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ABSTRACT Methods: 600 ASA Ⅰ~Ⅱpatients for elective craniotomy from 16 different medical centers were divided into TCI group and CI group randomly: Anesthesia was induced by propofol 5ug×ml-1 and 2mg/kg respectively, and maintained by 3.2ug×ml-1, 3.2ug×ml-1 , 3.0ug×ml-1 , 3.2ug×ml-1 , or 6 mg×kg-1×h-1, 7 mg×kg-1×h-1, 5 mg×kg-1×h-1, 7 mgkg-1h-1 during the stage of before operation, skull opening, intracranial procedure and skull closing, respectively. Results: The total doses of propofol were similar between two groups (P>0.05), but the mean infusion rate of propofol in TCI group (6.54±1.25mgkg-1h-1) was more than that in CI group (6.18±0.82 mgkg-1h-1) while the dose of induction (1.72±0.46mg/kg) was less than that in CI group (2.00±0.03 mg/kg) (P<0.01). There were differences of the dose of nicardipine and the number of cases using nicardipine and esmolol between two groups (P<0.05). Conclusion: Two methods of using intravenous anesthesia of propofol in neurosurgery both can bring good clinical effects. 术中记录:麻醉时间、丙泊酚的累计用量、BIS、MAP、HR的变化以及各辅助用药时间、次数。记录麻醉停止后自主呼吸恢复、气管拔管、呼之睁眼、定向力恢复的时间。术后次日随访病人,询问术中是否知晓,若有,记录其知晓的内容。 2. 麻醉全过程中丙泊酚使用总量,TCI组(168.03±70.97ml)和CI组(175.54±59.84ml)间无统计学差异(P>0.05),但是两组平均输注速率存在显著统计学差异,TCI组(6.54±1.25mgkg-1h-1)高于CI组(6.18±0.82 mgkg-1h-1)(P<0.01)。另外,丙泊酚的诱导剂量两组间也存在显著统计学差异,TCI组(1.72±0.46mg/kg)低于CI组(2.00±0.03 mg/kg)(P<0.01)。 因此,神经外科手术丙泊酚血浆靶控输注麻醉,初始诱导靶浓度设定为5ug×ml-1,而后在术前期、开颅期、颅内操作期和关颅期靶浓度分别设定为3.2ug×ml-1、3.2ug×ml-1、3.0ug×ml-1和3.2ug×ml-1可以快速诱导,维持麻醉平稳,麻醉恢复迅速彻底,获得良好的临床效果。此外,在神经外科手术应用持续输注丙泊酚静脉麻醉,诱导时给与2mg×kg-1,而后在术前期、开颅期、颅内操作期和关颅期持续输注速率分别设定为6mg×kg-1×h-1、7 mg×kg-1×h-1、5 mg×kg-1×h-1和7 mg×kg-1×h-1亦可以满足临床需要,故在不能实施丙泊酚靶控输注的情况下,可考虑应用此方案。 参考文献 [1] 彭宇明,王保国.神经外科手术脑电双频指数反馈调控丙泊酚靶控输注的研究。麻醉与监护论坛,2003,10:253-256 [2] 彭宇明,王保国.神经外科麻醉两种不同目标靶控输注丙泊酚的对比研究。麻醉与监护论坛,2004,11:25-28 [3] Coetzee JF, Glen BJ, Wium A, et al. Pharmacokinetic model selection for target controlled infusions of propofol. Anesthesiology, 1995, 82: 1328-1345. [4] Struys MM, De Smet T, Versichelen LF, et al. Comparison of plasma compartment versus two methods for effect compartment–controlled target-controlled infusion for propofol. Anesthesiology, 2000, 92(2):399-406. [5] Kazama T, Ikeda K, Morita K, et al. Comparison of the effect-site keo of propofol for blood pressure and EEG bispectral index in elderly and younger patients. Anesthesiology, 1999, 90: 1517-1527. |