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时间:2010-08-24 09:08:08  来源:  作者:

A Review of Neuroanesthesiology papers in 2006


Zhen-shen Tang1, Jian-xiong An1 , Bao-guo Wang2


1Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, TsingHua University Yuquan Hospital, Beijing 100049

2 Department of Anesthesiology, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100050




    Many papers on neuroanesthesiology have been published in 2006. Some important studies were reviewed in this article and they may benefit our research and clinical work. This review focuses on anesthetic considerations in neurosurgical patients, cerebral hemodynamic, electrophsiological monitoring and neuroprotection.

KeywordsNeurosurgery; Anesthetic consideration; Cerebral hemodynamics; Electrophsiological monitoring ; Neuroprotection




神经外科病人围术期视觉改变是常见现象,常发生于角膜暴露脱水、角膜磨损、继发性青光眼、视网膜动静脉血流障碍、视神经缺血及脑卒中等一系列病变之后。脊髓手术和其它大手术(如心脏手术)后罕见并发症之一是由于术后视神经缺血或视网膜中心动脉阻塞引起的失明,此并发症发生率很低(Steven等,1997),但后果严重。 Lee[1]ASA收集的93例病例进行分析发现该并发症有以下特点:1) 缺血性神经病变导致的失明占89%,其中视神经缺血性病变引起者占67%2) 男性占多数,且多数患者身体条件良好(ASA Ⅰ或Ⅱ);3)择期手术占96%4)髓核溶解术占89%5)双侧失明占66%6)视力部分恢复者仅占42%。因此凡在卧位下进行脊髓手术时必须警惕术后并发失明的可能性。就此ASA颁布了围脊髓手术管理建议[2],即具体操作时要特别注意血压控制、容量管理、缩血管药应用、病人体位以及分期手术等,分期手术目的是缩短俯卧位手术时间,这些因素可能都与术后失明有关。


术后恶心呕吐(PONV)被认为是病人术后不适和导致并发症的主要原因之一。MengQuinlan [3]对枕后入路颅神经显微血管减压术术后恶心呕吐相关因素分析表明,手术后增加该类病人PONV的危险因素有:1)女性;2)第五对颅神经减压;3)地氟醚麻醉;4)未用经皮东崀宕碱贴剂。FlynnNemergut[4]报道经蝶入路术后手术室和麻





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