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[摘要] 目的 探讨高渗氯化钠羟乙基淀粉40注射液(以下简称高渗盐复合液,HSH)对急性颅内高压伴失血性休克犬复苏的影响及机制。方法 30条犬随机分为6组,分别为①7.5%Nacl组,②林格氏液组,③羟乙基淀粉组,④HSH组分4ml/kg、8 ml/kg、12 ml/kg三个剂量组,每组5只,采用硬膜外球囊注水和动脉放血的方法复制急性颅内高压伴失血性休克模型,各组分别在休克1小时后输入①6 ml/kg7.5%Nacl(HS),②3倍失血量林格氏液(RL),③1倍失血量羟乙基淀粉(HES),④4 ml/kgHSH(HSH4),⑤8 ml/kgHSH(HSH8),⑥12 ml/kgHSH(HSH12),观察复苏后颅内压(ICP),平均动脉压(MAP)的变化,并检测复苏后30 min,1 h,2 h,4 h的血钠(Na+)和血浆渗透压(OSM)的值。检测脑组织丙二醛(MDA)含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力,脑组织标本行病理学检查。结果 1.复苏前各组MAP、ICP相似,无统计学差异(P>0.05)。2. 与复苏前相比,复苏后各组均能显著提高MAP(P<0.01),各组间无统计学差 异(P>0.05),但HSH组反应速度最快,除HS组2小时后显著下降外(P<0.01),其它各组均能维持4小时。3. 与复苏前相比,复苏后RL组与HES组的ICP显著上升(P<0.01),分别在1小时和4小时达到高峰,HS组和HSH组显著降低ICP(P<0.01),均在1 h内下降至最低值, HSH8组,HSH12组和HS组降低ICP无统计学意义(P>0.05),但均比HSH4组明显(P<0.05);除HSH4组在2小时后回升至复苏前水平,其它各组在4小时后仍接近基础值水平。4.复苏后HS组和HSH组的血Na+和血浆OSM均明显升高,升高幅度最高为HS,最低为HSH4。5.HSH组脑组织氧自由基含量较其他组明显减少(P<0.05)。病理学检查显示复苏后4h,HSH组的脑组织损伤较其他组轻。结论 对于急性颅内高压伴失血性休克的犬模型,HSH能有效纠正休克和降低颅内压,减少氧自由基生成,改善脑水肿。 [关键词] 脑水肿 ; 失血性休克 ; 高渗氯化钠;羟乙基淀粉;急性颅内高压 The experimental study of hypertonic sodium chloride hydroxyethl starch 40 injection(HSH) in acute intracranial hypertension and hemorrhagic shock model of dog XIAO Hua-png ,GU Miao-ning ,XIAO Jin-fang ,XU Xiang, ZHAO Zhen-long,Department of Anesthesiology Nan Fang Hospital ,Nan Fang Medicai college ,Guang Zhou ,510515,China. [abstract] objective To explore the recovery and the mechanism of HSH in acut intracranial hypertension and hemorrhagic shock model of dog methods Thirty dogs randomly divided into six groups of five-animals each,by using the inflation of the subdural ballon with saline and arterial blood withdrawal rapidly, all the dogs were resuscitated with either 6 ml/kg 7.5 % Nacl(HS), Ringer-Latates solution(RL)(three times the amount of blood loss), hydroxyethyl strarch(HES)(equivalent to the amount of biood loss),4 ml/kgHSH,8 ml/kgHSH,12 ml/kgHSH after shock for an hour,during the shock and resuscitate period,intractanial pressure,mean arterid pressure and cerebtal perfusion pressure was monitored.and examination of the value of hyponatrema and plasma osmolality. and the level of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and malondialdehyde (MDA) in brain tissue were examined. Specimens of brain tissue were prepared for pathological examination. Result 1.there were no satistically significant in MAP﹑ICP between groups before resuscitation (P> 0.05). 2. all groups Can significantly improved MAP after resuscitation (P <0.01). no significant difference among the groups (P> 0.05), but HSH group responsed fastestly, excpet HS group decreased significantly after two hours (P <0.01) ,the other group is able to maintain four hours. 3.RL group and HES group increased ICP significantly after resuicitation (P <0.01),and arrived to the peak speparatly at one hour and four hours; HS group and HSH group decreased ICP significantly (P <0.01),fallen to the lowest in one hour ;there were no satistically significant among HS group﹑HSH8 group and HSH12 group(p>0.05),but they decreased ICP obviously than HSH4 group(p<0.05),two hours later,ICP returned to the level of before resuscitation in HSH4 group;other groups maintained nearly to the baseline value after four hours;4. blood sodium and blood osmlality were significantly higher after resuscitation in HSH and HS,The highest rate of increase for the HS, the minimum for HSH4; 5.MDA and SOD levels in Group HSH were evidently lower than other groups at four hours after resuscitation(P<0.05). Pathological examination revealed less injury in Group HSH than other groups.Conclusion in acute intracranial hypertension and hemorrhagic shock model of dog , HSH not only can effectively correct shock and reduce intracranial hypertension ,but also reduce the generation of oxygen free radicals and improve cerebral edema. [key word] intracranial pressure;brain edema ; hemorrhagic shock ; hypertonic sodium chloride;hydroxyethyl starch;acute intracranial hypertension 颅脑外伤是最严重的创伤之一,而颅内压(ICP)合并休克的死亡率极高,因此,控制脑水肿和颅内高压是神经外科围手术期治疗的重要措施,也是决定患者预后的关键因素,近年来国内外的研究发现高渗盐水可以降低颅内压[1],但对高渗盐复合液在急性颅脑外伤的作用报道较少。本文对高渗盐复合液(高渗氯化钠羟乙基淀粉40注射液,hypertonic sodium chloride hydroxyethyl starch 40 injection HSH)对急性颅内高压伴失血性休克犬复苏作用及其机制作一探讨。 1 材料和方法 1.1 实验动物 成年健康杂种犬30只,雌雄不限,体重10 1.2 急性颅内高压伴失血性休克模型的制作 动物实验前禁食12 h,自由饮水,大隐静脉注射3 %戊巴比妥钠1 ml/kg麻醉后气管插管,行呼吸机控制呼吸,呼吸频率(20-25) 次/分,潮气量15 ml/kg,呼吸末二氧化碳压维持(32-37) mmHg,术中以阿溴库铵0.08 mg/kg/h,1 %异氟醚维持麻醉。双侧股动脉用 1.3 实验分组及复苏方法 实验动物随机分成六组,林格氏液组(LRS),羟乙基淀粉组(HES),7.5% Nacl(HS),HSH三个剂量组,每组5只犬。LR组用三倍失血量的林格复苏,HES组用等量失血量羟乙基淀粉复苏,HS组用6 ml/kg 7.5% Nacl复苏,HSH三个剂量组分别用4 ml/kg,8 ml/kg,12 ml/kg HSH复苏,20分钟内输完后观察4小时,分别于复苏后20分钟(T80),复苏后40分钟(T100),复苏后1小时(T120),复苏后2小时(T180),复苏后3小时(T240),复苏后4小时(T300)采集数据。 1.4 标本的采集 分别于实验前,休克后1小时,复苏30分钟,复苏1小时,复苏4小时抽取动脉血,检测血Na+和血浆渗透压(OSM),实验结束后取脑组织标本。 1.5 脑组织丙二醛(MDA)测定:采用硫代巴比妥酸(TBA)法。MDA试剂盒由南京建成生物工程研究所提供,测定方法按试剂盒说明书。 1.6 脑组织超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力测定:采用黄嘌呤氧化酶法。SOD试剂盒由南京建成生物工程研究所提供,测定方法按试剂盒说明书。 1.7 病理组织学研究:脑组织置于4%甲醛溶液中固定24h,乙醇梯度脱水,常规石蜡包埋切片,HE染色,封片后显微镜下观察及摄片。 1.8 统计学处理 数据以均数±标准差( |