Clone-repair Technique for Facilitating Intubation of Hypodontia Patients Requiring General Anesthesia<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 王志强 罗玉霞 孙莉 Zhi-qiang Wang, Yu-xia Luo, Sun Li Department of Anesthesiology, Cancer Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, 100021, China. Abstract Objective:To solve the intubation difficulty of the hypodontia patients. Methods:Using special material, we made "clone-repair" to the hypodontia patients and fixed it to the adjacent teeth. Results:Without special occasion, we performed smoothly intubation for hypodontia patients needing general anesthesia through the clone-repair. Conclusion:The clone-repair techniqne makes for intubation of hypodontia patients. Key words:hypodontia patients; Clone-repair; Intubation Corresponding author:Zhi-qiang Wang 一、一般资料 我院2003年9月~2004年9月的全麻手术病人共5700例,其中有152例缺齿病人,选符合条件的113例(其余39例多为全部缺齿或缺齿但不影响全麻插管),男79例,女34例,年龄在31~79岁,平均63.4岁。其中消化道肿瘤病人65例,妇科肿瘤病人8例,泌尿科肿瘤病人8例,乳腺癌病人7例,肺癌病人18例(14例有吸烟史),甲状腺癌3例,腹膜后及纵隔肿物各2例。多为上下门齿缺失或邻近牙齿缺失,亦有合并多科牙齿缺失。 |