<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 在拔除气管导管的过程中,人体要经历从浅麻醉状态过渡到非麻醉状态,从吸痰等刺激到导管拔除的刺激解除,经过一个以交感兴奋为主线的比较复杂的反应过程。其中心血管系统的反应强烈,短时间内血压升高、心率加快、心肌耗氧量增加,甚至出现心脑血管意外,此时又不能通过追加麻醉药来降低血压和心率,因此在此期间的降压和稳定心率有别于麻醉状态下的控制性降压,现有的研究报道通过多种用药方案来预防拔管期心血管应激反应,均取得了一定的效果。本文将多种方案及其可行的联合用药策略加以总结,希望能对临床中预防全身麻醉拔管期的心血管反应起到一定的指导作用,并为进一步的研究提供方向。 参考文献 1. Lim SH,Chin NM,Tai HY,et al. Prophylactic esmolol infusion for the control of cardiovascular responses to extubation after intracranial surgery. Ann Acad Med Singapore.2000 Jul,29(4):447-51. 2. Takahashi M,Nakahashi K,Karashima Y,et al. Thememory of trcheal extubation during emergence from general anesthesia.Masui.2001 Jun;50(6):613-8. 3. Palfreman TM,Wakeling HG. Atteuation of cardiovascular and cough reflexes during extubation. Anaesthesia.2002 Oct;57(10):1034-5. 4. Walthall H,Ray S,Robson D. Does extubation result in haemodynamic instability in patients following coronary artery bypass grafts? Intensive Crit Care Nurs.2001 Oct;17(5):286-93. 5. Conti J,Smith D. Haemodynamic responses to extubation after cardiac surgery with and without continued sedation. Br J Anaesth.1998 Jun;80(6):834-6. 6. Fujii Y,Saitoh Y,Takahashi S,et al. Combined diltiazem and lidocaine reduces cardivascular responses to tracheal extubation and anesthesia emergence in hypertensive patients. Can J Anaesth.1999 Oct;46(10):952-6. 7. Shajar MA,Thompson JP,Hall AP,et al. Effect of a remifentanil bolus dose on the cardiovascular response to emergence from anaesthesia and tracheal extubation.Br J Anaesth.1999 Oct;83(4):654-6. 8. Kurian SM,Evans R,Fernandes NO,et al. The effect of an infusion of esmolol on the incidence of myocardial ischaemia during tracheal extubation following coronary artery surgery. Anaesthesia.2001 Dec;56(12):1163-8. 9. Fujii Y,Saitoh Y,Takahashi S,et al. Pretreatment with oral clonidine attenuates cardiovascular responses to tracheal extubation in children. Paediatr Anaesth.2000;10(1):65-7. 10. Yorukoglu D,Goktug A,Alanoglu Z,et al. Comparison of intravenous metoprolol,verapamil and diltiazem on the attenuation of haemodynamic changes associated with tracheal extubation. Eur J Anaesthesiol.1999 Jul;16(7):462-7. |