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时间:2010-08-24 11:36:57  来源:  作者:

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The effects of controlled hypotension induced by sodium nitroprusside on gastrointestinal perfusion and oxygenation in anesthetized dogs


李秋霞 安刚

L i Qiuxia A n Gang.



  Objective To investigate the effects of controlled hypotension induced by sodium ni2troprusside on gastrointestinal perfusion and oxygenation in anesthetized dogs.

  Methods Sixteen healthy 2mongrel dogs weighing 22225 kg were randomly allocated to hypotensive and control group. The animal2s were intubated and mechanically ventilated with 100 oxygen. PETCO2 was maintained Between 35245 mmHg. A tonometer was inserted into the stomach by oral route. Femoral artery and venous were can2nulated for intra arterial pressure monitoring and infusion. Hypotension was induced by infusion of

0102 sodium nitroprusside and MAP was reduced to 60 and 50 mmHg for 30 minutes. Arterial and ve2nous blood gas hemodynamic variables PgCO2 gastric intramucosal partial pressure of carbon dioxideand Pg2etCO2 were measured prior to controlled hypotension and following every degree of hypotension.

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  Results1 The reduction in MAP was associated with a significant decrease in SVRI PVRI while <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />HRand CO SVI remained unchanged. 2 There was also a significant decrease in LVSWI. 3 When MAPreduced to 60mmHg PgCO2 and Pg2etCO2 significantiy increased from 47145 mmHg 9107 mmHg to60154 mmHg 21121 mmHg respectively.

  Conclusion During nitroprusside2induced hypotension al2though CO remained unchanged the gastrointestinal mucosal blood flow and oxygenation significantly de2creased owing to blood flow distribution away from splanchnic region towards vital organs. Splanchnic per2fusion was transiently impaired during nitroprusside2induced hypotension.

  Keywords Hypotension Controlled Sodium nitroprusside Tonometry Gastric intramucosal partial pressure of carbon dioxide Gastrointestinal hypoperfusion




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  选择成年健康杂种犬16只,雌雄不拘,体重(2215±3kg,随机分为对照组(Ⅰ组,n8)和控制性低血压组(Ⅱ组,n 8),实验前禁食12h。氯胺酮15mg/kg、阿托品015mg肌肉注射麻醉后,仰卧位固定,气管插管行控制呼吸(FiO2100%)。采用DetaxS/5监测仪连续监测呼吸力学指标、吸入和呼气末二氧化碳和安氟醚浓度。经口置入胃张力计导管(TRIP管),通过测量门齿至胃的长度和听诊法判定其位置确在胃内,术后剖腹探查证实。以安氟醚、芬太尼、维库溴铵静吸复合维持麻醉。实验中监测心电图、食管温度,保持PETCO2 3545 mmHg之间。

  股动脉切开置管用于直接测压和采集动脉血样;股静脉置管用于输液以及控制性低血压时硝普钠的给药通道;右颈内静脉放置Swan2Ganz 四腔漂浮导管接心输出量监测仪(Datex2Ohmeda M2COPSv),测定并计算血液动力学参数,实验中以加热毯维持食管温度于(37±1)℃。

  控制性低血压 上述操作完毕,实验动物稳定30min开始降压。降压前补充禁食丧失液体量(复方乳酸钠总量约15ml/kg)。用微量泵(Persusor.Secura FT B. Braun.)持续泵入0102 %硝普钠溶液(临用前配制,避光),调节泵速在1530min内使MAP降至6050mmHg并维持30min。降压期间复方乳酸钠35mlkg21min21维持输注,记录硝普钠用量及总用量。各监测时点的选择是降压前即刻T0(基础值),降压达目标并稳定30minT1MAP 60mmHg)、T2MAP 50mmHg)。

  监测指标 (1)血液动力学指标:平均动脉压(MAP)、心率(HR)、肺动脉压(MPAP)、肺毛细血管楔压(PCWP),温度稀释法测得心输出量(CO),并取3次测量值的平均值。根据标准公式计算体循环阻力指数(SVRI)、肺循环阻力指数(PVRI)、心脏指数(CI)、每搏指数(SVI)、左右心搏功指数(LVSWIRVSWI);(2)血气:分别抽取动脉和混合静脉血行血气分析;(3)胃粘膜二氧化碳分压(PgCO2DatexS/5Tonocap TM分压测量仪每隔10min测定Pg2CO2(红外分光测定法)并计算显示胃粘膜与呼气末二氧化碳分压差(Pg2etCO2)。

  统计分析 实验结果采用单因素方差分析进行统计学处理,以均数±标准差(x±s)表示,P<0105为差异有显著性。




  两组动物实验前的体重、HRMAP 及血球压积(Hct)均无显著差别。


  血液动力学变化 控制性低血压期间血液动力学的变化见表1。硝普钠控制性降压后MAP85mmHg显著下降至60mmHg50mmHgSVRI分别下降2417%、4614%(P<0105),PVRI分别降低1718%、1912%(P<0105),血压下降后LVSWI2915分别下降至20141619P<0105),而COSVICVPPCWPRVSWI无显著变化。

  内脏灌注变化 血压下降后PgCO2Pg2etCO2分别由471459107mmHg显著升高至6015421121mmHgP<0105)(表2)。

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  控制性低血压对心、脑、肾等重要脏器的影响已有很多研究,一般认为在MAP50mmHg限度内,心、脑不会发生血流灌注减少。肾血流虽会下降,影响其泌尿功能,但肾组织不会发生缺血性损害。而内脏器官血流自主调节能力很小,胃肠道粘膜由于解剖学特点成为内脏器官中发生缺血最早,也是最明显的器官之一。PgCO2是反应胃肠粘膜灌注及氧合状况的早期敏感指标,对其进行连续监测升高表明胃粘膜血流减少或缺氧发生无氧代谢CO2蓄积[1]。本实验发现,在MAP 60mmHg水平,与基础值相比,PgCO2Pg2etCO2显著升高,反映胃粘膜灌注不良。




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