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时间:2010-08-24 11:36:34  来源:  作者:

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The Clinical Neuromuscular Pharmacology of Cisatracurium in Patients under Nitrous Oxicde/ Opioid/Propofol Anesthesia


黄文起 莫利求 窦云凌 陈秉学

Huang Wen qi,Mo Li qiu,Dou Yun ling,et al



  Objectives:Cisatracurium is one of the ten isomer of atracurium. Both the preclinical and premier clinical studies have suggested that it may be relatively an ideal intermediate non2depolarizing muscle relaxant . However , repeated studies are required to find out its advantages and disadvantages , especially by comparing with atracurium. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate its neuromuscular blocking effects by comparing with atracurium.

  Methods : 30 ASAⅠ~Ⅱ patients undergoing selective surgery under nitrous oxide/opioid/propofol anesthesia were randomly allocated into three groups : Cis1 (n=10)、Cis2(n=10) and Atr (n=10).Cisatracurium 011mg/kg(2×ED95)、0115mg/kg (3×ED95) or a tracurium 015mg/ kg(2 ×ED95) was given respectively. HR、BP、skin flushing and Train2of2Four ( TOF) reponse of the adductor pollicis muscle following supramaximal electrical stimulation of the ulnar nerve were monitored until T4∶T1≥017.

  Results: No significant changes of HR、BP were found in three groups. Onset time of Cis1、Cis2 and Atr were 516±019、410±018 and 215±016,clinical duration were 4010±215、4516±912and 3814±415,respectively.25%~75% recovery index was 1018±111、1216±210 and 918±310 respectively.

  Conclusion: At equipotent dose , the onset time of cisatracurium is slower than that of atracurium but lager dose can reduce the difference. They have a similar recovery profile and show no accumulation.

  Key words:Cisatracurium Atracurium Neuromuscular block

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  顺式阿曲库铵(cisat racurium,51W89,商品名Nimbex,简称Cis)是阿曲库铵(Atr)的10种同分异构体之一,为顺式旋光异构体。具有与Atr类似的肌松效应及代谢方式,而无组胺释放效应,对心血管影响轻微,Cis的ED95为0105mg/kg,其强度约为Atr的3倍。前期实验与临床初步试验提示该药为较理想的中时效肌松药而较有发展前途。但是有待于更多临床试验去评价。鉴于国内尚无该药的临床应用研究报道,本研究首先探讨其肌松效应。


  1 资料与方法

  30例择期手术病人,ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级,体重50±10kg,年龄30~55岁,无神经肌肉疾病、肝肾疾病及心血管病等。随机分为Cis 1、Cis 2、Atr组,每组10例,分别予Cis 011mg/kg(2×ED95)、0115mg/kg(3×ED95)和Atr 015mg/kg(2×ED95)。术前30分钟,予苯巴比妥钠011g肌注,阿托品015mg皮下注射。以异丙酚115mg/kg、芬太尼012mg静脉注射诱导,2分钟后于5~10秒内注入肌松药。观察心率,血压(HP78354监测仪TOF2GUARD 加速度仪)。机械通气维持SpO298%~100%,PETCO235~40mmHg(Dr ager麻醉机,型号Cato)。麻醉维持:异丙酚4~8mg?kg-1?h-1微注射器(Graseby3400)静脉输入,以笑气/氧为0155~0165吸入维持适当的麻醉深度。持续监测TOF,并记录肌松恢复情况直至肌松完全恢复。所得结果进行方差分析及q检验,以P<0105确定为有统计学显著性差异。

  2 结果

  2.1 实验各组未发现心率明显加快,无血压明显波动,无皮肤潮红等组胺释放表现。

  2.2 肌松效应见表1.Cis的2倍与3倍ED95肌松抑制分别为9812%与9912%,而Atr2倍ED95的最大肌松抑制均达到100%;同等强度的剂量(2倍ED95),Atr的起效时间明显快于Cis,约快3分钟(P<0101),增加Cis剂量(由2倍到3倍ED95)起效时间加快约115分钟,差别显著(P<0105);同等强度的剂量(2倍ED95)Cis与Atr的临床作用时间(从注药完毕至T1恢复到基础值的25%)分别为40和3814分钟,差别无显著性,增加Cis至3倍ED95,临床作用时间仅延长约5分钟;同等强度的剂量(2倍ED95)Cis与Atr相比,前者肌松恢复95%的时间慢10分钟,分别为5616和4518分钟,增加Cis至3倍ED95,95%的肌松恢复时间延长至6312分钟。同等强度的剂量(2倍ED95)Cis与Atr相比,前者肌松完全恢复时间(T4∶T1≥017)慢约8分钟,增加Cis至3倍ED95 ,则延长到6714分钟。试验各组的25%~75%的临床恢复指数分别为1018、1216和918分钟,差别无显著性意义;而5%~95 %临床恢复指数分别为2216、2212和2016分钟差别亦无统计学意义。

  3 讨论



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