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时间:2010-08-24 11:33:31  来源:  作者:

周建新 刘进

中国协和医科大学麻醉学中心,中国医学科学院,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


Jian-Xin Zhou, Jin Liu
Department of Anesthesiology, Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, 100037.



The Blood/Gas Partition Coefficients of Volatile Anesthetics and Blood Constituent Concentrations in Chinese of Different Age.

In order to determine the blood/gas partition coefficients (B/G) of volatile anesthetics in Chinese, 100 Chinese of different ages were divided into ten groups by age: newborns, 1 month-1 yr, 1-3 yrs, 4-6 yrs, 7-14 yrs, 15-18 yrs, 19-25 yrs, 26-45 yrs, 46-65 yrs, and 66-84 yrs (10 objects in each group, 5 males and 5 females). B/Gs of desflurane, sevoflurane and enflurane, isoflurane and halothane were measured simultaneously in each object using syringe-syringe twice equilibration method by gas chromatography. Hematocrit and blood albumin, globulin, triglyceride, and cholesterol concentrations were also measured in each object. The mean B/Gs of desflurane, sevoflurane, enflurane, isoflurane, and halothane (22±25 yrs) were 0.58±0.06, 0.69±0.06, 1.99±0.20, 1.34±0.12, and 2.44±0.24, respectively; and no significant differences were found between sexes (P>0.05). There were significant difference of B/Gs of the five anesthetics among different age groups(P<0.05). With the increasing of age, B/Gs of isoflurane, enflurane and halothane increase by 0.19%, 0.23% and 0.30% per year, respectively. For sevoflurane, the B/G in newborns was significantly smaller than those in all other groups, but no significant difference among the groups above 1 month. For desflurane, the B/Gs in newborns<those in 19-65 yrs groups?66-84 yrs olderly group<4-6 yrs children. The B/Gs of isoflurane, enflurane, and halothane correlate directly with the serum cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations; those of desflurane and sevoflurane correlated directly with serum cholesterol, triglyceride, and globulin concentrations. Our study suggests that: 1) age significantly affected the B/Gs of volatile anesthetics, and the B/Gs were least in newborns; 2) the B/Gs were influenced by the combination of two or more blood constituent concentrations, and the primary and secondary role in determining the B/Gs were serum cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations, respectively.

Key words: Anesthetics, volatile: desflurane, sevoflurane, enflurane, isoflurane, halothane; Blood/gas partition coefficient; Age.



  美国产GOW-MAC 580型气相色谱仪,配带氢离子火焰检测器和气体进样六通阀(0.1ml)。色谱柱为长6米,内径0.32厘米的不锈钢柱,内充10%甲基硅油SF96,WHP60/80。测定条件为柱温75℃、检测器温度135℃、进样口温度100℃;氮气流速10ml/min、氢气流速35ml/min、空气流速250ml/min。用上海产SSC-922型色谱数据处理机自动计算峰面积。国产恒温水浴箱,用水银温度计校正水箱内温度,保证测定时水温为37±0.5℃。
  100名从出生至84岁的中国人(包括健康志愿者和部分择期手术病人)分为10个年龄组(表1),每组中男女各半。其中新生儿组于分娩时即刻采集胎盘脐静脉血;1月-18岁各年龄组选择无肺动脉高压的心房间隔或室间隔缺损的病人,于静脉麻醉诱导后采桡动脉血;19岁以上各年龄组选择健康成年人(66-84岁组中的5例选择股骨颈骨折拟行人工股骨头置换术的病人,入室时采血),于贵要静脉采血。采血前禁食6-8小时。每例采血21ml,肝素抗凝。其中14ml用于B/G的测定;6ml在本院中心化验室测定血浆白蛋白、球蛋白、甘油三脂和胆固醇浓度;1ml用于红细胞压积(Hct)的测定(离心法,2500转/分钟,30分钟)。<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

  所有数据均输入计算机,应用SPSSWIN 6.0进行以下统计学处理:应用t检验比较不同性别间B/G的差异;应用方差分析法比较各年龄组间B/G和血液成份的差异,q检验法进行组间的两两比较;应用直线相关和回归分析年龄与B/G及血液成份间的关系;应用逐步多元线性回归法进行B/G和血液成份间的相关分析。统计学处理的显著性检验水平定为0.05。

  各年龄组血液成份结果见表2。随年龄增大,血浆白蛋白浓度增高,到19-25岁组达到最高值,随后又逐渐下降;血浆球蛋白浓度在1月-6岁各组及66-84岁组处于低水平,7-65岁各组间维持于较高水平;血浆甘油三脂和胆固醇浓度随年龄增大而逐渐增高,呈直线相关(R分别为0.88和0.81,图2);Hct在各年龄组间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

  地氟醚: B/G=0.00029C+0.00023T-0.01124G+0.5556   R=0.30
  七氟醚: B/G=0.00047C+0.00050T-0.02049G+0.6484   R=0.54
  异氟醚: B/G=0.00093C+0.00088T+1.1514 R=0.52
  安氟醚: B/G=0.00205C+0.00171T+1.5753 R=0.64
  氟烷:   B/G=0.00247C+0.00291T+1.8733 R=0.72


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