药为0.375% 罗哌卡因(批号:KD1653,AstraZeneca公司,瑞典)和1% 利多卡因(批号:080729,江苏济川制药有限公司)的混合液。 2.2操作方法 ⑴ 超声引导单靶和三靶组 患者取去枕平卧位,患肢紧靠躯体,头偏向健侧30°,标定锁骨中点,采用Micro Maxx二维便携式超声仪(Sonosite公司,美国)定位,线阵探头频率6~13 MHz,超声探头先放在颈总动脉搏动处,获得颈总动脉和颈内静脉的横断面声像图后,然后向外侧移到胸锁乳突肌上,在胸锁乳突肌下方确认臂丛神经,表现为前、中斜角肌之间的多个圆形或椭圆形低回声区,最后再将超声探头向锁骨中点滑动,超声探头平行、紧贴锁骨中点上,探头轻触皮肤并与垂直于皮肤,采集到锁骨下动脉及臂丛神经的最佳横断面声像图[1]。穿刺点位于超声探头外侧1㎝左右,20 G静脉穿刺针(贝朗医疗国际贸易有限公司,德国)进针方向与超声探头的方向在同一平面内。采用超声平面内显像技术,单靶组的穿刺针接近锁骨下血管周围鞘(在锁骨上臂丛神经与锁骨下动脉的连接处)时先注入局麻药1ml确定针尖的位置,针尖再突破锁骨下血管周围鞘注入剩下的局麻药,突破锁骨下血管周围鞘时有较明显的突破感,具体穿刺针的位置见图1 a。三靶组在锁骨上臂丛神经与锁骨下动脉的连接处先注入局麻药7ml,再两次调整穿刺针的位置形成以臂丛神经为中心的扇形注射,具体穿刺针的位置见图1 b。 ⑵ 传统解剖定位组 采用经典的锁骨上臂丛神经阻滞,取锁骨中点上1㎝左右为穿刺点,穿刺针寻求“异感”,出现“异感”后回抽无血液和气体即可注入局麻药[2]。 2.3观察指标及数据收集 ⑴ 操作时间:开始定位至穿刺结束所需的时间(采用四舍五入法,超过30 s为1 min)。 ⑵ 痛觉消失的时间及阻滞效果的评价:以针刺法测定尺神经、正中神经、桡神经分布区的痛觉,每2 min测定1次,直到完全阻滞。记录操作完成后至各神经支配区痛觉消失的时间。神经阻滞20 min后用针刺法对上述的神经分布区痛觉阻滞效果的评价,分为阻滞完全(无疼痛)、阻滞不全(痛觉减退)和缺乏阻滞(痛觉未改变)。 ⑶ 麻醉镇痛持续的时间: 注药后至术后痛觉恢复的时间。 ⑷ 麻醉效果的评价:① 优秀:切皮时不痛,无需追加静脉镇痛药。② 良好:切皮时轻微疼痛,需追加小剂量的静脉镇痛药(芬太尼不超过0.05㎎)。③ 失败:切皮时疼痛明显,追加静脉镇痛药后仍无效,须改为全麻。 ⑸ 并发症的记录:包括刺破血管、局麻药中毒、气胸(胸闷、胸痛、气促症状者予以术后胸片确认)、术后感觉异常等。 所有的穿刺都是由同一名麻醉主治医师来完成的,由另一没参与穿刺过程的麻醉医师来观察和记录数据。 3统计学方法 采用SPSS 13.0统计软件进行分析,计量资料以均数±标准差 ( |