目前我国还没有制定手术室内吸入麻醉药的废气排放标准。美国职业与安全管理局的标准为:各种挥发性麻醉药的标准为2ppm,与氧化亚氮合用时为0.5ppm,氧化亚氮为25ppm[9]。 德国汉堡职业防护局的标准为:安氟醚和异氟醚为10ppm,氧化亚氮为100ppm[10]。本研究测定的国产全麻废气净化器,即使呼气未安氟醚为2%时,2小时内手术室安氟醚浓度仍维持于10ppm以下。 总之本研究建立的方法确定了评价全麻废气净化器吸附效率的直接指标(吸收率)和终点指标(手术室内吸入麻醉药预计浓度)。此方法的建立将为今后评价和使用全麻废气净化器提供帮助。<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 参考文献 1. Piziali RL , Whitcher C , Sher R , et al. Distribution of waste anesthetic gases in operating room air . Anesthesiology , 1976 , 45 : 487. 2. Cohen E , Bellville J , Brown B , et al . Anesthesia , pregnancy , and miscarriage. Anesthesiology ,1971 ,35:343-7 3. Cohen E , Brown B , Wu M , et al. Occupational disease in dentistry and chronic exposure to trace anesthetic gases . Journal of the American Dental Association,1980,101:21-31 4. Spence A , Knill -Jones R. Is There a health hazard in anaesthetic practice? Br J Anaesth , 1978 , 50 :229-34 5. Sherman SJ , Cullen BF. Nitrous oxide and the greenhouse effect . Anesthesiology , 198888 , 68 : 816-7 6. 张晓群,黄乐天。简易活性炭麻醉废气吸附装置的制作及应用。中华麻醉学杂志,1990,10:120 7. 王大波,姚卫兵。应用气相色谱仪测定活性炭吸附安氟醚废气的实验研究。中华麻醉学杂志,1993,13:57-8 8. 张铁民,尚风云,赵明新,等。环路内活性炭过滤苏醒的临床应用。中华麻醉学杂志,1996,16:36-7 9. Criteria for a Recommended Standard - Occupational Exposure to Waste Anesthetic Gases and Vapors . HEW publication No. (NIOSH) 77-140 . Cincinnati , U. S. Department of Health , Education , and Welfare , Public Health Service Center for Disease Control , National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health , 1977, pp194 10. Pothmann W , Shimada K , Georig M , et al . Belastungen des Atbeilsplatzes durch Narkosegase . Anaesthetist, 1991 , 40 : 339-46 |