-------2013 围术期脑并发症研讨会
Caring for cerebral health of the elderly surgical patients:Symposium of perioperative cerebral complications June 22-23, 2013, Beijing
随着社会老龄化进程,老年手术病人日益增多。一方面有越来越多的老年病人可以成功地接受各种类型的外科手术而恢复健康;但另一方面,研究也发现很多手术后的老年病人出现了各种神经精神问题,包括睡眠障碍、术后谵妄、认知功能障碍、脑卒中、PTSD(创伤后应激障碍)等等。围术期脑并发症的发生会造成各种危害,如并发症增多、住院时间延长、医疗费用增加、死亡风险增加, 并会对术后远期的生活质量造成不良影响。如何预防和及时正确地发现、处理这些并发症涉及临床多个学科的合作。探讨围术期脑部并发症的危险因素、发生机制、预防及治疗措施等方面的最新研究进展及临床应用是本次研讨会的主要目的。
本次会议由北京大学第一医院麻醉及重症医学科、北京医学会麻醉学分会、北京医学会重症医学分会联合主办,将于 2013 年 6 月 22-24 日在北京召开!届时我们将汇集多个学科(包括麻醉科、重症医学科、神经科、精神科、内科及护理专业等)的国内外顶级专家团队(包括来自美国的 Wesly Ely和谢仲淙教授, 来自英国的马大青教授等), 带来最丰富精彩的学术专题演讲和医院手术室、ICU现场观摩体验。通过理论与实践相结合全面提升和切实促进麻醉及重症医学领域医务人员的学术和临床实践水平。
主办单位: 北京大学第一医院麻醉科与SICU北京医学会麻醉学分会
学分授予: 国家级继续教育项目,I类学分6分。
报名方法:请参会人员认真填写回执(见附录 2),于 2013 年 6 月 1 日前寄回会议组委会或通过 E-mail 发回。
国旅咨询开发有限公司会议策划部地址:北京市朝阳区左家庄中街6号豪成大厦812 室(邮编 100028) 联系人: 冯蔓 E-mail: cits1987@126.com 电话: (86)10—62034252 13811276953 传真: (86)10—84606731
会议组委会联系方式:地址:北京市西城区西什库大街 8 号,北京大学第一医院麻醉科(曾媛收)/SICU (李双玲收) 邮编:100034
期限:2013 年 6 月 22 日-24 日(含参观 1 天) 注册费:800 元/人(含资料费)(注:非注册医师欢迎参加会议及听课,但不发放本次会议资料)
附录 1. 关注老年外科病人的脑健康--------2013 围术期脑并发症研讨会 Caring for cerebral health of the elderly surgical patients: Symposium of perioperative cerebral complications June 22-23, 2013, Beijing
Why the brain of the elderly is more fragile? (Prof Yun Yue, Department of Anesthesiology, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital) [30 minutes, 5 minutes Q&A]
As a non-psychological medical staff, how can I detect delirium? (Prof Ying Wu, Capital Medical University School of Nursing) [30 minutes, 5 minutes Q&A]
3.谵妄对老年病人意味着什么(诊断与危害)(Prof Wesly Ely, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, USA)
Delirium: what does it mean to the elderly patients? (Prof Wesly Ely,Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, USA) [60 minutes, including interpretation, 10 minutes Q&A]
4.谵妄的预防进展(及对预后的影响)(Prof Wesly Ely, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, USA)
Progress in the prevention of delirium (and its effects on the outcome) (Prof Wesly Ely, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, USA) [60 minutes, including interpretation, 10 minutes Q&A]
Pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatment of delirium (and their impact on patients’ outcome) (Prof Xin-Yu Sun, Department of Psychiatry, Peking University Sixth Hospital) [30 minutes, 5 minutes Q&A]
Why we care for postoperative cognitive dysfunction in the elderly (including incidence, harmful effects and diagnosis of postoperative cognitive dysfunction) (Prof Wen Ouyang, Department of Anesthesiology, Central South University Third Xiangya Hospital) [30 minutes, 5 minutes Q&A]
Anesthesia and postoperative cognitive dysfunction (including prevention of postoperative cognitive dysfunction) (Prof. Zhongcong Xie, Massachusetts General Hospital, USA) [30 minutes, 5 minutes Q&A]
Progress in understanding the pathophysiology of postoperative cognitive dysfunction (Prof Daqing Ma, Imperial College Faculty of Medicine, UK) [30 minutes, 5 minutes Q&A]
9.炎症反应与术后认知功能并发症(北京大学第一医院麻醉科王东信教授) Inflammation in the pathogenesis of postoperative cognitive complications (Prof Dong-Xin Wang, Department of Anesthesiology and Surgical Intensive Care, Peking University First Hospital)
10. 术后谵妄和术后认知功能障碍是什么关系?(北京大学第一医院麻醉科穆东亮博士) The relationship between postoperative delirium and postoperative cognitive dysfunction? (Dr Dong-Liang Mu, Department of Anesthesiology and Surgical Intensive Care, Peking University First Hospital) [30 minutes, 5 minutes Q&A]
Anesthesia and perioperative management of patients with dementia (Prof Tianlong Wang, Department of Anesthesiology, Beijing Xuanwu Hospital) [30 minutes, 5 minutes Q&A]
Why we care for sleep? (importance of sleep, method of sleep research, and diagnosis of sleep disturbances) (Prof Guang-Fa Wang, Department of Respiratory Disease, Peking University First Hospital) [30 minutes, 5 minutes Q&A]
Occurrence and harmful effects of postoperative sleep disturbances in the elderly (incidence, harmful effects, and risk factors of postoperative sleep disturbances) (Prof Xiu-Ming Xi, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Beijing Fuxing Hospital) [30 minutes, 5 minutes Q&A]
How to improve sleep quality of the elderly patients after surgery (pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic methods) (Prof You-Zhong An, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Peking University Renmin Hospital) [30 minutes, 5 minutes Q&A]
15. 神经专业人员看脑卒中:为什么说时间就是大脑(脑卒中的早期识别、早期处理与预后)(北京大学第一医院神经科黄一宁教授)
Why we say time is brain: view of stroke from neurological specialists (early diagnosis, management of stroke and effects on the outcome) (Prof Yi-Ning Huang, Department of Neurology, Peking University First Hospital) [30 minutes, 5 minutes Q&A]
16.围术期脑卒中的预防:麻醉医生能做什么(包括“既往脑卒中病人的麻醉处理”)? (北京天坛医院麻醉科韩如泉教授)
Prevention of perioperative stroke: what we can do as an anesthesiologist? (including management of patients with previous stroke) (Prof Ru-Quan Han, Department of Anesthesiology, Beijing Tiantan Hospital) [30 minutes, 5 minutes Q&A]
17.围术期脑卒中的及时发现和早期处理(北京大学第一医院 SICU 李双玲副教授)
Early diagnosis and management of perioperative stroke. (Associate Prof Shuang-Ling Li, Department of Anesthesiology and Surgical Intensive Care, Peking University First Hospital) [30 minutes, 5 minutes Q&A]