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The effect of Xue Bijing to level of serum inflammatory mediators and TH1/TH2 of spleen in sepsis rats. zhang Shuwen, Sun Chendong Wen yan Yin Chenghong Department of infection, Beijing Friendship Hospital affiliate of Capital University of Medical Sciences , Beijing,100050, [abstract] Object To study the characteristic change of serum TNF-a、IL-10、 TH1/TH2 of spleen and pathologic changes of immunological organs in different sepsis rats . Methed we produce sepsis model by cecal ligation puncture. ;to divide into four groups and sampling blood in 3,24.72h after built model , Compared the change between groups. we employed Enzyme-linked immunoadsordent assay to examine the level of serum TNF-a and IL-10, examined the fluorescent strength expression level of spleen TH1/TH2 by FACS flow cytometer,. employed pathological section of HE to examine the changes of immunological organs Result The result showed that the level of TH1/TH2 and TNF-a、IL-10 was rised in rats’ of earlier period sepsis, but decreased in late period sepsis, .Xue Bijing can decreased the level of TH1/TH2 and TNF-a、IL-10 was rised in rats’ of earlier period sepsis, rised in late period sepsis. Conclusion The sepsis rats is in a chaos of immunological function, specific immunological function is in a state of Suppression, however no- specific immunological function is in a state of excited .Xue Bijing can obviously change the sepsis rats’ the immunization. [key words] sepsis; Xue Bingjing; TNF-a ;IL-10;TH1/TH2
脓毒症(sepsis)及序贯的多脏器功能不全综合征(MODS)仍是当前困扰医学界的难题。据推算我国每年可能有300万例患者发生脓毒症[1],脓毒症表现出的患病率高、死亡率高、治疗费用高的三高现象已经构成对人类健康的严重威胁和经济发展的巨大负担。因此深入研究脓毒症的病理生理机制以及研制治疗脓毒症的新药成为当前研究的热点。脓毒症的促炎、抗炎的失衡已经为医学界所公认,寻求调节免疫平衡的药物成为治疗脓毒症发展的一个重要方向,我们在临床应用中发现血必净对于脓毒症患者具有较好的免疫调理作用,本实验主要观察该药对脓毒症大鼠的免疫调节作用的影响。 1试验材料与实验方法 1.1试验材料:体重270~ 1.2试验方法: 实验室室温24~26℃。实验动物饲养3d以上,术前称重,大鼠采用0.1%戊巴比妥钠按照0.4ml/ 术前半小时给予各组灌药,假手术组、模型组給予等容量的生理盐水,各组按照1ml/ 处死动物后取血清应用ELASA的方法检测TNF-a与IL-10,处死动物无菌取动物脾脏,应用流式细胞仪监测TH1/TH2,方法:制备脾细胞悬液,取5×106个脾细胞与混合刺激剂(PMA50mg/ml,离子霉素1ug/ml,莫能菌素3ug/ml.,sigma公司)混合, 1.3统计学处理 实验数据用SPSSl1.0软件包进行统计处理。统计学方法:所有数据(x±s)表示,方差齐、数据成正态分布者,计量资料采用方差分析,组间比较采用q检验,计数资料采用卡方检验;如果数据分布不正态,或方差不齐,采用秩和检验。以p<0.05为差异具有显著性。 2.结果 2.1不同组别TH1/TH2的比较 3小时与模型组比较,各组则明显下降,模型组炎症反应明显亢进,与正常组比较除了模型组以外,利复星组与血必净组无差别(p>0.05),24小时模型组比值开始下降,与模型组比较利复星组无差别,正常组与血必净组则明显降低,与利复星组比较正常组与血必净组也明显下降(p<0.05),血必净比正常组的比值是明显升高的;72小时模型组比利复星组明显下降,仅血必净组与各组比较是明显升高的,其他各组比较无差别(p>0.05)。 参考文献 1.盛志勇,姚咏明.脓毒症与多器官功能障碍综合征[J].中华急诊医学杂志,2003,12(10):653~654. 2.付小兵,杨银辉,孙晓庆,等 激活内源性bFGF对肠缺血再灌注所致肝肾及肠道损伤的保护作用[J] 中国危重病急救医学,2000,12(2):69-72. 3.Murphy KM, Ouyany W, Farrar JD, et al, Signaling and transcription in T helper development[J].Annu Rev immunol,2000,18(1):451-494. 4.Dong C, Juedes AE,Temann UA, et al. Icos co-stimulatory receptor is essential for T-cell activation and function[J],Nature,2001,409(6816):91-101. 5.Abbas AK, Murp KM, Sher A. Functional diversity of helper T 1ymphocytes[J]. Nature ,1996 ,383(6603) :787-793. 6.Lederer JA, Rodrick ML,1VHnnick JA. The effects of injury on the adaptive immune response[J]. Shock ,1 999 ,11(3) :153-159. 7. Ayala A , Chung CS , Xu YX , et al. Increased inducible apoptosis in CD4 + T lymphocytes during polymicrobial sepsis is mediated by Fas ligand and not endotoxin. Immunology , 1999 ; 97 : 45 - 55. 8.Heidecke CD, Hensler T, Weighardt H,et al .Selective defects of T lymphocyte function in patients with lethal intraabdominal infection[J]Am J Surg,1999, 178( 4) :288-292. 9.Hotchkiss RS,Tinsley KW, 10.Green DR, Beere HM. Apoptosis:gone but not forgotten[J]Nature,2000, 405(6782) :28-29 11.Munford RS,Pugin J. Normal responses to injury prevent systemic inflammation and can be immunosuppressive[J] . Am J Respir Crit Care 1VEd, 2001 ,163(2) :316-321. 12.Bone R C. Immunologic dissonance: a continuing evolution in our understanding of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome(SIRS) and the multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) [J]. Ann Intern Med, 1996, 125(8): 680-687. |