<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 研究中采用Diprifusor/TCI系统由它的亚系统和输注泵组成,亚系统是一个控制单元,它包括TCI软件和两套独立的输注控制程序,用于TCI 的软件主要包括一种三室药代动力学模型(Marsh模型),一组异丙酚药代动力学参数。该系统通过计算可得预测血药浓度和效应部位(脑)浓度,有研究显示效应部位浓度与临床镇静程度变化更为密切,而预测血药浓度因给药速率的不同而存在较大差异[11,12],因此,本研究采用预测效应部位浓度这一指标来分析其与同期CSI、BIS值的关系,与以往研究不同的是,本研究对CSI、BIS值与预测效应部位浓度进行曲线估计时,CSI、BIS值分别与预测效应部位浓度之间显现出较好的线性关系,而非典型的剂量效应曲线(S型曲线)关系,这可能与试验中靶控输注异丙酚至改良OAA/S为0后5min结束,镇静程度不深,所采集的数据点主要在剂量效应曲线的前段及较陡的中段有关。 一个镇静监测指标,在反映患者某一意识状态时的数值波动范围越大,越增加观察者通过该指标来判定患者意识状态的难度[13]。CSI监测在丧失语言反应时的CSI05 与CSI95分别为74.9、56.8,显示90%的患者丧失语言反应时CSI值处于74.9与56.8之间,小于BIS监测的79.1至55.9。同样,90%的患者意识消失时CSI值处于65.2与44.3之间,小于BIS监测的73.6至40.6。此结果提示CSI监测在反映患者丧失语言反应和意识消失时可能比BIS监测更为有效。 综上所述,CSI监测作为一种监测镇静程度的新工具,用于异丙酚靶控输注镇静的患者,可较准确的评估不同镇静水平及区分意识状态的改变,其表现与BIS监测相近甚至优于BIS监测。 参考文献: 1. Billard V,Gambus PL,Chamoun N,et al. A comparison of spectral edge,delta power,and bispectral index as EEG measures of alfentanil,propofol,and midazolam drug effect. Clin Pharmacol Ther,1997,61:45-58. 2. Ibrahim AE,Taraday JK,Kharasch ED. Bispectral index monitoring during sedation with sevoflurane,midazolam and propofol.Anesthesiology,2001,95:1151-1159. 3. Struys MM,Vereecke H,Moerman A,et al. Ability of the Bispectral Index,autoregressive modelling with exogenous input-derived auditory evoked potentials,and predicted propofol concentrations to measure patient responsiveness during anesthesia with propofol and remifentanil. Anesthesiology,2003,99:802-812. 4. Kreuer S,Bruhn J,Larsen R,et al. Comparison of Alaris AEP index and bispectral index during propofol-remifentanil. Br J Anaesth,2003,91:336-340. 5. Smith WD,Dutton RC,Smith NT.A measure of association for assessing prediction accuracy that is a generalization of non-parametric ROC area. Stat Med 1996,15:1199-1215. 6. Smith WD,Dutton RC,Smith NT.Measuring the performance of anesthetic depth indicators. Anesthesiology,1996,84:38-51. 7. Schmidt GN,Bischoff P,Standl T,et al. Comparative evaluation of the Datex-Ohmeda S/5 Entropy Module and the Bispectral Index monitor during propofol-remifentanil anesthesia. Anesthesiology,2004,101:1283-1290. 8. Struys MM,Vereecke H,Moerman A,et al. Ability of the bispectral index, autoregressive modelling with exogenous input-derived auditory evoked potentials,and predicted propofol concentrations to measure patient responsiveness during anesthesia with propofol and remifentanil. Anesthesiology,2003,99:802-812. 9. Bruhn J,Bouillon TW,Radulescu L,et al. Correlation of approximate entropy,bispectral index,and spectral edge frequency 95(SEF95)with clinical signs of "anesthetic depth" during coadministration of propofol and remifentanil. Anesthesiology,2003,98:621-627. 10. Drummond JC:Monitoring depth of anesthesia:With emphasis on the application of the Bispectral Index and the middle latency auditory evoked response to the prevention of recall. Anesthesiology,2000,93:876-882. 11. Milne SE,Troy A,Irwin MG,et al. Relationship between bispectral index,auditory evoked potential index and effect-site EC50 for propofol at two clinical end-points. Br J Anaesth,2003,90:127-131. 12. Irwin MG,Hui TW,Milne SE,et al. Propofol effective concentration 50 and its relationship to bispectral index. Anaesthesia,2002,57:242-248 13. Iannuzzi M,Iannuzzi E,Rossi F,et al. Relationship between bispectral index,electroencephalographic state entropy and effect-site EC50 for propofol at different clinical endpoints. Br J Anaesth,2005,94:492-495. |