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时间:2010-08-24 11:36:26  来源:  作者:

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Anesthetic management of patients with hepatorenal syndrome undergoing liver transplantation


夏杰华  黄文起  肖亮灿  黑子清  徐康清  窦云凌  朱艳玲

XIA JiehuaHUANGWenqiXIAO Liangcanet al.

Department of AnesthesiologyThe first affiliated <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />hospital of Sun Yat Sen UniversityGuangzhou 510080



  ObjectiveTo study the anesthetic management of patients with hepatorenal syndromeHRSundergoing liver transplantation.

  MethodsGeneral anesthesia with tracheal intubed was conducted in 30 patients with HRS undergoing liver transplantation. Hemodynamicsurinary output and body temperaturewere were monitored during the operation. The contents of serum creatinineCr and blood urea nitrogenBun were tested during each phase of operation and 24 h postoperative. Extracorporeal venovenousV2V bypass was used randomly on 15 patients Group A),whereas the other patientsGroup B did not receive V2V bypass during the anhepatic phase. The hemodynamics was kept stable by blood volume expansion and small dose of. Dopaminefurosemide and TriglycyllysineVasopressinTerlipressin were administered during operation to improve urinary output.

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  ResultsHemodynamics was maintained stable during operation in group A. The HR of the patients in group B increased during the anhepatic phasebut CVPMPAP and PCWP decreased significantlyP < 0105. During neohepatic timeall patients CVPMPAP and PCWP increasedP < 0105. The duration of operationanhepatic time and the doses of dopaminefosemide and terlipressin were of no significant differenceP > 0105. There were no notable differences between the levels of BunCr and the total urinary output in the two groups before anhepatic phasebut the same indexes of Group A in the following stages were improved.

  ConclusionThe strategies to keep the hemodynamics stable and enough perfusion of kidneycombined with the use of furosemidedopamine and Terlipressinwere advantaged to improve the glomerular filtration and the renal function of the patients with HRS.

  Key wordsHepatorenal syndromeHRS);Liver transplantationveno2venous bypass


  终末期肝脏疾病常合并肾功能的损害,导致肝肾综合征(hepatorenal syndromeHRS)。这类病人在接受肝脏移植手术过程中,肾功能的维护与改善是手术治疗成功的关键之一。本文通过比较术中无肝期采用静脉-静脉转流和非转流的2组病人的术中及术后情况的变化,观察术中无肝期的处理对HRS患者肾功能的影响。



  1 一般资料

  重型肝炎、肝硬化病人30例,均为男性。符合国际腹水协会(international ascites clubIAC)诊断标准合并有HRS[1]。上述病人随机分为AB两组。转流组:A组(n 15),年龄(52.2 ±11.3)岁,体重(55.6 ±11.2 kg。非转流组:B组(n 15),年龄(53.1 ±10.6)岁,体重(54.8 ±13.1 kg

  2 麻醉方法

  术前30 min肌注咪唑安定22.5 mg,阿托品0.5 mg。采用气管插管静吸复合全麻。诱导药物为丙泊酚1.53.0 mgPkg、芬太尼5 μgPkg、维库溴铵0.1 mgPkg。麻醉维持以异氟醚或地氟醚吸入,静脉推注丙泊酚,辅以芬太尼及间断注射小剂量维库溴铵。术中输液以琥珀酰明胶或6 %羟乙基淀粉、复方氯化钠溶液为主,术中各时期根据血气分析结果补充各种电解质及5 %碳酸氢钠,根据血红蛋白(Hb)和血红细胞压积(Hct)补充浓缩红细胞,给予新鲜冰冻血浆、冷沉淀及血小板等改善凝血功能。

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  A组病人在无肝期经股静脉和左侧颈内静脉行静脉-静脉转流。转流预充液为6 %羟乙基淀粉500ml5 %碳酸氢钠250 ml,采用离心式转流泵(Del2phine II)。预充液中加入0.20.5 mgPkg肝素钠用于转流抗凝。B组则不采用静脉-静脉转流。

  3 监测方法

  采用Angilent多功能生理监测仪,监测心电图(ECG)、脉搏氧饱和度(SpO2)、呼气末二氧化碳(EtCO2)、体温(T)(鼻咽温和血温);均行左侧桡动脉穿刺连续监测有创动脉血压;所有病人经右侧颈静脉穿刺置入7Fr SwanGanz漂浮导管,监测血液动力学,包括肺动脉压(PAP),肺毛细血管楔压(PCWP),中心静脉压(CVP)和血温。分别于麻醉前、无肝期30 min、新肝期30 min、术毕、术后24 h等时点取静脉血测定血尿素氮(Bun)与肌酐(Cr)水平,手术全程及术后24 h观察尿量的变化。于各时期抽取动脉血作酸碱和生化水平检测。

  4 保护肾功能

  气管插管全麻后,给予多巴胺2.0 6.0 μg?kg 1?min 1 静脉推注以支持循环并加强肾脏的灌注。B 组在无肝期给予去甲肾上腺素0105μg?kg 1?min 1以保持在腔静脉阻断后循环的稳定。2组病人均于麻醉后静脉注射速尿100 mg,然后以20 mgPh的速度持续推注至术毕。转流期间必要时再追加4060 mg。在新肝期30 min内,如CVP12 mmHg以下,则给予20 %甘露醇250 ml并滴注20 %白蛋白150200 ml用于扩容和稳定循环。2组病人均于术中使用三甘氨基赖氨酸加压素(Terlipressin)治疗。给药方法:麻醉后以1 mgPh的速度静脉推注至手术结束。

  5 统计学处理

  所有数据以均数±标准差(x±s)表示,使用SPSS1010统计软件进行统计学处理,组内计量资料采用t检验,组间采用方差分析进行统计学处理,P< 0105为有统计学差异。


结 果

  两组病人各时期尿量、BunCr水平见表1AB两组上述指标在无肝期前之前的各时期及术后24h的差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05),但在其余各时期中,两组有差异,A组优于B 组(P < 0.05)。

  A组手术平均时间(407.9 ±53.5min,无肝期平均时间(47.2±6.7min,术毕时速尿平均用量(270.0±29.8 mgB组手术平均时间(411.6±58.2 min,无肝期平均时间(50.2 ±4.8 min,术毕时速尿平均用量(271.6±25.8 mg2组无显著性差异(P >0.05)。A组多巴胺平均用量(111.7±19.6 mgB组多巴胺平均用量(125.0 ±13.7 mgB组多于A组(P < 0.05)。A组病人Terlipressin平均用量(6.80±0.95mgB组病人Terlipressin平均用量(6.75 ±1.05mg

  除无肝期开始阶段及新肝期10min内有短时间的下降外,A组术中各时期的血液动力学基本稳定。B组于无肝期HR显著加快,CVPMPAPPCWP水平均有明显下降(P < 0.05)(表2)。新肝期期间,两组病人CVPMPAPPCWP水平与其他各时期相比均有明显的升高(P < 0.05),但两组间比较无显著差异(P > 0.05)。术中病人体温维持在35.537.0 ℃之间。

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