<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Effects of Epidural Analgesics on Blockade of Lidocaine 耿智隆 张宏 叶光阳 靳冰 Geng Zhilong ,Zhang Hong ,Ye Guangyang et al . Abastract Purpose: To determine the analgesic effects of fentanyl or meperidine administered epidurally and their effects on blockade of lidocaine administered laterly. Methods: 50 patients scheduled for infraumbilical operations were divided randomly into five groups(10 cases per group) . In one group ,20 ml 2% lidocaine was administered 15 min after normal saline was epidurally administered previously ,and in the other four groups ,20 ml 2% lidocaine was administered 15 min after different dosages of fentanyl or meperidine were epidurally administered previously. Through needling and vi sual analog score methods , the analgesic effects of each group were determined. The analgesic onset and duration were recorded after administration of 20 ml 2% lidocaine. Results: The analgesic degrees were : meperidine 50 mg > fentanyl 50ug > meperidine 25 mg > fentanyl 25ug. The onset of sensory blockade in fentanyl group was faster than that in me peridine group (P<0.01) . The upper level of sensory blockade was in T9-10 15 min after administration of fentanyl or meperidine. The analgesic onset in fentanyl or meperidine group was faster than that in normal saline group ,and the analgesic durations in former groups were also longer than that in latter group (P<0.01). Conclusion: (1) After fentanyl or meperidine is administered epidurally ,the sites of analgesic effect which belongs to incomplete blockade are in the lev el of spinal cord,and segmental analgesia occures ;(2) The time of analgesic onset of lidocaine is shortened and duration is prolonged after small dosage of fentanyl or meperidine is administered previously. Key words:Analgesic ; Fentanyl ; Meperidine ; Lidocaine ; Epidural space ; Analgesia 硬膜外腔单纯注入阿片制剂或与局麻药混合,剂在临床上广泛应用于手术后镇痛[1~3]。在硬膜外腔预先注入小量芬太尼或哌替啶,再追加一次注入相同剂量利多卡因情况下,镇痛效果的比较报道甚少。我们测定此两种阿片制剂经硬膜外腔注入后,镇痛起效时间及镇痛程度,并对后续利多卡因注入后其镇痛完善的起效时间及持续时间进行观察,探讨与常用的单用局麻药阻滞有何不同。 1 资料和方法 1.1病例选择:选择术前2个月内未用过阿片制、无神经系统疾病史、硬膜外穿刺禁忌及饮酒嗜好者行脐以下手术ASA Ⅰ~Ⅱ级病人50例,年龄19~48岁;体重45~82kg;其中男24例,女26例。随机分为5组,每组10例。组Ⅰ:硬膜外腔预先注入生理盐水5ml,15min后注入2%利多卡因20ml;组作用Ⅱ、组Ⅲ、组Ⅳ和组Ⅴ分别预注芬太尼25ug、50ug、哌替啶25mg和50mg,15min后均注入2%利多卡因20ml。 1. 2 实验步骤:不用术前药。在第一个小时,以15ml/kg/h速率经静脉输入乳酸林格氏液。常规监测血压、心电图、脉搏及血氧饱和度(SpO2)。 |