Page 8 - 麻醉与监护论坛2015年第4期
P. 8

Instructions for Authors

     Types of Papers                                                             review article, up to 35 items are acceptable. Case Reports rarely need more
                                                                                 than 10 items. Using the following reference formats:
      Eight types of articles are published.
      1.Clinical Investigations                                                        1.Journal: Carli F, Mayo N, Klubien K, Schricker T, Trudel J, Belliveau
      2.Laboratory Investigations	                                               P: Epidural analgesia enhances functional exercise capacity and health-
      3.Review Articles                                                          related quality of life after colonic surgery: Results of a randomized trial.
      4.Case Reports/Case Discussion                                             ANESTHESIOLOGY 2002; 97: 540-9
      5.Technical Communications
      6.Clinical Experience                                                            2.Book: Barash PG, Cullen BF, Stoelting RK: Clinical Anesthesia, 3rd
      7.Letters to the editors                                                   edition. Philadelphia, Lippincott-Raven, 1997, pp23-4
      8.Others (including continuing education, subject construction,
comprehensive information, etc.)                                                       3.Chapter: Blitt C: Monitoring the anesthetized patient, Clinical
                                                                                 Anesthesia, 3rd edition. Edited by Barash PG. Cullen BF, Stoelting RK.
     Maximum Word Allowance                                                      Philadelphia, Lippincot t-Raven, 1997, pp563-85

      1.Clinical Investigations: 3000 words ( excluding Abstract)                      Tables. Number tables consecutively in order of appearance ( Table 1,
      2.Laboratory Investigations: 3000 words ( excluding Abstract)	             etc. ). Each Table should be submitted as a separate file. Each Table must
      3.Review Articles: 4000 words                                              have a title and a caption.
      4.Case Reports/Case Discussion: 800 words
      5.Technical Communications: 1500 words                                           Figures and Figure Legends.
      6.Special Articles: 2000 words                                                   1.Each figure should be submitted as a separate file.
      7.Letters to the editors: 200 words                                              2.Figures must be clearly labeled and cited in the consecutive numeric
     Arrangement of Articles                                                           3.Scan precision≥300dpi, size≥6×8cm.
                                                                                       4.Written permission must be obtained from the author and publisher if
      Arrange all articles in the following order.                               any figure or table from a previously published document is used.  
      1.Title page                                                                     5.Supply a legend for each figure.
      2.Abstract and Key Words ( not required for all article types )
      3.Body Text ( Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion )        Additional Information
      5.Tables ( each table should be a separate file )                                Units of Measurement.
      6.Figures ( each figure should be a separate file) and Figure Legends            1.If two items are present, please use mol/l, mg/ml, mg/kg, etc.
                                                                                       2.If more than two items are present, negative exponents should be used
     Detailed Information                                                        ( i.e., ml • kg-1 • min-1 instead of ml/kg/min ).
                                                                                       3.The units for pressers are mmHg or cmH2O.
      Title Page ( Page 1). It includes:                                               Abbreviations. Define all abbreviations except those approved by the
      1.Title                                                                    International System of Units. Don’t create new abbreviations for drugs,
      2.First name and surname of each author with his or her highest            procedures, experimental groups, etc.
academic degree ( M.D., Ph.D., etc. ) and academic rank ( Professor,                   Drug Names and Equipment. Use generic names. If a brand name is
Associate Professor, etc. ).                                                     used, insert it in parentheses after the generic name. Provide manufacturer’s
      3.Mailing address, phone, fax numbers, e-mail address, the department,     name, city, state, and country.
institution, city, state and country of the corresponding author.                      Statistics. Detailed statistical methodology must be reported. Describe
      4.Individuals or organizations to be acknowledged. Provide complete        randomization procedures. Describe the specific tests used to examine each
name, degrees, academic rank, department, institution, city, state and country.  part of the results: do not simply list a series of tests. Variability should be
      5.Abstract and Key Words ( new page). Abstract contains for                expressed either as median ± range ( or percentiles ) for nonparametric data
paragraphs of Background, Methods, Results and Conclusions, with the             or mean ± standard deviation for normally distributed data.
words less than 250 ( except for Review Articles and Case Reports ).
      Text. The body of the manuscript should typically be divided into four          Note
parts ( except for Case Reports ):
      1.Introduction ( new page ). This should rarely exceed one paragraph in          All manuscripts are submitted in electric format via computer disc
length                                                                           and mailed to the Editorial Office along with the typed format: Room
      2.Materials and Methods ( new page). A subsection entitled “Statistical    1411,Shanghai Ruijin Building,No.205 Maoming South Road,200025  
Analysis” should appear at the end of the section when appropriate.    ,
      3.Results ( new page )
      4.Discussion (new page)                                                          1.An abstract in chinese is necessary.
      References ( new page). Number references in sequence if they appear             2.Document files should be prepared in “ custom paper ” size ( “A-4”).
in the text. Original articles should rarely have more than 25 items. For a            3.Manuscripts should be double or triple spaced to allow room for editing.
                                                                                       4.Receipt of submitted manuscripts will be acknowledged as soon as
                                                                                       5.Authors should keep copies. No submitted materials will be returned
                                                                                 to the authors.
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