ASA时事通讯征集 Dear Anesthesia Resident, Registrar, Fellow or Student,
The Mind to Mind Section of ANESTHESIOLOGY, in collaboration with ASA NEWSLETTER, is calling for submission of manuscripts on Anesthesiology Education. The editors are searching for creative submissions from clinicians who are currently in anesthesia training. Mind to Mind is a creative writing section devoted to exploring the abstract realm of our profession and our lives. Submissions will be considered jointly for publication in either Mind to Mind or the ASA Newsletter.
Submitted works can be poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction. The subject should deal with any of the author’s experiences with anesthesia education. While not limited to these examples, potential topics might include: Why did you choose anesthesia? What inspired and inspires you? What are your hopes, frustrations or ambitions? What are the striking experiences and memorable moments of your education? Limit submissions to 800 words or less. Deadline for submission is JULY 1st, 2013, with electronic publication shortly after acceptance and print publication in January 2014.
Entries may be published anonymously at the author’s request, though names and conflict of interest information are required during submission. All entries must respect complete confidentiality. Details of the medical education themed issue of ANESTHESIOLOGY can be accessed at
Mind to Mind entries have a separate cover letter and separate full submission instructions: |