<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Intensive Insulin Therapy in Postoperative Intensive Care Unit Patients 何伟 张彤彦 许媛 周华 李彤 侯静 赵京阳 赵栋 柳絮海 首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院SICU,北京 100730 Wei He,Tong-yan Zhang,Yuan Xu,Hua Zhou,Tong Li,Jing Hou,Jing-yang Zhao,Dong Zhao,Xu-hai Liu SICU,<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Beijing Tong Ren Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100730,China ABSTRACT Objective:To set up an easy control graft solution to control the blood glucose level safely and efficiently. Methods:145 critical patients,elder than 16 years and stayed in ICU more than 24 hours after operation,were participated in the study and divided into presolution group (n=44 Insulin federate is base on physician individual experience.) and draft-solution group(n=101 Insulin federate is base on intensive insulin treatment solution applied in our department ).The blood glucose level was maintained between 80~110mg/dl. Results:Significantly difference between the two groups on average blood glucose,average morning blood glucose and hyperglycemic index (P<0.01). There were no statistic differences in the inter quartile range and incidence of hypoglycemia (<60mg/dl and 61~70mg/dl). Conclusion:The programmed intensive insulin treatment graft solution is helpful to execute the strategy of strictly control glycemia and easily can be understood and used extensively Key words:Glycemia;Insulin;Hypoglycemia;Critically ill |