<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Intensive Care and Intensive Therapy 侯立朝 熊利泽 陈绍洋 第四军医大学西京医院麻醉科 西安710032 Li-chao Hou,Li-ze Xiong,Shao-yang Chen Department of Xijing Hospital,The Fourth Military Medical University,Xi-an 710032 ABSTRACT It is one of the focal points concerned by a lot of scholars that how to effectively monitor and treat the patients with critical diseases in order to reduce the mortality and bad sequelae. In this article,the contents of intensive care are classified as seven parts,namely mind,respiration,circulation,oxygenation,body temperature as well as laboratory examination and special examination. The role and significance of the basic principles for trauma care during intensive therapy are also emphasized, which may be beneficial for increasing the recognition to critical care medicine by ICU staff and for increasing the efficacy of treating the patients with critical diseases. Key words:Intensive care;Intensive therapy 重症监护病房(intensive care unit,ICU)是以救治急危重病人为中心的一种现代化的先进治疗护理组织形式。它集中经过专业训练的医护人员、技术力量和先进的现代化医疗监测仪器,能全面、深入、系统地监护病人,动态观察和分析病情,及时、有效地做出相应的处理决策,从而提高危重病人的救治成功率,大大降低伤残率和死亡率。ICU的作用状况、医护人员的专业水平及监护仪器设备的配置状况,已成为衡量一个国家、一所医院现代化急救医疗水平的重要标准。 ICU临床常用的监护项目很多,可用的救治技术也不少。如何有效地对急危重病人进行有效的监护?如何给予急危重病人及时、高效的救治措施?以达到最大程度的降低其死亡率和后遗症率,一直是众多学者重点关注的问题。笔者仅从基本原则出发,阐述自己对重症监护、重症治疗的一些认识和体会,仅供参考。 一、重症监护 所谓监护,就是对病人生命体征的连续或几乎连续的监测。 通过重症监护,不仅可以提高重症病人的安全性,而且可对干预措施的有效性进行及时的评估。 重症监护的项目很多,包括神志、呼吸、循环、氧合、体温及实验室检查、特殊检查等,详细如下: |