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The effect of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)during pre-oxygenation and induction of general anaesthesia on duration of non-hypoxic apnoea Xiao-jing Huang, Shi-tong Li, Zheng-ping Wang, Quan-ying Jin, Yu-cai Zhang ABSTRACT Objective: To observe the effect of continuous positive airway pressure(CPAP) during pre-oxygenation and induction of anaesthesia upon the safe duration of non-hypoxic apnoea. Methods: Forty patients undergoing general anesthesia were randomly divided into two groups, group CPAP and control group (group C, n=20 each). All patients breathed spontaneously before and during induction without control or assistant ventilation. Two minutes before intravenous induction, patients began to inhale 100% O2 via face mask continuously. Patients in group CPAP inhaled oxygen with CPAP of 6cmH2O, while patients in group C without CPAP. After induction and intubation, all patients were not ventilated until SpO2 decreased to 90%. The safe duration of non-hypoxic apnoea (from breath stopping to SpO2 of 90%)was recoded. Blood pressure and heart rate were monitored before oxygen inhalation(T1),after induction(T2),after intubation(T3) and at the time of SpO2 reaching 90%(T90),respectively. Arterial blood gas analysis was performed before induction(after 2 min of oxygen inhalation) and at the time of SpO2 to 90%(T90). Results: The safe duration of apnoea was significantly longer in group CPAP than that in group C (561.1±31.8s vs. 461.4±30.4s, P﹤0.05). PaO2 at T90 and PaCO2 at Tx in two groups were similar. However, PaO2 at Tx and PaCO2 at T90 were higher in group CPAP than those in group C(505.7±16.5 vs 448.1±17.8 mmHg, 67.1±1.7 vs 61.6±1.5 mmHg, P﹤0.05).The blood pressure and heart rate in two groups were similar all the time. No stomach inflation occoured in any case of two groups. Conclusion: The application of CPAP during induction of anesthesia prolongs the safe duration of non-hypoxic apnoea without side-effects. Key words: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure(CPAP);Apnoea 全身麻醉插管前加压给氧去氧是沿袭多年的预给氧方法,目的是提高肺泡内氧分压,防止插管时低氧血症与二氧化碳蓄积。但常有发生胃膨胀和存在胃内容返流误吸的可能,尽管可以术前插胃管防止反流及胃扩张,或者压迫环状软骨来防止反流、误吸的发生,如果麻醉诱导插入气管导管前能避免人工正压通气,应该更有效。 全麻诱导期无通气安全时限是指通气停止后SpO2降至90%的时间。根据氧解离曲线,如血液中氧分压不低于60mmHg,血红蛋白氧饱和度仍能保持在90%以上,血液仍有较高的携氧能力,不致发生明显的低氧血症。已有研究探讨了不同通气方式包括呼气末正压通气(PEEP)及持续正压通气(CPAP)联合PEEP对全麻诱导期无通气安全时限的影响[1-4]。但面罩PEEP在改善通气和气体交换的同时仍有胃胀气的可能,本文拟观察全麻诱导期单独采用CPAP预给氧能否在避免胃胀气的情况下延长无通气安全时限。 资料与方法 一般资料 随机选择ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级、年龄18~65岁择期手术全麻患者40例。随机分为CPAP组和对照组(C组),每组20例。所选患者须符合以下条件:术前血红蛋白(Hb)﹥ 麻醉诱导和监测指标 术前肌注鲁米那 诱导前,去枕平卧,CPAP组先调节麻醉机环路的溢气阀(APL)使环路内最高限压为6cmH2O,紧扣面罩(完全密闭),患者自主呼吸,麻醉机氧流量 统计分析 应用SAS6.12软件进行分析,计量资料用均数±标准差( |