麻醉维持:我们采用大剂量芬太尼持续点滴,在切皮、锯胸骨、关胸等强剌激前吸入1.0%-1.5%安氟醚加深麻醉,体外循环中动脉平均压 >1OkPa时,从人工肺管路加入安定10mg或氟哌啶5mg。 体外循环后低心排与围手术期心梗、心肌保护不完善、室壁瘤切除后心肌顺应性降低、术前心功能减低等因素有关[3]。在治疗上我们采用多巴胺治疗,体外循环全心或左心辅助,6例对以上措施不理想者则使用了主动脉内球囊反搏,收到了较好的效果。 体外循环使机体内分泌应激性增强,普通病人体外循环后血糖都可升高。糖尿病的病人术中输液不应包括葡萄糖[4],我们对胰岛素依赖型糖尿病的病人,术中定时查血糖,根据结果用胰岛素调整,将血糖控制在 11.2 mmol/L(200mg/dl)以下。 高血压病人虽经降压治疗,术前血压可控制在正常范围,但临近手术时的紧张,血压可剧烈上升。本组有高血压史的多数病人入手术室血压高达25kPa。我们在处理上除加大麻醉药剂量,将麻醉控制在较深水平外,并使用血管扩张药。对冠状动脉搭桥术病人应首选硝酸甘油,小剂量硝酸甘油具有防止冠状动脉痉挛和扩张外周血管的双重作用[5]。对硝酸甘油难控制的高血压,则同时加用硝普钠。<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 参 考 文 献 1. Waller JL, Kplan JA, Jones EL. Anesthesia for coronary revascularization. Cardiac Anesthesia. Second Edition. New York: Grune & Stration. 1987:241. 2. Valsson F, Lundin S, Kirno K, et al. Myocardial circulatory and metabolic effects of atrial natriuretic peptide after coronary artery bypass grafting. Anesth and Analg, 1996, 83:928. 3. Tuman KJ, McCarthy RJ, O'Connor CJ, et al. Aspirin does not increase allogeneic blood transfusion in reoperative coronary artery surgery. Anesth and Analg, 1996, 83:1178. 4. Hirsch IB, McGill Jb, Cryer PE, et al. Perioperative management of surgical patients with diabetes mellitus. Anesthesiology, 1991, 74:346. 5. Ellis JE. Myocardial ischemia post-op management. 45th Annual refresher course. Lectures and Clinical update program. San Francisco. American Society of Anesthesiologists. 1994:231. |