<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 全身麻醉下,肢体远端由于较少覆盖物,更易受环镜温度影响,局部体温往往比中心体温下降更剧烈。Eriksson等通过实验研究[11]认为:当体温正常而外周皮肤温度持续<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />32℃以下,所测得的颤搐反应和TOF值用于评估神经肌肉功能可能产生误差。本实验中通过各种措施用于评估神经肌肉功能的肢体局部温度保持正常水平,以排除低温对肌松监测仪评估神经肌肉功能的影响。本实验的手术时间虽然长,但由于外科操作熟练,出血量仅在300~500之间,术中于补充晶体液和胶体液,维持血容量。术中出血量和血压、心率均无明显差异。术中均未使用影响肌松药的抗生素以及其它药物。 综上所述,罗库溴铵可用于长时间的持续输注以保持稳定的肌松作用。术中低温对罗库溴铵有增效作用,这种作用在全凭静脉麻醉下90分钟左右开始出现直至手术结束。术后低温可延长罗库溴铵的消退时间。 参考文献 1. Hudson G,Scott J,Beaver M,et al. Warming up to better surgical outcomes. Aorn J,1999 ,69(1):247-248, 251-253. 2. Shanks CA,Fragen RJ,Ling D. Continuous intravenous infusion of rocuronium (ORG 9426) in patients receiving balanced,enflurane,or isoflurane anesthesia. Anesthesiology,1993,78(4):649-651. 3. McCoy EP,Mirakhur RK,Maddineni VR,et al. Administration of rocuronium (Org 9426) by continuous infusion and its reversibility with anticholinesterases. Anaesthesia,1994,49(11):940-945. 4. Beilin B,Shavit Y,Razumovsky J,et al. Effects of mild perioperative hypothermia on cellular immune responses. Anesthesiology,1998,89(5):1133-1140. 5. Berti M,Fanelli G,Casati A,et al. Hypothermia prevention and treatment. Anaesthesia,1998,53 (Suppl 2):46-47. 6. Caldwell JE,Heier T,Wright PM,et al. Temperature-dependent pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of vecuronium.Anesthesiology,2000 ;92(1):84-93. 7. Beaufort AM,Wierda JM,Belopavlovic M,et al. The influence of hypothermia (surface cooling) on the time-course of action and on the pharmacokinetics of rocuronium in humans.Eur J Anaesthesiol Suppl,1995,11:95-106. 8. Smeulers NJ,Wierda JM,van den Broek L,et al. Hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass influences the concentration-response relationship and the biodisposition of rocuronium. European Journal of Anaesthesiology-Supplement.1995,11:91-94. 9. Bevan DR. Rocuronium bromide and organ function. Eur J Anaesthesiol Suppl,1994,9:87-91. 10. Olkkola KT,Tammisto T. Quantifying the interaction of rocuronium (Org 9426) with etomidate,fentanyl,midazolam,propofol,thiopental,and isoflurane using closed-loop feedback control of rocuronium infusion. Anesth Analg,1994,78(4):691-696. 11. Eriksson LI,Lennmarken C,Jensen E,et al. Twitch tension and train-of-four ratio during prolonged neuromuscular monitoring at different peripheral temperatures. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand,1991,35(3):247-252. |