<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 吗啡的免疫抑制机制尚不完全清楚,Weber等[10]研究提示中枢阿片通路介导了吗啡对免疫功能的调控。进一步研究采用基因敲除方法发现阿片免疫抑制作用主要是中枢μ阿片受体引起的[11],也可能与外周阿片受体有关[12]。另有研究提示吗啡慢性全身长期给药引起的免疫抑制可能与下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质轴激活有关[13]。本实验观察到鞘内泵入吗啡影响机体免疫功能,特别是抑制细胞免疫功能。其机制可能是吗啡通过血脑屏障作用于中枢阿片受体,主要是μ阿片受体(MOR),也可能通过蛛网膜下腔静脉丛进入血液循环,直接作用于外周免疫细胞上的阿片受体。本实验吗啡采用鞘内给药,其对机体免疫功能的抑制是否与直接作用于脊髓阿片受体引起后者基因表达变化有关,值得进一步探讨。 在急慢性疼痛治疗方面,吗啡既能起到积极有力的镇痛作用,又要尽量减少对机体免疫功能的影响。如何处理好吗啡镇痛、疼痛、免疫三者之间的关系对吗啡的临床应用是尤为重要的。既往研究多着重于在无痛条件下全身给药,本实验采用Alzet泵鞘内泵入吗啡,用药量少,镇痛效果确切,但对机体免疫功能有一定影响。提示对于癌性疼痛病人、需长期服用吗啡的慢性疼痛、术后疼痛等本身免疫功能低下的病人,吗啡的鞘内使用值得慎重考虑。 参考文献 1. Alonzo NC,Bayer BM. Opioids,immunology,and host defenses of intravenous drug abusers[J].Infect Dis Clin North Am,2002,16(3):553-569. 2. Li Y,Merrill JD,Mooney K,et al.Morphine enhances HIV infection of neonatal macrophages[J]. Pediatr Res,2003 ,54(2):282-288. 3. Yaksh TL,Rudy TA. Chronic catheterization of the spinal subarachnoid space[J].Physiol Behav,1976,17(6):1031-1036. 4. Dubuisson D,Dennis SG.The formalin test:a quantitative study of the analgesic effects of morphine,meperidine,and brain stem stimulation in rats and cats[J].Pain,1977,4(2):161-174. 5. Korzeniewski C,Callewaert DM.An enzyme-release assay for natural cytotoxicity[J]..J Immunol Methods,1983,64(3):313-320. 6. Rahim RT,Meissler JJ Jr,Cowan A,et al.Administration of mu-,kappa- or delta2-receptor agonists via osmotic minipumps suppresses murine splenic antibody responses[J].Int Immunopharmacol,2001,1(11):2001-2009. 7. Boyadjieva N,Dokur M,Advis JP,et al. Chronic ethanol inhibits NK cell cytolytic activity:role of opioid peptide beta-endorphin[J]. J Immunol,2001 ,167(10):5645-5652 8. Tsai YC,Won SJ,Lin MT. Effects of morphine on immune response in rats with sciatic constriction injury[J].Pain,2000 ,88(2):155-160. 9. Yokota T,Uehara K,Nomoto Y. Intrathecal morphine suppresses NK cell activity following abdominal surgery[J]. Can J Anaesth,2000,47(4):303-308. 10. Weber RJ,Pert A. The periaqueductal gray matter mediates opiate-induced immunosuppression[J].Science,1989 ,245(4914):188-190. 11. Roy S,Barke RA,Loh HH. MU-opioid receptor-knockout mice:role of mu-opioid receptor in morphine mediated immune functions[J].Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 1998 ,61(1-2)::190-194. 12. Tomassini N,<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Renaud FL,Roy S,et al. Mu and delta receptors mediate morphine effects on phagocytosis by murine peritoneal macrophages[J].J Neuroimmunol. 2003 ,136(1-2):9-16. 13. Palm S,Moenig H,Maier C. Effects of oral treatment with sustained release morphine tablets on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis[J].Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol,1997 ,19(4):269-273. |