<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 在同一麻醉深度下,老年人所需的效应室浓度要比中青人更低[9]。这与老年人的生理病理有关。研究表明,由于神经元随年龄增长而消耗的程度越严重。神经元之间突触联系进行性的断裂而松散。传导通路上的神经纤维减少并排列纷乱。老年人脑内递质合成速率减慢,生成减少,数量降低,活性降低。体内各种神经受体(如n-AChR、NMDA以及钠离子通道)的数目减少和活性降低,受体与递质的亲和力减弱,从而在电生理上表现为传导速度减慢且信号幅度降低,甚至传入神经阻滞,导致老年人某些感觉阈值增高,可能导致老年人所需的效应室浓度要比青年人要低。由于老年人的药代动力学和药效动力学的变化发生改变,药代和药效参数发生改变,病人对麻醉药物的敏感性增高[6][10]。 本研究结果也显示出这一特征。 总之,在老年人麻醉中,在AEPI监测下,利用靶控输注丙泊酚,可较好的控制麻醉深度,避免麻醉深浅的波动,减少体动的发生以及血液动力学的波动。同时可减少药量的使用,指导合理使用药物,避免药物过量。 参考文献 1. Mantzaridis H,Kenny GN. Auditory evoked potential index:a quantitative measuree of changes in auditory evoked potentials during general anaesthesia.Anaesthesia,1997,52:1030-1036. 2. Gajraj R J,Doi M,Mantzaridis H,et al. Analysis of the EEG bispectrum,auditory evoked potentials and the EEG power spectrum during repeated transitions from consciousness to unconsciousness.Br J Anaesth,1998,80:46 - 52. 3. Doi M,Gajraj R J,Mantzaridis H,et al. Prediction of movement at laryngeal mask airway insertion:comparison of auditory evoked potential index,bispectral index,spectral edge frequency and median frequency. Br J Anaesth.,1999,82:203 - 207 4. Kurita T,Doi M,Katoh T,et al. Auditory evoked potential index predicts the depth of sedation and movement in response to skin incision during sevoflurane anesthesia.Anesthesiology,2001,95:364-370. 5. Kenny GNC,Mantzaridis H.losed-loop control of propofol anaesthesia.Br J Anaesth.,1999,83:223 ? 228. 6. 杭燕南,庄心良,蒋 豪,等,主编. 当代麻醉学. 第1版. 上海科学技术出版社,2002.818. 7. Hoka S,Yamaura K,Takenaka T,et al. Propofol-induced increase in vascular capacitance is due to inhibition of sympathetic vasoconstrictive activity. Anesthesiology,1998,89:1495-1500. 8. Yamamoto S,Kawana S,Miyamoto A,et al. Propofol-induced depression of cultured rat ventricular myocytes is related to the M2-acetylcholine receptor-NO-cGMP signaling pathway. Anesthesiology,1999,91:1712-1719. 9. Kazama T,Takeuchi K,Ikeda K,et al. Optimal propofol plasma concentration during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in young,middle-aged,and elderly patients.Anaesthesiology,2000,93:662. 10. Muravchick S.Anaesthesia for the elderly. In:Miller RD,eds.Anesthesia.5thed.Harcourt Asia:Churchill Livingstone,2001.2140-2156. |