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时间:2010-08-24 11:36:21  来源:  作者:

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The clinical study of low molecular weight heparin therapy for sepsis


艾宇航  张丽娜  龚华  徐道妙  赵双平  陈江辉

中南大学湘雅医院ICU 长沙 41008

Ai yuhangZhang linaGong huaXv daomiaoZhao shuangpingChen jianghui. Department of Intensive Care Unit,<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Xiangya HospitalCentral South UnivesityChangsha410008China



  ObjectiveTo study the therapeutic effect of low molecular weight heparinLMWHtherapy on sepsis.

  Methodsforty sepsis patient were randomly divided into two groupsroutine treatment group and LMWH treatment gro up.Score of APACHEⅡ,the day in ICU and mortality rate in 28 days were Observed in two group. At the same timethe level of IL6MDASODPLT and coagulation function were measured.

  ResultsScore of APACHEin LMWH group were significantly lower than routine group. the day in ICU and mortality rate in 28 days in LMWH group were lower than routine groupbut no difference in statistics. the lever of IL6 and MDA in LMWH group were significantly lower than routine group. the lever of SOD in LMWH group were obviously higher than routine group. Coagulation function and PLT had no difference in two groups.

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  ConclusionLMWH can ameliorate sepsis patient by downregulating inflammation medium levelsuppressing the releasing of oxygenderived free radidicals. it was a prospect treatment in sepsis patient.

  Key wordlow molecular weight heparin  sepsis  IL6   MDA   SOD






  1.1 一般资料


  1.2 分组


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  1.2.1 常规治疗组18例。男10例,女8例;年龄1660岁,平均年龄40岁。入ICUAPACHEⅡ评分为15.46±4.61分;其中重症胰腺炎9例、化脓性胆管炎2例、创伤5例、肝脓肿1例、泌尿系感染1例。

  1.2.2 低分子肝素治疗组22例。男13例,女9例;年龄3759岁,平均年龄44岁。入ICUAPACHEⅡ评分为14.31±3.71分;其中重症胰腺炎10例、多发创伤5例、化脓性胆管炎3例、呼吸道感染3例。


  1.3 治疗方案



  1.4 观察检测指标


  1.5 统计学处理




  2.1 APACHEⅡ评分、血清IL6水平


  2.2 28天死亡率,住ICU天数比较


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