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Glial Activation and Segmental Upregulation of Interleukin-1 (IL-1) in the Rat Spinal Cord after Surgical Incision

时间:2010-08-24 11:36:58  来源:  作者:

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Qulian Guoa Di Fua Yuhang Aia Jianqin YanaHongwei CaiRuping Daiaba


  The present study investigated the expression patterns of glial cells and interleukinIL1b in the rat spinal cord after a surgical incision which is closely related with clinical postoperative pain. Microglia and astrocytes became activated in the spinal cord following incision. Realtime polymerase chain reaction PCR and immunohistochemisty showed that IL1b mRNA and protein level in the spinal cord was transiently up regulated after surgical incision. The increased IL1bimmunoreactivity IR was mainly localized in neurons but not the activated microglia or astrocytes. Although obvious increase in IL1bIR could be observed in the lumbar segments of the spinal cord ipsilateral to a hind paw incision significant up regulation of IL1b was not detected in the lumbar segments following thoracic incision. The present study indicated that surgical incision could induce glial activation and segmental up regulation of IL1b in the spinal cord. The activated glial cells and up regulated IL1b in turn may be involved in the incisioninduced pain hypersensitivity.

  Keywords Cytokines postoperative pain spinal cord Interleukin1b IL1b



  Injuries in peripheral nervous system or peripheral tissue inflammation often result in neuropathic or inflammatory pain hypersensitivity including hyperalgesia exaggerating and prolonging the nociceptive pathway to noxious inputs and allodynia enabling innocuous inputs to activate nociceptive pathway) (13. Growing evidence has shown that glial cells and interleukin1b IL1b are activated in the spinal cord in these injuries and contribute to the development of inflammatory and neuropathic pain hypersensitivity 46.

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For example the injection of inflammatory agents such as zymosan in the hind paw of the rat activated glial cells and increased IL1b expression in the spinal cord which correlated with the development of allodynia 7. It has also been reported that intrathecal administration of IL1b also produces a significant hyperalgesic effect 89 or mechanical allodynia 10. Furthermore injecting IL1b antibody or glial cells inhibitor could attenuate the inflammatory pain hypersensitivity induced by zymosan hind paw injection 11. However it is still elusive whether there is a similar expression pattern of the glial cells and IL1b in other pathological pain states such as postoperative pain.

  Postoperative incisional pain is a unique and common form of acute pain which can also induce the exaggerated pain states 12. It has been demonstrated that nonNMDA receptors were linked to the pain hypersensitivity induced by surgical incision whereas NMDA receptors were believed to play critical roles in other types of pathological pain 13 14. Early study also suggested that there were distinct neurochemical changes in the spinal cord between incisioninduced pain and other types of pathological pain 1. It remains to be ascertained if IL1b in the spinal cord could be involved in pain hypersensitivity induced by surgical incision. Once activated the glial cells and cytokine may be involved in the incisioninduced pain hypersensitivity.

  Various experimental incisioninduced pain models such as abdominal and hind paw incisions have been established to mimic clinical postoperative pain 15 16. In the model of hind paw incision mechanical hypersensitivity to stimuli and nonevoked pain behavior were well correlated with incident and rest pain in clinics.

  The present study used thoracic surgical incision rat model to investigate the effect of surgical incision on the glial response and the expression of IL1b in the spinal cord. Once the upreulgaiton of IL1β was observed the present study would further determine the distribution and localization of IL1β following surgical incision.




  This study was carried out on male Wistar rats 150? 250 g obtained from Central South University Animal Services Changsha China.

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The experimental protocol was approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee of Central South University and conformed by IASP guidelines for the study of pain in animals 17. All efforts were made to minimize the number of rats used and their suffering.


  Surgical preparation and groups.

  An incision model in the rats was established through a deep thoracic incision. In brief adult male rats were anesthetized with diethyl ether. Under sterile condition a skin incision about <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />1 cm was made in the midline of the thorax starting from the sternal angle and running parallel to the sternum. The incision wound was deepened until the sternum was exposed but without breaking it. After that the thoracic musculature and skin incision were closed by 3/0 suture. The shamoperated animals underwent the same procedure except that the incision was not carried out. In an independent experimental group the animals were employed with an incision on its left hind paw a well established pain model 18.

For RNA extraction the experimental rats following a deep thoracic incision were randomly divided into groups and sacrificed at 1 hour 6 hours 1 day and 3 days n5 for each group. Age matched shamoperated rats were sacrificed at the indicative time and pooled together as controls n2 at each time point.  In a separate setup the shamoperated and various groups of experimental rats n3 for each group were perfused using 2 paraformaldehyde for immunohistochemistry.


  RNA extraction and reverse transcription.

  The first and second segments of thoracic spinal cord T12 segments were collected at indicated time intervals and frozen in the liquid nitrogen and kept in a 80?C freezer until use. Total RNA was isolated from the tissue using TRIzol? reagent based on the company protocol Invitrogen USA. RNA concentration was determined by spectrophotometry at 260nm. RNA integrity was electrophoretically verified.  For reverse transcription the reaction mixture containing 2 ?g of RNA 2.5 ?M of oligodT primer and 5 units of Molony Murine Leukemia Virus Reverse Transcriptase MMLV Promega USA in a total volume of 25 ?l was incubated for 1 h at 42 °C and stopped by heating for 5 min at 95 °C. The cDNA was quantified using spectrophotometry and diluted to 1050 mg/ml for polymerase chain reaction PCR or RealTime PCR assay.

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GFAPIR becomes more intense in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord at 6 hours after incision d compared to that of the shamoperated rat sc. Scale bars 200?m in a and b); 100?m in cf.

Fig 2 Relative IL1b gene expression in the rats after thoracic incision and agematched shamoperated rats. Note that significant increase of IL1b mRNA level in the thoracic segments of the spinal cord at 1 hour 6 hours and 1day after operation compared with the shamoperation. Values are Mean±S.E.M n5 for each experimental group and n8 control group.

Fig 3 Representative photomicrographs of IL1bIR in the dorsal a and ventral b horns of the T12 segments. The upregulation of IL1bIR is observed in the dorsal c and ventral d horns at 1 hour after operation. The staining becomes more intense in both the dorsal e and ventral f horns at 6 hours following incision. Scale bar 100um.

Fig 4 Double labeling of IL1b with OX42 ac), GFAP df or NeuN gi in the dorsal horn of the T12 segments in rats at 6 hours following thoracic incision. Note that numerous colocalizations of IL1bIR and NeuNIR in the dorsal horns gi. Arrows in these photos indicate that some IL1b immunoreactive cells are also labeled with NeuN antisera gi. Scale bar <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />50mm.

Fig 5 Representative photomicrographs of IL1bIR in the lumbar enlargement in the shamoperated rats a and e); rats following paw incision bd); rats following thoracic incision f. Increased IL1bIR is observed and most prominent in the superficial dorsal horn and laminae VIII and IX arrows in b in the ventral horn of the ipsilateral segments in response to paw incision b); in the superficial dorsal horns numerous small diameter neurons are intensively stained by IL1b whereas the staining of IL1b is very mild in the contralateral side to paw incision d); The staining of IL1b is also weak in the shamoperated rats eand rats following thoracic incision f. Scale bar 200mm in a and b); 100mm in cf.



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