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【摘要】 目的 探讨异丙酚在不同靶控浓度下,罗库溴铵对脑电双频指数(Bispectral index,BIS)监测麻醉深度的影响。方法 ASAⅠ级或Ⅱ级择期手术患者60例, 随机分为4组(n=15):实验组(R2和R3)和对照组(C2 和C3)。设定异丙酚初始效应室浓度(effect-site concentration ,Ce) 为4. 0μg/mL,当患者镇静警觉评分(OAA/S 评分)≤1 时置入喉罩,机械通气,调节异丙酚靶控浓度,使Ce 维持在2. 0μg/mL 或3. 0 μg/mL,达到靶浓度后稳定20min,实验组(R2和R3)静脉注射2倍ED95剂量的罗库溴铵0. 6 mg/kg,对照组(C2和C3) 注射生理盐水(5ml)。记录异丙酚诱导前即刻(T1)、静脉注射罗库溴铵或生理盐水即刻(T2)、TOF消失为0时(T3)、TOF的第一个肌颤搐恢复到5%时(T4)BIS、HR、MAP值。结果 四组患者性别、年龄、体重之间差异无显著性差异( P > 0. 05) ;对照组T1~T4各时点BIS值比较差异无统计学意义( P > 0. 05) ;与T2时比较,R2组T3和T4 时 BIS降低( P < 0. 05),但 R3组、C2组和C3组变化差异无统计学意义( P > 0. 05)。实验组与相同异丙酚效应室浓度对照组比较,R2组、C2组与R3组、C3组在静脉注射罗库溴铵或生理盐水前后变化差异无统计学意义( P > 0. 05)。结论 罗库溴铵对BIS值的影响与镇静深度有关,异丙酚靶控浓度维持在2. 0μg/mL 较浅的镇静状态下,静脉注射2倍ED95剂量的罗库溴铵可引起BIS 数值的下降,但在3. 0μg/mL较深的镇静状态下,2倍ED95剂量的罗库溴铵对BIS值无影响。 【关键词】路, 罗库溴铵;脑电双频指数;靶控输注;镇静深度自从肌松药应用于 Influence of rocuronium on bispectral index during different effect-site concentration of propofol SHEN Liang-yan,WEI Xin,FANG Cai. Department of Anesthesiology,Affiliated Anhui Provincial Hospital of Anhui Medical University,Hefei,230001,China 【Abstract】 Objective To investgate whether rocuronium can affect bispcetral index during different effect-site concentration of propofol .Methods Sixty ASA Ⅰ or Ⅱpatients undergoing elective surgery were enrollded in the study,based on Ce of propofol,the patients randomly divided into four groups (R2and R3)and(C2 and C3)(n = 15).When the Ce of propofol reached 4.0μg/mL and OAA/S score was below one,a laryngeal mask airway was inserted,Ce was then maintained at 2.0μg/mL or 3.0μg/mL for 20min.Rocuronium 2ED950. 6 mg/kg was gived in groups R2and R3, normal saline(5ml) was gived in the other two groups . BIS、heart rate (HR) and mean arterial pressure(MAP)values were recorded before induction of propofol immediately(T1),injection rocuronium or normal saline immediately(T2),TOF reached 0(T3), The first TOF twitch of muscle recovered to 5 % (T4).Results There was no significant difference in sex, age, body weight among four groups(P > 0. 05). There was no significant difference in BIS between groups C2 and C3 whenT1~T4(P > 0. 05).The BIS of T3and T4 were significantly lower than T2 in group R2(P>0.05) but not in group R3, C2 and C3(P>0.05).Compared with the same Ce,there was no significant difference between group R2,C2 and groupR3,C3(P>0.05). Conclusion Rocuronium alters the BIS scores in moderately sedated patients but not in deeply sedated patients,the scores of BIS were decreased after a bolus 2 times ED95 of rocuronium when Ce of propofol set at2. 0μg/mL ,but Ce of propofol set at3. 0μg/mL,there were no change in BIS scores. 【Key words】 Rocuronium; Bispectral index ;Target controlled infusion ;Depth of sedation
脑电双频指数(BIS)是监测镇静水平的脑电效应指标,已普遍用于临床麻醉。研究表明BIS受肌松药的影响[1 ]。本研究拟探讨在 2. 0μg/mL 或3. 0 μg/mL不同异丙酚效应室浓度下 ,静脉注射2倍ED95剂量的罗库溴铵对BIS 值的影响,以进一步了解肌松药对脑电效应指标的影响。 监测资料和方法 一般资料 行择期非头面部手术患者60例,ASA分级Ⅰ级或Ⅱ级,年龄24~55岁,体重48~76kg,根据异丙酚的不同靶控浓度,随机分成四组(n=15):实验组(R2和R3)和对照组(C2和C3)。心、肝、肾、肺、中枢性神经功能未见异常,无神经肌肉阻滞药过敏史,无喉罩使用禁忌症,无长期服用镇静催眠或抗精神病药物。 麻醉与监测 所有患者均不用术前药,入室后开放左肘静脉通路,监测心率(HR)、平均动脉压(MAP) 和脉搏血氧饱和度(SpO2 )。使用DSL-XP 型BIS 监测仪(Aspect公司,美国) 监测BIS值;手掌式定量肌松监测仪(华翔公司,中国)监测姆内收肌肌颤搐;TCI-1型输液泵(北京思路高高科技发展有限公司) 靶控输注(TCI) 异丙酚(批号:EK733,AstraZeneca 公司,意大利) ,麻醉诱导设定异丙酚的初始效应室浓度(effect-site concentration ,Ce) 为4. 0μg/mL ,当患者镇静警觉评分(OAA/S 评分) ≤1 时置入喉罩,机械通气,潮气量8 ml/ kg ,呼吸频率10~15 次/ 分,维持呼气末二氧化碳分压(PETCO2 ) 35~40 mm Hg,调节异丙酚靶控浓度,使Ce 维持在2.0μg/mL 或3.0 μg/mL,达到靶浓度后稳定20min[期间启动肌松监测仪的自动校准设置,进行肌松定标,调整肌颤搐幅度,待第1次肌颤搐稳定在100 % 5min后,给予四个成串刺激法( TOF),刺激电流40~60mA,脉冲宽度0.2ms,频率2 Hz,串间距15s]。实验组(R2和R3)静脉注射2倍ED95剂量的罗库溴铵(批号:905993 ,荷兰欧加农公司)0. 6 mg/kg ,另外2 组对照组(C2 和C3) 注射生理盐水(5ml)。麻醉诱导过程中,由同一医师进行托下颌及置入喉罩操作。 监测项目 记录异丙酚诱导前即刻(T1)、静脉注射罗库溴铵或生理盐水即刻(T2)、TOF消失为0时(T3)、TOF的第一个肌颤搐恢复到5%时(T4)BIS、HR、MAP值 。 统计学处理 采用SPSS 14. 0 统计学软件分析,计量资料以均数 |