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时间:2010-08-24 09:05:58  来源:  作者:

The Clinical Use of Glidescope Videolaryngoscope in Nasotracheal Intubation
  李玄英  张国华  孙海涛  李成文  刘鲲鹏  毛 鹏
Fu-shan Xue, Xuan-ying Li , Guo-hua Zhang, Hai-tao Sun,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

 Cheng-wen Li, Kun-peng Liu,  Peng Mao
Department of Anesthesiology,Plastic Surgery Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical college,Beijing 100041.

 Objectives:To introduce the clinical experiences of nasotracheal intubation using GlideScope videolaryngoscope and to observe its maneuverability
the clinical values and the related cardiovascular stress responses.
 Methods:43 patients,ASA aged 16~50 years and underwent selective plastic surgery were included in this study. The difficult degree of tracheal intubation was evaluated preoperatively. After rapid sequence induction of anesthesia,nasotracheal intubation was done using GlideScope videolaryngoscope. Noninvasive SBP,SBP,HR and SpO were recorded before and after induction,at intubation and every minute for the first 5 minutes after intubation. The times required for visualization of the glottis and successful tracheal intubationand the Cormack classification of laryngoscopic views were also recorded.
 Results:The incidence of successful nasotracheal intubation using GlideScope videolaryngoscope in all the patients was 97.7%. The Cormack classification of laryngoscopic views obtained by GlideScope videolaryngoscope were in all the patients. The times required for visualization of the glottis and successful tracheal intubation were(39.85±12.53)s and(54.71±14.27)s ,respectively. After anesthetic induction,SBP,DBP and MAP decreased significantly as compared with preinduction values. The nasotracheal intubation caused significant increases in SBP,DBP,MAP and RPP in comparison with the postinduction values(P<0.05). The maximal values of DBP,MAP and HR during observation were significantly higher than their preinduction values. However,these hemodynamic changes lasted only 1 to 2 min and then decreased gradually. The values of blood pressure at 4 min or 5 min were even lower than the postinduction values.
 Conclusions:The advantages of nasotracheal intubation using GlideScope videolaryngoscope are simple manipulation,clear visualization of the glottis and less damage. Because of inherent structure characteristic of GlideScope videolaryngoscopesome special measures must be taken to achieve a successful nasotracheal intubation in clinical practice. The general anesthesia of clinic standard depth can effectively inhibit the adverse cardiovascular stress response to nasotracheal intubation via GSVL. 
 Keywords: Glidescope videolaryngoscope;Nasotracheal intubation,Clinical useCardiovascular stress response
 Corresponding author: Fu-shan  Xue MD;E-mail:Fruitxue@yahoo.com.cn

   GlideScope视频喉镜(GlideScope videolaryngoscope)是1种新型视频气管插管系统,既往我们在经口气管插管应用中发现,其具有操作简单、喉部显露清晰、气管插管损伤小和可降低气管插管操作难度等优点[1],为临床气管插管处理提供了一种新型操作模式,最近其显示系统的小型化更是为临床应用提供了极大的便利条件[2]。目前国内外尚无采用GlideScope视频喉镜实施经鼻气管插管的经验报道。我们采用GlideScope视频喉镜对43例施择期整形外科手术的健康患者进行了经鼻气管插管,初步掌握了其用于经鼻气管插管时的一些临床经验,现介绍如下。<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

  选取ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级、拟在经鼻气管插管全身麻醉下实施择期颅骨和颌面部整形外科手术的患者43例,其中男4例,女39例;患者的年龄为19~50岁,体重为38~70 kg,身高为156~176 cm。手术前评估Mallampati舌咽结构分级[3]为Ⅲ级者有7例,Ⅳ级者有1例;1例患者的张口度为3cm,并且甲颏间距为6.5cm;其余患者无困难气道情况。患有严重心血管系统疾病、长期服用影响血压和心率的药物以及重要脏器功能不全的患者被排除在外。
  静脉注射咪达唑仑0.05mg•kg-1,芬太尼2μg•kg-1,丙泊酚2mg•kg-1和维库溴铵0.1mg•kg-1进行麻醉诱导,同时应用面罩进行纯氧通气。在静脉注射维库溴铵2 min后开始实施经鼻气管插管操作,所有的气管插管操作均是由同一位麻醉科医师实施。气管插管成功后将鼻气管导管与麻醉呼吸机相连接进行控制呼吸,潮气量为10ml•kg-1,呼吸频率为12•min-1。采用1%安氟烷-60% NO2-氧维持麻醉,新鲜气流量为2.5ml•min-1。观察期间以5ml•kg-1•h-1的速度静脉输注乳酸钠林格液。
  (1) 连接GlideScope视频喉镜的各部件,接通电源,检查系统工作是否正常。
  (2) 采用利多卡因凝胶对镜片腹侧进行满意的润滑处理。
  (3) 选择合适型号的鼻气管导管。本组患者均采用英国Portex公司生产的硅橡胶预塑形鼻气管导管,女性和男性患者采用的鼻气管导管型号分别为6.。气管插管前检查套囊是否漏气,并采用利多卡因凝胶润滑鼻气管导管的前端。
  (4) 准备常规经鼻气管插管所需的其他物品,包括直接喉镜和Magil插管钳等。

  经鼻气管插管操作:患者取仰卧位,麻醉诱导后使患者头部处于“嗅物位”,操作者右手持鼻气管导管,在充分润滑鼻腔的同时将鼻气管导管插入鼻腔内(图1A);待鼻气管导管的前端通过后鼻孔(大约插入15~16cm左右),由助手打开GlideScope视频喉镜显示器的开关。操作者采用右手食指牵拉上颌切牙使寰枕关节伸展,右手中指向下推颏部使患者张口,左手持GlideScope视频喉镜,取舌正中位将镜片插入患者的口腔内(图1B);使镜片沿口腔和咽部的正常解剖弯曲在舌体表面缓慢向下滑动进入咽部,此时在显示器上依次可见到舌根、腭垂、会厌,并可见到位于口咽部的鼻气管导管前端(图1C)。将镜片前端置于会厌谷并轻轻上提喉镜,以在显示器上显露喉部(图1D);必要时采用喉外部压迫操作协助显露喉部。在清楚显露喉部后,将鼻气管导管的前端对准声门并向前推进,在显示器监视下将鼻气管导管插入气管内直至合适的深度(图1E、图1F)。如果鼻气管导管的前端未能正对声门,可稍后退鼻气管导管,通过左右旋转鼻气管导管、采用喉外部操作和调整患者头部的位置, 使鼻气管导管前端对向声门后再将其插入。在将鼻气管导管插入气管内至合适深度后(套囊进入声门下大约2cm),操作者右手固定鼻气管导管,左手将镜片从患者的口腔内退出(图1G)。检查鼻气管导管表面刻度标记与外鼻孔的关系,以进一步确认鼻气管导管的插入深度。然后将鼻气管导管套囊适度充气,连接麻醉呼吸机进行控制呼吸(图1H)。<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

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