根据中华医学会麻醉学分会海外常务顾问、英国帝国学院马大青教授提议,经中华医学会麻醉学分会主任委员于布为教授和英国麻醉研究会主席Phil Hopkins教授双方同意,决定在2011年中华医学会全国麻醉学术年会期间,举办优秀英文论文(摘要)评选活动。现通知如下:
3、参与方式:中华医学会麻醉学分会将审核并推荐50篇优秀英文论文摘要,于2011年5月1日前发送给英国麻醉研究会科学委员会。最终确定其中的30篇论文摘要提交给本次会议。入选的30篇论文将发表于BJA(British Journal of Anaesthesia, IF=3.827)2011年11月刊。(每篇入选文章的作者需要缴纳英文编辑和出版费用100英镑);并由其第一作者在2011年全国年会上做8分钟的演讲以及5分钟的讨论。
Professor Phil Hopkins、Professor David Lambert、Professor Nigel Webster
Dr. Daqing Ma、Dr. Cameron Weir、Dr. Graeme McLeod、Dr. Gary Mills.
The abstract only met the following can be accepted: 1) All authors listed support the submission of this abstract to the ARS. 2) The work has not been published or presented previously. 3) This study received ethics committee approval (human study) or was conducted under the Animal (Scientific Procedures) Act (1986) (include licence numbers) or equivalent.
Abstracts should fit a single A4 sheet with 12 point Times New Roman font, 2.5 cm margins and single line spacing. Paragraphs should be left-justified and have zero-point spacing before and after. Abstracts should be formatted as follows:
Abstract title [bold font; capitalise only the first word and any proper nouns].
All authors’ initials and last names [e.g. SE Jones].
The address(es) where the work was carried out [Multiple addresses should be associated with author(s) names using superscripted numbers].
The text of the abstract. This should not contain headings, but should follow the general progression through background, methods, results, conclusions.
Table/figure. One table or figure is permitted. The table/figure should be incorporated into the document. If a figure is used, ensure that a figure caption is provided within the abstract document. Use size 12 Times New Roman font inside the figure (e.g. axis labels).
References. These are listed and cited as specified by the British Journal of Anaesthesia, except that the articles titles should be omitted. There is no restriction on the number of references cited. References should be separated by a semicolon and should all be contained within a single paragraph.
Acknowledgement of funding sources. It is not appropriate to thank contributors to the study here; please limit this section only to listing funding sources.
Please refer to the published examples if you wish (see below).
Submit abstracts to: CSA annual meeting.
* No more than 8 lines (at most).
* A simple typeface (font), preferably sans serif, e.g. Helvetica
* Aligned left (centred text is more difficult to read), not justified.
* Do not write everything in capitals (which are more difficult to read).
* Not too much detail on the slide - or the audience will stop listening to you.
*Colour:good combinations on VDUs may show up poorly in a projected slide. Dark text on a light background is theoretically better (e.g. black on very light grey), but many prefer white on dark blue, with a saturated yellow for headings. * Diagrams of protocol or measurement system can be helpful.
Tables are the most likely cause of having to say, "I'm afraid this is a rather busy slide." NEVER have to say that. Instead, make your slides less busy.
* Neatly aligned columns.
* Explicit labels.
* Show units of measurement.
* Beware too much detail.
* Use points for measurements and histograms for counts.
* Avoid 3-D options and complicated pie charts.
* Always show variability if known.
* Label explicitly ('iso' and 'enfl' better than 'Grp A' and Grp B'); all writing horizontal.
* Colour: foreground and background colours the same as your text slides.
* Different lines shown by symbols rather than by colour: there may be annoying, differently coloured dots where coloured lines cross, and 8% of the men in your audience are colour-blind.
* Keep to horizontal orientation (not all venues can accommodate vertical layout).
* Use the same format (typefaces, colours, etc.) for all the slides.
* NEVER use deeply saturated contrasts/colours together: red on dark blue is bad enough for those with normal colour vision; it is impossible for the colour-blind.
* Avoid fancy borders, backgrounds and logos.
* Avoid photographs: get professional help if essential.
* The fewer slides the better.
* The final rule: can a colleague unfamiliar with the study read your slide when held 25cm (10") from the eye, against a bright light. ALWAYS Check your slides a good time before hand by looking at them projected in a lecture theatre.