Page 12 - 麻醉与监护论坛2015年第4期
P. 12

Cover Thesis

guiding volume administration in mechanically ventilated           To our knowledge, there are no investigations devoted
patients. SVV can be clinically measured with the arterial    to study the influence of body position changes on the
pulse-contour analysis into the selected monitor by the       SVV and hemodynamic data in ventilated patients with
PiCCOplus system[3-4].                                        sepsis. Herein we investigate the correlation of SVV with
                                                              hemodynamic data in ventilated patients with sepsis. We
     Several studies have demonstrated the validity of        also investigated the correlation of SVV in supine position
SVV calculated with the PiCCOplus system for predicting       with body position induced changes in CI. We further
fluid responsiveness in patients undergoing cardiac           studied the influence of body position changes on SVV
surgery, brain surgery, abdominal surgery, and those          reflected by global end-diastolic volume index(GEDVI) and
with a critical illness[5-8]. Intraoperative optimization     hemodynamic data including mean arterial pressure(MAP),
of intravascular volume using SVV and cardiac output          cardiac index(CI), stroke volume index(SVI) and global
(CO) monitoring is associated with better intraoperative      election fraction(GEF) in ventilated patients with sepsis.
hemodynamic stability, lower incidence of complications,
reduced critical care admissions and reduced mortality           Materials and Methods
after major surgery[9-10]. However, most studies were
performed in supine patients to assess the usefulness of           1.Patients This study was approved by the Ethical
SVV for predicting fluid responsiveness. During clinical      Committee of Tangdu Hospital, The 4th Military Medical
practice, patients in an intensive care unit may require      University, and informed consent was obtained from the
the semi-reclining, alternating left or right recumbent,      patient or a relative. From December 2009 to December
even intermittent prone positions for treatment during        2010, the 66 consecutive patients diagnosed as sepsis and
mechanical ventilation. Although accurate predictions of      undergoing mechanical ventilation in our intensive care
fluid responsiveness have been demonstrated by SVV and        unit were enrolled in this study. Patients with arrhythmias,
the surrogate systolic pressure variation(SPV) in ventilated  valvular heart disease, an ejection fraction less than 40%,
and supine patients with sepsis[11-13], it remains unclear    intracardiac shunt, severe peripheral arterial stenosis,
whether body position changes affect SVV efficacy for         pulmonary artery hypertension or chronic obstructive
assessing preload adequacy and functional hemodynamic         pulmonary disease were excluded.
monitoring in patients with sepsis. Moreover, the body
position changes impact vena cava blood return, chest              2.Protocol Following endotracheal intubation,
wall compliance, and intrathoracic pressure, which are        the patients were mechanically ventilated by a volume
important determinants for SVV.                               controlled ventilation model with a tidal volume of 8-10ml/
                                                              kg, 50% inspired oxygen concentration, and a 5cmH2O
Tabel 1.Clinical characteristics and etiological diseases of  positive end-expiratory pressure. The ventilation frequency
patients included in the study                                was set at 15 breaths per minute. The patients were deeply
                                                              sedated during the study period by prolonged intravenous
              Categary                 Data                   administration of midazolam(2mg/h) and morphine(2mg/
                   n                    60                    h) with microinfusion pump. The clinical characteristics of
                                      32/28                   patients and etiological diseases are summarized in Table 1.
       Gender(male/female)         64.8 ± 18.2
              Age(year)            68.5 ± 7.2                      Baseline measurements were obtained at the supine
             Weight(kg)            166.3 ± 5.1                position in patients undergoing mechanical ventilation.
             Height(cm)            22.6 ± 1.3                 Thereafter, patients was placed into the 30° head-up,
                                        26                    the 30° left recumbent, the 30° right recumbent and the
    Body mass index(kg/m2)               5                    prone position in a random manner. The time interval
     Pulmonary Infection(PI)       16.4 ± 5.7                 between two different body positions was more than 2h.
Other diseases associated with PI                             Hemodynamic measurements were performed in each
                                                              position after at least 10 min of stabilization. During the
            APACHE II                                         entire experimental period, ventilation settings were kept

              Laboratory and ClinicalCIonverstTighaetsiiosn 93 FAM 2015 Mar/Apr Vol.22 Issue 2
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