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时间:2010-08-24 11:36:47  来源:  作者:

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The influence of body temperature on rocuroniums infusion requirement in patients  receiving intravenous anaesthesia during surgical procedures of relatively long duration


高友光  林财珠  龚捷音  林群  曾凯

Gao youguangLin caizhuGong jieyinet al.



  ObjectiveTo investigate the influence of body temperature on rocuroniums infusion requirement during surgical procedures of relatively long duration.

  MethodsThirty ASA III adults undergoing elective oralmaxillofacial surgery were randomly divided into 2 groups group I in which patientsbody temperature was maintained at <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />370C using warming blankedgroup II in which no measures were taken to maintain the patientsbody temperature.Intravenous anesthesia was used for both induction and maintenance of anesthesia. Rocuronium was administered in an initial bolus dose of 0.6mg.kg1 followed by an infusion adjusted mannally to maintain the T1 the first respone in the trainoffourat 10 of control.following cessation of rocuronium infusion all the patients were allowed to recover spontaneously. All temperature rocuroniums infusion requirement were measured at following points 03060120180240300 min after induction . The time for T1 from 25 return to 75 and T1 from 10 return to TOF 90 were recorded .

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  ResultsCore temperature and rocuroniums infusion requirements were markedly lowered after 90 min after induction in group II as compared with group IP<0.05. The time for T1 from 25 return to 75 and T1 from 10 return to TOF 90 in group II were longer than in group IP<0.05.

  ConclusionsMile hypothermia can enhance the neuromuscular blockade effect of rocuronium.

  Key wordsRocuronium Continuous infusion Intravenous anesthesia Body  temperature






  肌松监测采用TOFWatch SX肌松监测仪(Organon 荷兰)监测神经肌肉功能,表面电极置于右前臂尺侧近腕处,加速传感器固定在拇指上,用四个成串刺激(TOF),频率为2Hz,电流强度50mA,每个成串刺激间隔15s。病人随机分为两组:I组为保温组(15例),术中输注的晶体液、胶体液和冲洗用盐水均用水浴法加温至<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />370C,并调节室温,必要时加用电热毯加温,维持病人食管温度(病人中心温度)在37左右,II组为未保温组(15例),病人术中无I组所采用的保温措施,室温保持23左右。所有病人通过局部保温等使右手安置加速传感器部位皮肤温度保持32以上。所有病人入手术室前30min肌注苯巴比妥0.1g和阿托品0.5mg,全麻诱导均采用咪唑安定0.1mg.kg1,芬太尼45ug.kg1,病人入睡后辅助或控制呼吸,用肌松监测仪校准定标,随后给予罗库溴铵0.6mg.kg1,丙泊酚则用装有“DiprifusorTCI系统的alaris输注泵进行丙泊酚靶控输注,并根据年龄和体重将效应室浓度设定为3.5ug/ml,气管内插管并连接麻醉机机械通气,调节潮气量,呼吸频率,使呼气末二氧化碳分压维持4.75.5kPa,麻醉维持用丙泊酚靶控输注,术中根据临床需要调整丙泊酚效应室浓度。注入罗库溴铵后,用TOFWatch SX进行连续TOF监测,当T1恢复至10%时,用微量泵调整罗库溴铵的注入速率保持肌松稳定(T110%的基础值),达到稳态后(注入速率不发生变化且颤搐幅度≤1至少20min),麻醉维持用丙泊酚靶控输注,术中根据临床需要调整丙泊酚效应室浓度,或酌情追加芬太尼。术中随时调整罗库溴铵注入速率保持肌松稳定(T110%),前3小时每5min记录一次罗库溴铵注入速率、血压、心率、中心温度、传感器部位皮肤温度;后3小时每15min记录一次。术中维持血压、心率在正常范围。手术结束前10min,同时停止输入罗库溴铵、丙泊酚。记录两组的恢复时间(从T125%恢复至75%)以及从罗库溴铵停止输注至TOF比值(T4/T1)恢复至90[4]时间。

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结 果



  保温组病人术中中心体温变化差异无显著性(P>0.05)。未保温组病人麻醉诱导后约90min至肌松恢复期间的中心体温,无论是与罗库溴铵的注入速率达到稳态后即刻时比较,还是与保温组病人相同时间点比较均有明显下降(P<0.05)。所有病人通过TOFWatch SX肌松监测仪所测得的传感器部位皮肤温度,均在<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />32.0以上,表1和表2



讨 论


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  全身麻醉下,肢体远端由于较少覆盖物,更易受环镜温度影响,局部体温往往比中心体温下降更剧烈。Eriksson等通过实验研究[11]认为:当体温正常而外周皮肤温度持续<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />32以下,所测得的颤搐反应和TOF值用于评估神经肌肉功能可能产生误差。本实验中通过各种措施用于评估神经肌肉功能的肢体局部温度保持正常水平,以排除低温对肌松监测仪评估神经肌肉功能的影响。本实验的手术时间虽然长,但由于外科操作熟练,出血量仅在300500之间,术中于补充晶体液和胶体液,维持血容量。术中出血量和血压、心率均无明显差异。术中均未使用影响肌松药的抗生素以及其它药物。




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