Welcome Message of the 1st Global Conference of Chinese Anesthesiologists(GCCA)in Shanghai, 2011
Looking at the development of modern anesthesia, Chinese and ethic Chinese anesthesiologists have made remarkable academic achievements and an indelible contribution. The goals of this conference are to promote the development of anesthesia, pain and critical care medicine, enhance the friendship of fellow Chinese anesthesiologists, further improve their research capabilities and clinical services, and ultimately benefit their patients. We are looking forward to meeting you at the event.
1st Global Conference of Chinese Anesthesiologists Chairman
Yu Buwei M.D., Ph.D. President, Chinese Society of Anesthesiology (CSA) Chair, Department of Anesthesiology, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University, School of Medicine, Shanghai, China Chief Editor, Forum of Anesthesia & Monitoring 1st Global Conference of Chinese Anesthesiologists Executive Chairman
Yu Weifeng M.D.,Ph.D. Vice Secretary-General & Member of Standing Committee, Chinese Society of Anesthesiology (CSA) Professor, Department of Anesthesia & Intensive Care, Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital, the Second Military Medical University Website: http://www.csaol.cn; http://www.ehbhane.com
2011首届全球华人麻醉大会(GCCA)通知 为了更好地宣扬华人麻醉同道的学术成就,构筑一个相互交流和联系的国际化学术平台,由中华医学会麻醉学分会主办的以“创新凝聚未来——醉 给力”为主题的首届全球华人麻醉大会(1st Global Conference of Chinese Anesthesiologists,GCCA)将于2011年5月19-20日在中国上海浦东花木路1388号上海浦东嘉里大酒店举行。
上海素有“东方明珠”之美誉。正焕发迷人的风采,既怀旧又摩登,既富东方神韵又有西方风味,更是一座极具现代化而又不失中国传统特色的海派文化都市,五月的上海春意盎然,一定会以海纳百川的热情欢迎和款待来自五湖四海的华人麻醉同道。2011年首届全球华人麻醉会议诚邀全球华裔麻醉学家热情参与,积极奉献。 大会主席:
大会执行主席: 大会网址:http://www.csaol.cn; http://www.ehbhane.com
本次会议将以知识更新讲座和学术论文报告相结合的形式进行学术交流;现将学术论文征文有关事项通知如下: 2、临床麻醉与研究; 3、疼痛治疗与研究; 4、重症监测治疗与研究; 5、麻醉相关新技术、新业务进展; 6、其它。 二、征文要求: 2、格式要求:论文摘要一律4号字体,A4版面,文稿顺序为题目、单位、邮编、作者姓名、摘要内容。 3、凡已在学术会议上或公开发行的刊物上发表过的论文,不予受理。 4 、论文需经所在单位审查后方可电邮;请在电邮题目注明“2011全球华人麻醉会议”字样。 三、投稿方式:本次会议只接受网上征文,不接受信件等纸质投稿,投稿邮箱ehbhane@126.com; 四、截稿日期: 五、有其它相关事宜,请联系大会学术秘书组 杨立群 副教授(021-81875235,15921969001)