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时间:2010-08-24 10:18:58  来源:  作者:

Comparison of Different Devices for Measurement of Hematocrit and Hemoglobin<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


李晓霞 张兰 刘进

Xiaoxia Li, Lan Zhang , Jin Liu



       ObjectiveTo compare the reliability of different devices used to measure hematocrit and hemoglobin and to confirm the new centrifuge (STS-6100) as the device of in determination of hematocrit during the operation.
Methodstwenty-five patients (ASA I-II ) were chosen in the study.The blood samples were drawn at the following time points: (1) after anesthesia induction but before operation; (2) before blood transfusion; (3) after blood transfusion; (4) at the end of the operation if the patient was not given blood transfusion during the operation. The hematocrit results were compared among the following devices:STS-6100, TGL-12B, B-Hemaglobin Photometer, SYSMEX XE2100, and i-STAT PORTABLE CLINICAL ANAYLYZER. Before the blood transfusion, the surgeons and anesthesiologists were informed about the patient’s hematology, the fluids administered during the operation (including crystalloid and colloid), and the urine output; they would estimate the patient’s hemoglobin level.

ResultsThe hematocrit measured by STS-6100 had the most satisfactory correlation with that by SYSMEX XE 2100, and the hematocrit measured by the blood-gas analyzer had a more satisfactory correlation, and the hematocrit estimated by the surgeons and the anesthesiologists had the worst correlation.

ConclusionsSTS-6100, a new type of hematocritometer, is the device of choice in measurement of hematocrit during the operation.

Key WordsHematocrit; Hemoglobin; determination 


经过大量的研究,我们成功地开发了离心式血液成分比容测定装置(STS-6100),该装置克服了传统离心机的缺点,采用改良微量离心法测定红细胞压积(Hematocrit, Hct)。本研究希望了解STS-6100与目前医院检验科常规应用的全自动生化分析仪,手术中可能会用的便携式血气分析仪(Blood-gas analyzer),便携式血红蛋白测定仪(B-Hemoglobin Photometer) ,以及术中外科医师和麻醉科医师凭借临床经验估计相比较,其Hct或血红蛋白(Hemoglobin, Hb)结果是否一致,哪一种仪器或方法相对更可靠,更适合在临床麻醉中,特别是中基层医院推广使用。<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />



实验仪器和材料  (1)STS-6100微量Hct测定仪(简称为新仪器)以及由公司配送的专用毛细玻管和封口物质(北京赛普瑞特血液技术有限公司);(2)毛细管高速离心机TGL-12B型(上海安亭科学仪器厂,简称为传统仪器);(3)瑞典HEMOCUE(希曼)血红蛋白分析仪(便携式)(B-Hemoglobin Photometer)(简称为Hb仪);(4)血气分析仪(简称为血气仪)(i-STAT PORTABLE CLINICAL ANALYZER, Made by i-STAT Corporation, USA);(5)红细胞压积读数盘(成都梅兰电子有限公司);(6)毛细玻管(长度:67 mm;内径:0.8 mm;由四川大学华西医学中心玻璃仪器加工厂提供);(7)真空采血管(批号:041224,其内抗凝剂为EDTA-K2,即乙二胺四乙酸二钾,由四川大学华西医院检验科提供,为专用的血常规送检试管,因此符合ICSH关于抗凝剂的要求)。(8)全自动生化分析仪SYSMEX XE-2100(日本SYSMEX公司,简称为生化仪)。

  病例选择及准备选择预计出血量大于400 ml,术中可能会输血的择期手术患者25例。(麻醉方式,年龄,性别不限。)患者进入手术室后做双侧Allen实验,在生命体征监测下进行一侧桡动脉穿刺,穿刺针尾端接上肝素帽,供抽血用。记录患者一般资料,术前血液学资料,术中液体量,尿量,出血量。<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

  采血时点  (1)麻醉后,切皮前即刻;(2)准备输血前;(3)输血完毕即刻;(4)若患者术中未输血,则在手术结束时采取血样。每次采血量为2.5 ml。

  血样处理对于同一份血样,应用(1)新仪器测定Hct;(2)传统仪器测定Hct;(3)Hb测定仪测定Hb; (4)血气仪测定血气分析,了解Hb和Hct;(5)同时用真空采血管装同一份血样约2 ml送检验科采用SYSMEX XE2100全自动生化分析仪测定血常规。



  统计方法  Hct的相关性采用相关分析;Hct的一致性采用Altman-Bland检验[1]。统计软件采用SPSS12.0,EXCEL 2002(10.3506.3501)。


结 果


  共计25例患者进入试验,男/女为17/8。均为出血量大于400 ml的骨科手术。





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1.Bland JM, Altman DG. Statistical methods for assessing agreement between two methods of clinical measurement. The Lancet 1986;8:307-310.

2.王庸晋.红细胞比积测定.见:王庸晋,段满乐,魏武,马文明主编,现代临床检验学.第1版. 北京:人民军医出版社,2000. 16-18

3. 刘泽民.离心转子.见刘泽民,李开国,谢慕英主编,医学检验仪器学,第1版.重庆:重庆出版社,1991.27-29



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