Page 7 - 麻醉与监护论坛2015年第12期
P. 7



          基础与临床研究                   Laboratory and Clinical
9.Anesthetic Management for an
                                9.Anesthetic Management for an 126-kg

126-kg Patient Undergoing Inguinal Patient Undergoing Inguinal Herniorrhaphy

Herniorrhaphy                   Yong-chang Tan,Yan Luo

       Yong-chang Tan,Yan Luo 11.Effect on Norepinephrine Combined with

11.去甲肾上腺素联合特利加压素对感染             Terlipressin to Patients with Septic Shock

性休克患者血流动力学及肾灌注的影响               Hemodynamics and Renal Perfusion

               吴坚 丁奕星                                    J. Wu L.-X. Ding

14.急诊预检分诊主动脉夹层影响因素分 14.Analysis of Factors Affecting Emergency

析 pre Diagnosis of Aortic Dissection

               朱莉娟                                             L.-J. Zhu

         病例报告                               Case Report

                                16.Misdiagnosis Analysis of Thrombotic

16.血栓性血小板减少性紫癜误诊思维分             Thrombocytopenic Purpura

析 Yan Zhao, Qing Song, Fei-hu Zhou, Hong-jun

       赵妍 宋青 周飞虎 康红军等                                          Kang,

18.ICU老年髋部骨折患者术后谵妄38例 18.Nursing of Delirium in 38 Aged Patients

的护理                             with Hip Fracture after Operation in ICU

               刘倩倩 黄顺 梁金仙等 Qian-qian Liu, Shun Huang, Jin-xian Liang,


22.稿约                           20. Academic News and Notes

                                22. Manuscript Standard

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