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时间:2010-08-24 11:36:26  来源:  作者:

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Application of Remifentanil by TCI without Muscle Relaxant for TrachealIntubation in Elderly Patients


周仁龙 杭燕南


Renlong ZhouYannan Hang

Department of Anesthesiology,<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Renji Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical CollegeShanghai 200001China



  ObjectiveTo observe the tracheal intubation conditions and hemodynamic changes during remifentanil target controlled infusion TCI at different plasma concentrations combined with propofol.

  MethodsThirtysix patients were randomly allocated into three groups. Remifentanil were given using TCI at plasma concentration of 2 ng/ml3ng/ml and 4ng/ml in each group respectively and after 5min remifentanil infusionpropofol was given with TCI at plasma concentration 2.5μg/ml. Ten minutes laterinserting laryngoscope and tracheal intubation were tried and intubation conditions were recorded. If failedthe remifentanil concentration was increased by 1 ng/ml and once more intubation was tried ten minutes later. The heart rate and blood pressure at baselineafter remifentanil infusionbefore intubation and one minute after intubation were recorded. Meanwhilethe intubation scores and side effects during induction were recorded.

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  ResultsThe intubation scores at first attempt were 10.4±2.77.7±2.4 and 5.8±1.0 in three groupsand success ratio were 7/1252%),10/1283%) and 12/12100%),respectively. The ratio in the second attempt were 2/540%) and 1/250%) in two low dose groups. Blood pressure was reduced following infusion of remifentanil at 4 ng/ml. Heart rates were lowered significantlyespecially in 34ng/ml groups. Compared with preintubationheart rate and blood pressure in 2ng/ml group were significantly increased after intubation. Howeveratropine and adrenaline were more administered in the high concentration group.

  ConclusionCombined with propofol TCI at 2.5μg/mltracheal intubation may be facilitated by remifentanil TCI at 34 ng/ml. Tracheal intubation successful rate may be elevated with increasing plasma concentrations of remifentanilbut heart rates be also lowered down significantly.

  Key wordsRemifentanilPropofolTracheal intubationCardiovascular responseElder





  36ASA III择期全麻老年手术病人,术前无明显插管困难征象(Wilson综合评分?3分),无阿片类药物及丙泊酚过敏史,随机分为3组,每组12例。

  麻醉前30min肌注东莨菪碱0.3m g。进入手术室后监测无创动脉压、心电图、脉搏氧饱和度。开放中心静脉靶控输注瑞芬太尼,外周静脉用于靶控输注丙泊酚。

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  三组病人分别设定瑞芬太尼血浆靶控浓度为234n g/m l,输注5min后开始靶控输注丙泊酚,血浆目标浓度设为2.5μ g/m l10min后置入喉镜,男性病人使用8#,女性使用7.5#气管导管,尝试进行气管插管,如果失败,则增加瑞芬太尼目标浓度1ng/ml10min后重复插管操作,若再次失败则退出本研究,但其已有数据仍进入分析。


  插管条件采用Grant评分办法[5](表1)。若心率减慢<45/min时静注阿托品0.3m g,动脉平均压<基础值30%时静注麻黄素10mg,如有必要可重复给药。



结 果


  三组病人插管评分与插管成功率、阿托品与麻黄素的使用例数见表2。病人血压的变化见图1,插管前即刻与基础时刻点相比,三组血压均有显著性下降,插管后1min与插管前相比,2n g/m l组血压有显著性上升,与另两组相比有统计学差异(P<0.05)。各组病人心率的变化见图2,丙泊酚开始输注点与基础时刻点相比,3n g/m l4n g/m l组心率均有显著性减慢,4n g/m l组更明显。插管后1min与插管前相比,2n g/m l组心率有显著性增快,另两组无明显改变。


讨 论


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