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Shikani Optical StyletTM Guided Endotracheal Intubation Utilizing the Left Molar Approach Yun-tai Department of Anesthesiology, ABSTRACT:The Shikani Optical Stylet (SOS)was developed as an aid for difficult intubation by Dr Shinani, an American otolaryngologist. The SOS combines features of a fibreoptic bronchoscope and lightwand. Though it was FDA-approved in 1996, the SOS is still unknown to many anesthesiologists. The SOS was introduced into our department in 2005. We developed a new intubation method, the left molar approach. And now it has been used as a routine technique on daily basis in our setting. The technique has proved to be more advantageous in many aspects than conventional laryngoscope and the midline intubation approach recommended by its inventor. Key words:Shikani Optical Stylet; Endotracheal intubation Shikani可视喉镜(Shikani Optical Stylet, SOS)由一个可塑型的不锈钢材质J型镜体和带 电池的手柄组成,镜体内含聚合光纤用于照明和成像,手柄尾端有目镜(30,000 像素)和光源开关(图 一、SOS左侧磨牙入路气管插管技术 SOS左侧磨牙入路气管插管技术的关键步骤见表1。 图 J型镜体(远端为光源);镜体的尾端黑色的为目镜(30,000 像素)和位于其下方的光源开关;黄色的为气管导管固定器(根据气管导管的型号调节其在镜体上的位置);黑色的为手柄(内装电池)。 图 1B 预装了单腔气管导管的SOS 镜体远端不要超过气管导管开口,以免损伤组织和分泌物模糊视野。 图 引导双腔气管导管插管时,需移除SOS的导管固定器,并根据型号不同,将气管导管近端适当地割除一定长度以适应镜体。
图 图 2B 左侧磨牙入路 图 3 显示光斑 位于颈正中部甲状软骨下的光斑 图 4 窥视声门 当光斑出现在颈正中部甲状软骨下时,通过目镜观察声门结构 4. 实效性高和易学易用(Time-effectiveness and easy utility) Roger等人[6]通过研究发现,即便是没有经过相关培训的内科住院医生,也能够使用SOS 顺利完成气管插管,而且与普通喉镜相比,插管耗时分别为23.6±6.0s 和 21.1±7.7s,差异没有统计学意义。Shukry 等[5]的另一项针对麻醉科医生的研究显示:SOS插管耗时显著小于探条(gum elastic bougie),分别为20.8±9.3 s和 30±19.8s, 使用探条插管时经常误入食道,而使用SOS者均能准确到位。对于熟练掌握SOS左侧磨牙入路气管插管技术者而言,可在20s以内顺利完成气管插管。 5. 注意事项(Clinical pearls) 由于设计方面的局限,SOS不能像纤维支气管镜那样边插管边吸引,因此为了防止分泌物模糊视野,酌情使用干燥剂和插管前充分吸引口咽部就显得尤为重要。 初学者往往容易过分依赖目镜直视下寻找声门,而且经常由于置入过深而进入食管,此时可以在直视下边退边寻找声门。 对于颈部组织肥厚的患者,光斑不易显现,插管的成功有赖于导管末端由左侧向中线摆动时划入会厌下放的“落空感”和目镜直视下的位置的确认。 三、结论 SOS集便携、高效、高性价比和易维护等优点于一身,为气道维护提供了新的选择,尽管SOS是被开发用于应对困难气管插管的,但是通过我们的临床实践,已经充分证明其在常规手术麻醉气管插管时取代普通喉镜的可行性,此举益于减轻气管插管血流动力学反应、减少口咽部和牙齿的损伤以及将困难气道处理技术日常化便于练习等。目前,SOS左侧磨牙入路气管插管技术已经被纳入我们的住院医师培训内容,同时我们通过研讨会和现场教学的方式积极地推广此项技术,并获得了良好的反馈。我们准备近期内将此项技术用于院内急诊气道问题的处理。另外国外已有报道将SOS用于小儿困难气管插管 [9,10],但目前我们尚缺乏此方面的经验。 我们期望:左侧磨牙入路气管插管技术可以使SOS成为麻醉科医生在处理困难气道时,除喉罩(LMA)、纤维支气管镜(FOB)和食管气管联合导管(ETC)之外的又一利器。 参考文献 1. Shikani AH. New “seeing” stylet-scope and method for the management of the difficult airway. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 1999, 120: 113-116. 2. Agro F, Cataldo R, Carassiti M, et al. The seeing stylet: a new device for tracheal intubation. Resuscitation, 2000, 44: 177-180. 3. Liem. New options for airway management: intubating fiberoptic stylets. BJA, 2003, 91: 408-418. 4. Yamamoto K, Tsubokawa T, Ohmura S, et al. Left-molar approach improves the laryngeal view in patients with difficult laryngoscopy. Anesthesiology. 2000, 92(1): 70-74. 5. Evans A, Morris S, Petterson J, et al. A comparison of the Seeing Optical Stylet and the gum elastic bougie in simulated difficult tracheal intubation: a manikin study, 2006, 61(5): 478-481. 6. Roger H, Harriet B, Brian A. Utility of the Shikani Seeing Stylet for Endotracheal Intubation. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2002, 91 (3): 408-418. 7. Kimura A, Yamakage M, Chen X, et al. Use of the fibreoptic stylet scope (Styletscope) reduces the hemodynamic response to intubation in normotensive and hypertensive patients. Can J Anaesth, 2001, 48(9): 919-923. 8. Hirabayashi Y, Hiruta M, Kawakami T, et al. Effects of lightwand (Trachlight) compared with direct laryngoscopy on circulatory responses to tracheal intubation. Br J Anaesth, 1998, 81:253-255. 9. Shukry M, 10. Pfitzner L, Cooper MG, Ho D. The Shikani Seeing Stylet for difficult intubation in children: initial experience. Anaesth Intensive Care, 2002, 30: 462-466.