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时间:2010-08-24 11:36:48  来源:  作者:

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Chloroprocaine Used for Spinal Anesthesia in Obstetrics


1傅润乔 1田玉科 2赵宏利 1薛绵荣

2王大伟 2徐 伟 1罗爱林 1张传汉

1华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院麻醉科,武汉 430030

2北京市垂杨柳医院麻醉科,北京 100036

1 Runqiao Fu1Yuke Tian2Hongli Zhao1Mianrong Xue2Dawei Wang2Wei Xu1Ailin Luo1Chuanhan Zhang

1Department of AnesthesiologyAffiliated <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Tongji Hospital of Tongji Medical CollegeHuazhong Science and Technology UniversityWuhan 430030China

2Department of AnesthesiologyChui Yangliu HospitalBeijing 100022China.



  ObjectiveTo study the efficiency of chloroprocaine in different concentration and dosage used for spinal anesthesia in obstetrics.

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  Method117 primiparas with fullterm pregnancy were divided randomly into group An39),Bn40 and Cn38),punctured from lumbar 23 spinal interspaceand injected a mixture of 2.0 ml 2.5 chloroprocaine 1.0 ml10 glucose 0.5 ml3 ephedrine  0.5 ml or 2.2 ml 2.5 chloroprocaine 1.2 ml10glucose 0.5 ml3 ephedrine 0.5 ml or 2.0 ml 3 chloroprocaine 1.0 ml10 glucose 0.5 ml3 ephedrine 0.5 ml within 35 seconds into subarachnoid spacerespectively.

  Results1Onset time was significantly faster P <0.05 in group C than group A . Time to arrive at thoracic 11 painfreetime unable to lift up lower limbstime of the highest nerve block levels were faster no significant in group C than other groups. The highest nerve block mean levels were thoracic 4.50±1.314.05±1.38 and 3.00±0.47 in group AB and Crespectively. 2 Time of nerve block faded to thoracic 11time able to lift up lower limbs and time of anesthesia complete disappearance were significantly longer P <0.01 in group C than those in other groups. 3 No one of primiparas in groups complained surgery painand all primiparas abdominal muscles were profoundly relaxation. 4 Incidence rates of hypotension in group AB and C were 33%,40 and 51%,respectivelyand could be effectively corrected by ephedrine. 5 Morbidities of nausea and vomiting were increased with elevation of concentration or dosage of chloroprocaine. 6 We did not observe any malbehavior changes involved in chloroprocaine toxicity.

  ConclusionsThe three mixtures of chloroprocaine can produce satisfactory spinal anesthesia for cesareanbut the sideeffects of hypotension and nausea and vomiting are increased with increment in dosage or concentration of chloroprocaine. The mixture of 2.5 chloroprocaine 1.0 ml10 glucose 0.5 ml3ephedrine 0.5 ml is enough for spinal anesthesia in cesarean.

  Key wordsChloroprocaineDensityDosageSpinal anesthesiaCesarean


  国产盐酸氯普鲁卡因(C P)已成功用于蛛网膜下隙阴滞(脊麻,腰麻)[1]。近期我们对其浓度和剂量进行了调整比较,研究结果报告如下。

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  麻醉方法:取国产注射用C P(可谱诺,山西晋城海斯药业生产,批号200506011支(0.5 g),用生理盐水20 m l16.7 m l稀释成2.5%或3%的浓度备用。产妇入室后先开放静脉和接无创生命监护仪(H PS p a c e l a b),监测血压、心电图和指脉搏氧饱和度。均在右侧卧位行L23腰-硬联合穿刺,见脑脊液外流后,向蛛网膜下隙(针斜面向尾侧)注入C P合剂(组A2.5C P1.0 m l+10%葡萄糖0.5 m l+3%麻黄碱0.5 ml;组B2.5CP1. 2 ml+10%葡萄糖0.5 ml+3%麻黄碱0.5 ml;组C3CP1.0ml+10%葡萄糖0.5 ml+3%麻黄碱0.5 ml),30 s给完(对秒表给药)。退出腰穿针,迅速向头端硬膜外置管34 cm,固定、平卧。并随即左倾手术床约10,和向左侧推移子宫,以缓解下腔静脉受压干扰静脉血回流,同时麻醉机面罩吸氧34 L/m i n,快速输入贺斯500 ml2030 min)。如收缩血压80 m m H g或下降基础30%给以麻黄碱提升,如手术时间较长硬膜外追加用药者予以排除。


  (1)记录产妇入室、蛛网膜下腔注药后13571015 min时的收缩压(SP)、舒张压(DP)、平均压(MAP)、心率(HR)和指脉搏氧饱和度(SpO2);






  统计分析:计量数据均用X ±s表达,应用SPSS12.0统计软件进行方差分析。计数资料用χ2检验,P 0.050.01表明差异有统计学显著性或极显著性。

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  恶心呕吐:剖宫产发生率一般较高。一方面与麻醉后低血压反应较快有关,另一方面与手术操作有关,还可能与催产素的快速输入有关[4],是否与C P药有关不清楚,这需要与其它药作对比研究。我们在C P硬膜外麻醉、臂丛麻醉、局部浸润麻醉时并无明显恶心呕吐反应。此外,本研究未发现麻醉后脊神经毒性反应症状。

  结论:三组剖宫产C P脊麻均产生优秀的麻醉效果,权衡利弊剖宫产手术脊麻以选择A组合剂合适。



1. 傅润乔,赵宏利,薛绵荣等. 国产氯普鲁卡因用于剖宫产脊醉的临床研究. 临床麻醉学杂志,2006226):

2. Taniguchi MBollen AWDrasner K. Sodium bisulfiteScapegoat for chloroprocaine neurotoxicity. Anesthesiology20041001):8591.

3. Yoos JRKopacz DJ. Spinal 2chloroprocainea comparison with smalldose bupivacaine in volunteers. Anesth Analg20051002):549552.

4. 倪根珊 编著. 药物临床应用撷萃. 北京:八一出版社,1994. 621.



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