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时间:2010-08-24 11:36:52  来源:  作者:

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Influence of Remifentanil on Respiratory Function in Elderly Patients


周仁龙  杭燕南

上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院麻醉科,上海 200001

Ren-long Zhou,Yan-nan Hang

Department of Anesthesiology,Renji Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical College,Shanghai 200001,China



  Objective:To study the influence of remifentanil with different concentrations on respiratory function in elderly patients.

  Methods:Thirty patients were arranged into adult group or elderly group(n=15 in each). Following recording the baseline respiratory parameters,target-controlled infusion of remifentanil at concentration of 1ng/ml was started and respiratory function parameters were recorded at 3 minutes after the infusion. Then,the plasma concentration of remifentanil was increased by 1ng/ml step by step and the recording was repeated at each concentration. The last recording was done when remifentanil concentration up to 3ng/ml or when the saturation of oxygen decreased less than 90% over 15s.

  Results:Compared with baseline,heart rates were decreased significantly in adult group at remifentanil concentration of 3ng/ml and in elderly group at remifentanil concentrations of 2ng/ml and 3ng/ml. The saturation of oxygen was reduced and the respiratory function was depressed more and more markedly with the increase of remifentanil concentrations in both groups,with greater depress in the elderly group. In both groups,the tidal volume was decreased more significantly with higher concentration of remifentanil,but the breathing rate showed no changes except in elderly group with remifentanil at 3ng/ml. So the minute volume was decreased by 26%,55% and 75% compared to the baseline when remifentanil got up to 1 ng/ml,2ng/ml and 3ng/ml in adult group,and 33%,62% and 83% in elderly group,respectively. As the concentration of remifentanil was over 1ng/ml,the inspired peak flow was reduced and the inspiratory time fraction was prolonged.

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  Conclusion:Remifentanil can depress the respiratory function,especially at the plasma concentration over 2ng/ml. The respiratory depression would be more serious in elderly patients compared with the adults.

  Key words:Remifentanil, respiratory function, elder






  试验方法:病人入室开放外周静脉与颈内静脉,以Daxtex-Ohmada监护仪(Datex-Ohmeda,Monitor Branch,Finland)进行无创血压(收缩压SBP,舒张压DBP)、心率(HR)、脉搏氧饱和度(SpO2)监测,同时记录各指标基础值。自颈内静脉靶控输注瑞芬太尼,以计算机(STELPUMP,1.07软件)驱动Graseby 3500输注泵(Graseby Medical Limited,UK),选用Minto药代动力学参数,设定初始血浆靶浓度为1ng/ml,3min后记录呼吸参数,记录完毕后增加瑞芬太尼浓度1ng/ml,3min后重复呼吸功能的测定,瑞芬太尼血浆靶控浓度最大至4ng/ml。自试验开始即给予病人面罩吸氧,若脉搏血氧饱和度小于90%持续15s以上,则停止试验,静注丙泊酚与维库溴铵行气管插管机械通气诱导插管。

  监测指标:记录病人SBP、DBP、HR和SpO2。呼吸参数以呼吸功能监护仪Biocore 1.3(Bicore Ltd,USA)进行监测,在基础时点、各浓度改变后3min时点记录潮气量(VT)、呼吸频率(RR)、分钟通气量(MV)、吸入气峰流速(PIFR)和吸气时间所占比例(TI/TT)。



结 果




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讨 论





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