<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 方 才 安徽省立医院麻醉科 合肥 230001 Evaluating and preparing of the patients with abnormal coagulation before operation. Anesthesia Department of <?xml:namespace prefix = ns0 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Anhui provincial Hospital, Hefei 230001 Fang Cai, Chen Kun-zhou Abstract: It is necessary that the functions of coagulation are evaluated correctly for those patients with abnormal bleeding before operation to ensure a safe anesthesia and surgical operation.A new model of coagulation mechanism had be introduced and real clinical meaning of platelet, prothrombin time, bleeding time, clotting time, activated partial thromboplastin time, thrombin time and fibrinogen had be assessed in this paper. Depending on above, the identifications of diseases related to abnormal coagulation and the evaluations of bleeding functions have be submitted, by which correct preparing and treatment could be done preoperatively. <?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" />Key Words: bleeding; coagulation; abnormal function; operation; anesthesia; treatment
出凝血异常是麻醉与手术常遇到的血液学问题。异常出血普通外科手术期间的发生率为0.05%~4.0%,心血管手术期间可高达12%。正常的出凝血功能主要与三种因素有关:血管壁、血小板和各种凝血因子,其中任何一种因素异常都可导致手术病人出凝血功能异常,并由此引发围麻醉、手术期异常出血,影响麻醉、手术的进行和预后。因此,术前必须认真查找病人出凝血异常的原因,对其临床意义进行评估,并积极纠正凝血功能,为手术、麻醉创造有利条件。本章将对近期有关手术病人术前出凝血异常的评估和准备等新观念予以讨论。 |