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Welcome Message of the 1st Global Conference of Chinese Anesthesiologists(GCCA)in Shanghai, 2011

时间:2011-02-23 10:10:50  来源:  作者:

Welcome Message of the 1st Global Conference of Chinese AnesthesiologistsGCCAin Shanghai, 2011



Looking at the development of modern anesthesia, Chinese and ethic Chinese anesthesiologists have made remarkable academic achievements and an indelible contribution. The goals of this conference are to promote the development of anesthesia, pain and critical care medicine, enhance the friendship of fellow Chinese anesthesiologists, further improve their research capabilities and clinical services, and ultimately benefit their patients.

Shanghai, also known as the Pearl of the Orient, is one of the best examples where East meets West. When you come, you will see the great achievements that have been made in the 30 years since China adopted the opening policy and get a feeling for the on-going development and progress of Mainland China for yourself. You will also have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of Shanghai, its long history and unique Shanghai culture, a combination of Chinese and Western elements. We sincerely invite you to come to Shanghai and join us in working with the Chinese Society of Anesthesiology to make the first Global Conference of Chinese Anesthesiologist a great success.


We are looking forward to meeting you at the event.


1st Global Conference of Chinese Anesthesiologists Chairman


Yu Buwei  M.D., Ph.D.

President, Chinese Society of Anesthesiology (CSA)

Chair, Department of Anesthesiology, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University, School of Medicine, Shanghai, China

Chief Editor, Forum of Anesthesia & Monitoring


1st Global Conference of Chinese Anesthesiologists Executive Chairman


Yu Weifeng M.D.,Ph.D.

Vice Secretary-General & Member of Standing Committee, Chinese Society of Anesthesiology (CSA)

Professor, Department of Anesthesia & Intensive Care, Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital, the Second Military Medical University

Website:  http://www.csaol.cn; http://www.ehbhane.com



为了更好地宣扬华人麻醉同道的学术成就,构筑一个相互交流和联系的国际化学术平台,由中华医学会麻醉学分会主办的以“创新凝聚未来——醉 Ÿ 给力”为主题的首届全球华人麻醉大会(1st Global Conference of Chinese AnesthesiologistsGCCA)将于2011519-20日在中国上海浦东花木路1388号上海浦东嘉里大酒店举行。



大会主席: 于布为教授(中华医学会麻醉学分会主任委员,交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院麻醉科主任, 麻醉与监护论坛主编) 


大会执行主席: 俞卫锋教授(中华医学会麻醉学分会常委兼副秘书长,第二军医大学附属东方肝胆外科医院麻醉与危重病科主任)

大会网址:http://www.csaol.cn; http://www.ehbhane.com










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