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时间:2010-08-24 11:35:46  来源:  作者:

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BISversus auditory evoked potential index AAIin determination of consciousness after termination of anesthasia with propo-fol/ fentanyl.


米卫东  刘 靖  张 宏

Mi Weidong,Liu Jing,Zhang Hong. Department of Anesthesiology,General Hospital of PLA,Beijing 100853,China



  Objective:To investigate the effects of different plasma levels of fentanyl on the plasma propofol concentration and to compare effec-tiveness of BISand the new AEP index A-line ARX index (AAI) in determining consciousness regaining after termination of anaesthesia with propo- fol/ fentanyl.

  Methods:Thirty-six patients were anesthetized with propofol/ fentanyl. Blood samples were collected for determination of plasma propo- fol and fentanyl concentrations,BISand AAIvalues were recorded at the time when thepatients regained consciousness. The patients were divided in- to two groups according to the fentanyl concentration in plasma on awakening:group 1 > 0.7μg/ L ( n = 18) and group 2 ≤0.7μg/ L ( n = 18). Propofol concentration,BIS,and AAIwere compared between the two groups. 

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  Results:The patients in group 2 had a significantly higher propofol concentration in plasma (2.70 mg/ L) on awakening compared with that of the group 1 (2.08 mg/ L) ( P < 0.05). However,the BISand AAIval- ues at the recovery endpoint did not differ between the two groups.

  Conclusions:The results suggest that the plasma level of fentanyl has an impact over the concentrations of propofol required for patients to regain consciousness. The BISand AAIvalues at the time of regaining consciousness remain unaltered with different combinations of propofol and fentanyl concentrations. Thus,both the BISand AAIappear useful and are consistent indicators to reflect the degree of inhibition of consciousness when propofol/ fentanyl intravenous anesthesia was withdrawn,and they are independent to the pro-portion of these two drugs1

  Key words:drug interaction;propofol;fentanyl;bispectral index;AAIindex


  研究显示,脑电双频谱指数(BIS)和听觉诱发电位指 数(AAI)均可较好地反映“麻醉深度”的变化[1,2]。本研究观察了在麻醉恢复期,不同芬太尼血浆浓度对麻醉清醒时丙泊酚血浆浓度的影响;同时,观察BIS和AAI在此种状况下监测意识恢复的性能状态,以对两种监测方法进行比较,为临床应用提供参考。



  1.1  一般资料  ASA Ⅰ~Ⅱ级患者36 例,年龄18~55岁,在全身麻醉下行五官、肢体和下腹部择期手术,手术时间0.5~3h。有精神、神经疾患史或服用精神、神经系统药物及严重嗜烟酒的患者不在选择范围内。

  1.2  观察指标  患者入手术室后,连接各项监测设备,包括心电图、脉搏氧饱和度等。局麻下桡动脉穿刺置管,用于动脉测压、抽取血标本。BIS用美国A-1050型微机化双频道EEG监测仪(Aspect Medical System,USA)测定。4 枚银2氯化银电极分别贴于脑电检测电极区的AT1、AT2、FPZ和FP2区位,其中,AT1和AT2作为测量电极,FPZ为参考电极,FP2 处为零位电极。电极电阻调制在2000Ω以下。脑电参数由监测仪取2s 的脑电波形直接计算、显示、记录,每15s自动计算显示1次。AAI用丹麦Danmeter A/ S型AEP监测仪(version 1.4,O-dense,Denmark)测定。3枚银-氯化银电极分别放置于前额中部、左侧前额和左侧乳突部。听觉诱发电位的刺激强度为65dB,频率为9Hz,间隔为2ms。所产生的诱发电位由AEP监测仪自动收集、处理、计算。


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  1.3  麻醉及实验实施  术前1h口服地西泮10mg,作为术前药。麻醉诱导以芬太尼2μg/ kg、丙泊酚2mg/ kg 静脉注射,维库溴铵静注后行气管插管。麻醉维持采用丙泊酚加芬太尼的全静脉麻醉方法。丙泊酚以输液泵持续推注,速率在7~12mg/ (kg?h)范围内调节,以维持BIS值在40~50、AAI值在15~25 范围内,至手术结束。

  芬太尼和维库溴铵根据手术要求间断注射,芬太尼的用量在1.5~6.0μg/(kg?h)。最后一次静注芬太尼距手术结束的时间,各病人并不相同。手术结束后,每2min观察一次病人意识恢复情况,以病人对语言命令有正确反应为意识恢复时点。记录此时点动脉压、心率、脉搏氧饱和度、BIS和AAI值,意识恢复前1min的BIS和AAI值也可从两监护仪的记录中获得。抽取意识恢复时点的动脉血标本4ml,3 000r/ min 离心15min,提取血浆,- 70 ℃储存,用于血浆丙泊酚和芬太尼浓度测定。丙泊酚浓度用高压液相色谱方法测定,测定浓度底限为0.25μg/ ml,变异系数为3.1 %。芬太尼用气相色谱-质谱分析方法检测,测定浓度底限为0.3μg/ L,变异系数为7.8%。根据意识恢复时血浆芬太尼浓度,将36 例病人分为2 组,组1(n = 18),芬太尼浓度高于0.7μg/ L;组2( n = 18),芬太尼浓度等于或低于0.7μg/ L。取0.7μg/ L 作为分组标准是为将36 例病人均分成两组。

  1.4  统计学处理  结果以x ±s 表示,数据均用Sigma-Stat 2.03统计软件处理。组内两时点间各指标的比较选用成对比较t 检验,组间比较为团体t 检验,以P < 0.05为有统计学意义。


结 果

  两组间平均年龄、体重、单位时间丙泊酚用量以及手术时间等见表1,组间比较未见显著性差异。但组1的芬太尼用量高于组2 ( P < 0.05)。麻醉诱导前两组病人的基础BIS和AAI值组间比较无差异。意识恢复时平均收缩压、心率、脉搏氧饱和度两组间比较无统计学差异(P > 0.05),但组1 意识恢复时的平均舒张压(62.7 ~ 7.2mmHg) 略低于组2 (70.8 ~11.3mmHg) (P < 0.05) 。病人意识恢复时BIS值、AAI值、血浆丙泊酚和芬太尼浓度见表2。其中,因试验分组所定,组1 芬太尼血药浓度明显高于组2(P < 0.01) 。而意识恢复时丙泊酚浓度却是组2高于组1( P < 0.05)。两组病人意识恢复时BIS和AAI值均较恢复前1min值明显升高(P < 0.01),其中,AAI值的升高幅度显著大于BIS值的上升。但意识恢复时,各指数两组间比较却均未见显著性差异(P > 0.05)。


讨 论


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