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时间:2010-08-24 09:08:05  来源:  作者:

Effect of Different Prone Positions on Respiratory Function in Healthy Human

Yuan-da Xu, Ji-ping Xu, Yuan-ming Luo, Xian-yu Li

 The Guangzhou Respiratory Disease Institute, Guangzhou 510120



Objective: To study the effect of different prone positions on respiratory function in healthy Human.

Methods: We use the NICO monitor and gastro-esophageal pressure flow sensor to record the respiratory function variety of the four different breathing modes which included supine position, prone position, releasing abdomen prone position and spontaneous releasing the abdomen prone position.

Results: The situation is stable during the experiment, such as the rate of breath, the heart beat and the oxygen saturation (P>0.05); Although three different prone position could significantly lower the dead space (Vd/Vt) compared to the supine position (P<0.05), it could significant upgrade the mount of carbon-dioxide (VCO2). The peak of inhale and exhale flow, alveolar tidal volume, minutes volume also get significant increase(P<0.05),especially the prone position mode. Spontaneous hold up and down the abdomen breath mode is the most comfortable among the three prone position breath modes. Not only the mechanism of breath according to the pressure and flow monitor of the gastro-esophageal, but also the work of breath(VCO2), tidal volume, minutes volume are the lowest among the three prone position. Conclusion: It is safe during this short-period of different prone position mode. It could significant lower the Vd/Vt compared to the supine position. Prone position may get more elastic resistance and increase the work of breath, but if we use the active spontaneous and hold up-and-down the abdomen may lower the work of breath.

Key words: Prone positionVentilation





2.1 实验设备:

2.1.1智能同步试验用床,配备自动控制系统,可完成不同角度、不同体位的指令控制辅助、同步辅助通气 [专利申请号:2004201504106发明人李宪玉]

2.1.2 NICO无创心肺功能检测系统,采用FICK部分CO2重复吸入法,无创持续地监测心肺功能,提供全面的临床帮助

2.1.3 胃内压、食道压检测装置POWERLAB生理信号多功能记录仪。

2.2 步骤

2.2.1 实验时间:每个体位采集稳定的10 分钟。

2.2.2 床体倾斜角度:20度。

2.2.3 控制通气呼吸比:21

2.2.4 控制通气频率:小于或等于俯悬位状态下的自主呼吸频率。

2.2.5 控制通气动作幅度:以托板刚好接触受试者腹部为托板动作上限。

2.2.6 不同体位实验顺序:平卧-〉俯卧-俯悬腹卧-同步俯悬腹卧。


结果以均数±标准差表示,采用SPSS 13.0软件进行统计分析,离散资料进行卡方检验,连续资料进行方差分析,P<0.05为统计学显著差异,P<0.01为统计学差异非常显著。


4.1 三种俯卧位呼吸与平卧呼吸比较均使Vd/Vt显著降低(P<0.05)(1)

1. 三种俯卧位呼吸与平卧呼吸对Vd/Vt的影响





4.3 同步俯悬腹卧呼吸是俯卧呼吸中分钟通气量和肺泡通气量均最低(3)



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