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时间:2010-08-24 10:18:29  来源:  作者:

Anesthetical characteristic of cochlear implantation and its anesthetica lmanagement<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


汪 晨1熊利泽1张英民1计根林1熊东方1田 冉2张永刚3
WANG Chen1XIONG Li-Ze1ZHANG Ying-Min1JI Gen-Lin1XIONG Dong-Fang1TIAN Ran2ZHANG Yong-Gang3
Department of Anesthesio logy,Xijing Hospital,Fou rth M ilitary Medical U n iversity,Xi’an 710033,China,2Department of Anesthesio logy,Maternal & Child Health Hospital,Tanghe County,Henan Province,3Department of Anesthesiology,Oil Hospital of Baoji City. Shaanx i Province



  AIM  Purpo ses of th is study w ere to investigate the anesthet ic characterist ic of coch lear imp lantat ion,and available fo rmal anesthet ic management p ro toco l to it.
 The population of th is study comp rised by ten deaf ch ildren pat ients (5 males and 5 females) were undergoing coch lear imp lantat ion. Deep general anesthesia w ith controlled hypo tension by nicardip ine or /and esmo lo l,adding

local anesthesia w ith exerp lam ine and cont ro lling of fluid infusion,was used fo r the pat ients to C I.
  RESULTS A fterbeing infilt rated by local anesthet ic agent w ith exerp lam ine,The blood loss at the edge of operat ion field w as reduced great ly. Cont ro lled hypo tension p revented blood to be lo st atdrilling ho le,w here w as fo r imp lantat ion coch lear;The infusion fluid vo lume in int ro2op w as 3501350 mL (623. 5±230. 8mL ) ;There were seven pat ients w ho had p sycho logical problem at pre-op & in int ro-op ,making extubat ion mo redifficult.
  CONCLUSION Deep general anesthesia w ith cont ro lled hypo tension,adding local anesthesia w ith exerplamine,can effect ively reduce the blood lo ss in the operat ionfield. It is convenient surgery to perfo rm C I and p revent thedamage of inn-ear tube,so it would be recommended fo rcoch lear imp lantat ion. Fo r being co rpo rated w ith cont ro lledhypo tension in int ro2op ,the infusion fluid would be cont ro lled st rict ly. Fo r certain pat ients of C Iw ith p sycho logicalp roblem at p re-op & in int ro-op ,anesthet ists would pay aspecial at tent ion to it.
  Keywords:coch lear imp lantat ion;anesthesia,general;hypotension,controlled;anesthesia,local ;psychological p roblem

引 言<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />




1.  对象
  本组患者10 (5,5) 均为19 岁以下青少年个人资料见Tab 1.

1 10 例电子耳蜗植入术患者个人资料

  术前药患者年龄≤10吗啡0.2mgkg-1东莨菪碱0.006mgkg-1年龄≥15 哌替啶50mg,异丙嗪25mg,东莨菪碱0.3 mg,术前1/2h肌注麻醉方法为静吸复合麻醉麻醉诱导异丙酚(Propofol)1.52.0mgkg-1 /和咪唑安定(Midazolam)1.02.0mg,芬太尼Fentanyl)3Lgkg-1维库溴铵(Norcuron)0.100.12mgkg-1气管插管后行定容式机械通气Penlon麻醉机VT:812mLkg-1f:1214min-1IE=12);麻醉维持异氟醚Isoflurane,Iso)或安氟醚Enflurane,Enf)低流量紧闭式吸入O21.0Lmin-1左右),根据BPHR水平调整异氟醚或安氟醚挥发罐刻度值一般维持在Iso1.0%1.5%,Enf2.0%3.0%.术始用10gL-1利多卡因20mL(5mgL-1万肾上腺素行耳后乳突上切口区皮肤局部浸润并追加芬太尼至5Lgkg-1每隔3045min静注异丙酚23mL,视情况追加维库溴铵0.060.08mgkg-1•次-1麻醉监测常规监测无创血压NBP)--[收缩压SBP)、平均动脉压(MAP)及舒张压(DBP)]、心电图(ECG)、心率(HR)、脉博氧饱和度(SpO2)、气道压(Paw)等指标
  因术者对术野特殊要求最大程度减少术野出血量清晰显露操作区故术中行控制性降压全麻(gen-eral anesthesia with controlled hypotension,观察组)。方法静吸复合麻醉下伍用佩尔地平(nicardip-ine)/和艾司洛尔(esmolol),采取分次静脉注射方法控制血压剂量nicardipine0.10.2mg•次-1esmolol0.5mgkg-1•次-1维持MAP9.310.5kPa,HR6090 min-1水平
  BP水平控制液体输注速度及容量比较观察组患者液体量与常规耳科全麻组(Conventional gen-eral anesthesia,对照组)有无显著差异对照组6名青少年其年龄、体质量、ASA分级、术前药、麻醉方法、麻醉诱导、麻醉维持(除降压内容外)与观察组无显著差异(P>0.05)。

二、结果<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

  本组10CI患者麻醉诱导前(Pre-induc)、插管后3min (Post-intub) MAP与常规耳科全麻组无显著差异Iso:1.0%1.5%Enf:2.0%3.0%,Fentanyl5Lgkg-1水平下伍用佩尔地平或/和艾司洛尔术中用量Nicardipine(0.12±0.06)mg/和Esmolol(16.2±4.3)mg,使术中(Intro-OP)MAP维持在9.310.5kPa,较对照组MAP明显降低(P<0.05),而术毕时两者MAP恢复术前水平无显著差异(P>0.05),Fig1。


  本组手术时间2.53.5h,平均(2.9±0.2)h,术中液体输入量3501350mL [(623.5±230.8)mL],与常规耳科手术组无明显差异(P> 0.05).主要输入液体为乳酸林格氏液(平衡盐液),为配合控制性降压术中常需减慢液体输入维持滴速在35mLkg-1h-1.


参考文献<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

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