<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 许红阳 杨挺 梁锋鸣 王雁娟 南京医科大学附属无锡第一人民医院ICU, 无锡214002 Measurement of tracheal Tube Cuff Pressure in Critical Care Unit Hong-yang Xu, Ting Yang, Feng-ming Liang,Yan-juan Wang Department of Crinical Care Medicine, Wuxi First People’s Hospital Affiliated to <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Nanjing Medical University, Wuxi 214002, China ABSTRACT Objectives: To evaluate tracheal tube cuff pressure in the patients with mechanical ventilation. Methods: Forty patients with intubation and fifteen patients with tracheostomy were studied. Both gas volume and pressure of tube cuff were measured by control inflator. Result: The actual inflated volume and pressure were higher than the recommended volume and pressure (P<0.05). Conclusion: The cuff pressure should be measured regularly in order to avoid tracheal mucosa injury for long time residence within the trachea. Key words:Tracheal intubation;Cuff pressure;Inflated gas volume 为了解机械通气患者的气管导管气囊压力实际情况与理想值之间的联系,制定更合理的注气量,进而减少可能的插管并发症,我们采用气管导管气囊压力专用测量仪对气管导管气囊压力进行了精确测量,观察实际气囊压力与理想值之间的差别,为合理给气管导管气囊注气量提供依据。 临床资料 1、一般资料 2005年5月-2006年10月南京医科大学附属无锡市第一人民医院ICU机械通气患者计55例,其中男性30例,女性25例,平均年龄50±20岁。其中气管插管导管40例,经皮气管切开15例。气管插管导管应用一周以内,气管切开气管导管应用时间二周。 1.2 材料 气管导管气囊压力专用测量仪(德国VBM公司):由压力表及球囊组成,中间有接头可连接气管导管球囊充气开口。气管插管导管内径均为7.5mm,经皮气管切开气管导管内径均为8.0mm。 1.3 方法 |