Introduction: Two major factors affect the solubility of volatile anesthetics in human blood during clinical anesthesia. Hypothermia increases [1-3], but crystalloid hemodilution decreases [4,5] blood/gas partition coefficients (λB/G ) of volatile anesthetics. Although the effects of hypothermia and crystalloid hemodilution on blood solubility of halothane, enflurane and isoflurane have been observed during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) by some researchers [5-8], no study has been performed to investigate the combined effect of these two factors carefully and systemically. In addition, data on the two newest agents, sevoflurane and desflurane, are limited. In order to provide such information for predicting blood solubility at different clinical conditions for all modern halogenated volatile anesthetics, we measured the λB/G of desflurane, sevoflurane, isoflurane, enflurane, and halothane under different temperature and crystalloid hemodilution conditions. Methods: Approved by the Committee of Scientific Research in our hospital, informed consent was obtained from each of the twelve male health unmedicated volunteers (32±7 yr.). 230 ml of venous blood anticoagulated with 2500U heparin was obtained from each volunteer. Blood was separated into its plasma and blood cell fractions by centrifugation (1500 rpm, 15 min.). Blood sample of hematocrit 40% was prepared by removing a certain amount of aliquot of plasma or red blood cells from each blood sample based on its hematocrit before the separation. By adding different amounts of normal saline into the hematocrit 40% blood sample obtained above, five additional blood samples with different hematocrit (36%, 32%, 28%, 24%, and 20%) were prepared.λB/G of anesthetics for each hematocrit blood sample were measured at six temperatures: 37℃, 33℃, 29℃, 25℃, 21℃, and 17℃.λB/G of desflurane, sevoflurane, and enflurane were simultaneously measured with a mixture of the three anesthetic vapors in air for blood sample from each of six volunteers.λB/G of isoflurane and halothane were simultaneously measured with a mixture of the two anesthetics in air for blood sample from each of the other six volunteers. The λB/G of the five anesthetics were measured within 12 hr of blood collection by a GOW-MAC 580 gas chromatography (GOW-MAC Instrument- Co. Bethlehem, PA, USA), equipped with a 6-meter-long stainless steel column (0.32 cm in diameter) packed with chromosorb-P 60/80 Mesh maintained at 75℃. A 10 ml/min nitrogen carrier stream flow was delivered through the column to a flame ionization detector supplied by hydrogen at 35 ml/min and by air at 300 ml/min. Output from gas chromatography was collected by a integrator and peak areas were calculated automatically. Primary and secondary (compressed gas tank) standards were used to calibrate the gas chromatography. Primary standards were produced by injection of aliquot of each volatile anesthetic into a glass flask of known volume with glass syringe. The primary standards (glass flask) were used to calibrate the secondary standards. The secondary (tank) standards were injected at intervals to calibrate the gas chromatography during each study. Peak areas were proportional to concentrations over the entire range of the concentrations tested, and the regression equation was used to convert peak area to agent concentration (R2>0.9995). We determine λB/G by using two-stage headspace equilibration method, which was described before [9]. 20-ml gas-tight glass syringe calibrated precisely and capped with a three-way stopcock was sealed by coating the plunger with a thin layer silicone grease. Approximately 7 ml of blood sample was drawn into a syringe and anesthetic gas mixture (0.6% desflurane, 0.4% sevoflurane, and 0.4% enflurane; or 0.7% isoflurane and 0.6% halothane) was added to 18-ml scale, and then the three-way stopcock was closed. The syringe was shaken vigorously and immersed in a waterbath with a chosen test temperature. Every 15 min for 2 hr, the syringe was shaken vigorously for 5-10 seconds. After the third shaking, plunger of the syringe was withdrawn to the 20-ml scale with stopcock closed. This created a slight negative pressure in the syringe. The stopcock was then opened briefly to allow air entering the syringe and the pressure in the syringe to reach ambient pressure. After this 2 hr period (the first equilibration), the concentration of anesthetics (C1 ) in the gas phase of the syringe was analyzed by gas chromatography. All gas and some blood in the syringe were expelled and exact 4 ml of blood (Vb) was remained in the syringe for the second equilibration. Then vapor-free air was drawn to 18-ml scale. The syringe was shaken vigorously and immersed in the waterbath with the same temperature as in the first equilibration. A same procedure in the second equilibration is applied as in the first equilibration. Blood/gas partition coefficient was calculated as: λB/G = ( Vg/Vb) ×[C2/(C1-C2)] Where C1 and C2 is the anesthetic concentration in the gas phase of the syringe at the end of the first and second equilibration periods, respectively; Vg is the gas volume in the syringe for the second equilibration; and Vb is the blood volume remained in the syringe for the second equilibration. Normal saline/gas partition coefficients (λS/G) of desflurane, sevoflurane, isoflurane, enflurane, and halothane at each of the six temperatures (37℃, 33℃, 29℃, 25℃, 21℃, and 17℃) were measured for six times by using the same method as blood. Means and standard deviations were obtained for λB/G in different temperatures and hematocrit values, λS/G in different temperatures. We regressed logeλB/G on hematocrit, logelB/G and logeλS/G on temperature. The slope of regression line of logeλB/G and logeλB/G on temperature was defined as temperature coefficient (percentage change in λB/G or λS/G per centigrade degree, %/℃) [10]. The slope of regression line of logeλB/G on hematocrit was defined as hematocrit coefficient (percentage change in λB/G per percentage change in hematocrit, %/1%hematocrit). The ratio of mean λS/G to mean λB/G in hematocrit 40% undiluted blood at the same temperature was defined as RS/B. We regressed hematocrit coefficient on RS/B, and temperature coefficient on respective λB/G at 37℃. Using multiple linear regression method, we analyzed the combined effect of hypothermia and crystalloid hemodilution on the logarithm of λB/G of the five anesthetics. P<0.05 was accepted to indicate a statistical significance.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> |
Results λB/Gs in hematocrit 40% non-crystalloid hemodilution blood were 0.55±0.02 for desflurane, 0.68±0.03 for sevoflurane, 1.38±0.05 for isoflurane, 1.98±0.12 for enflurane, and 2.59±0.12 for halothane. In all conditions, λB/G and λS/G were in the order of desflurane < sevoflurane < isoflurane < enflurane < halothane (Table 1). As temperature decreased, logeλB/G and logeλS/G of the five anesthetics at all hematocrit increased linearly (R2=0.87-0.98, P<0.05, Table 1). The slopes of regression line were lie between -0.0433 and -0.0262. This slope was defined as temperature coefficient [10], and represented that λB/G or λS/G increased 4.33% to 2.62% per 1 ℃ decreased in temperature. The temperature coefficient increased linearly as the loge λB/G at 37℃ increased (R2=0.86, Figure 1). When the results of all agents and all hematocrit values were pooled, the temperature coefficient of λB/G are -3.61% (95% CL -3.41%, -3.80%). During saline hemodilution, as hematocrit decreased, logeλB/G of the five anesthetics at six temperatures decreased linearly (R2=0.94-1.00, P<0.05). The slopes of regression lines were lie between 0.0059 and 0.0230. This slope was defined as hematocrit coefficient, and represented that λB/G decreased 0.59% to 2.30% per 1 % decreased in hematocrit (Table 2). λS/G were significant lower (P<0.05) than λB/G in undiluted blood samples for five anesthetics at all temperatures tested, i.e. RS/B < 1.00 (Table 2). As RS/B increased, the hematocrit coefficient decreased linearly (R2=0.96, Figure 2). The combined effect of hypothermia and crystalloid hemodilution on λB/Gs of the five anesthetics were expressed as following five multiple linear regression equations: Desflurane: logeλB/G = - 0.0302*T + 0.0094*HCT+0.119 R2=0.973 Sevoflurane: logeλB/G = - 0.0295*T + 0.0092*HCT+0.306 R2=0.961 Isoflurane: logeλB/G = - 0.0382*T + 0.0154*HCT+1.120 R2=0.997 Enflurane: logeλB/G = - 0.0408*T + 0.0198*HCT+1.408 R2=0.982 Halothane: logeλB/G = - 0.0417*T + 0.0218*HCT+1.649 R2=0.994 Where T is temperature (℃) and HCT is hematocrit (%). Discussion At all temperature and hematocrit tested, λB/G and λS/G of the five anesthetics are in the order of desflurane < sevoflurane < isoflurane < enflurane < halothane. As anticipated, both λS/G and λB/G of volatile anesthetics increased as temperature decreased (Table 1), a finding consistent with previous studies [1-3]. Table 1 also gives the slope of regression line between logarithm of solubility and temperature, which is defined as temperature coefficient [10]. Taking all agents and all hemodilution conditions tested in this study into account, linear correlation was found between temperature coefficient and its logarithm of λB/G at 37℃ (Figure 1). This agrees with the comprehensive review made by Allott’s et al [10]. However, when data of all agents and all hemodilution conditions are pooled, the temperature coefficient is -3.61% (95% CL -3.41%, -3.80%). This is lower than value reported by Lockwood et al (-5.4%) [2]. In their study, they found a simple linear relation between blood solubility and temperature, and calculated the temperature coefficient as slope of regression line divided λB/G at 37℃. Hematocrit was selected to indicate the degree of crystalloid hemodilution in this study. Decrease in hematocrit represented the dilution of whole blood including blood cells and serum constituents influencing the blood solubility of volatile anesthetics [11]. For a given temperature, the change of λB/G caused by crystalloid hemodilution depends on the ratio between λS/G and λB/G in hematocrit 40% undiluted blood (RS/B). For all the five anesthetics at all the temperatures tested in this study, the λS/Gs were lower than λB/Gs in undiluted blood (Table 1), i.e., RS/B < 1.0 (Table 2). Therefore, as hematocrit decreased by adding saline to blood, the logeλB/G decreased for all the anesthetics in a linear fashion (Table 1 and Table 2). Different effect of crystalloid hemodilution on blood solubility for different anesthetics was noted in this study. Table 2 shows that anesthetics with a relatively low λB/G, such as desflurane and sevoflurane, have a higher RS/B, and are less changed by crystalloid hemodilution. Conversely, anesthetics with relatively high λB/G, such as halothane, has a lower RS/B and is more changed by crystalloid hemodilution. As RS/B increased, hematocrit coefficient decreased in a linear fashion (Figure 2), indicating that one can predict hematocrit coefficient of a volatile anesthetic by knowing its λB/G and λS/G. During surgery, especially in cardioplumonary bypass (CPB), both hypothermia and crystalloid hemodilution affect the blood solubility of volatile anesthetics [5-8]. As we discussed above, anesthetics are more soluble in blood at lower temperature. Conversely, crystalloid hemodilution exerts an opposite effect on anesthetic blood solubility because all the modern halogenated volatile anesthetics are less soluble in saline than in blood. These two major factors counteract each other completely in some clinical situations. For example, Nussmeier et al. reported that the blood/gas partition coefficient of isoflurane with hypothermia (23℃) and hemodilution (hematocrit of 23%) was similar to that in undiluted blood at normal body temperature [5]. Feingold found that during CPB, increased blood solubility due to hypothermia was initially antagonized by crystalloid hemodilution [7]. Despite hypothermia and crystalloid hemodilution affect λB/G in an opposite direction and the two factors often simultaneously occur during clinical anesthesia, change in one factor is not parallel to the change in another during entire anesthesia and surgery course in the most clinical settings [5-8, 12]. This non-parallel change in temperature and hematocrit may result in a significant change in blood solubility. Table 1 shows the whole picture of changes in solubility of volatile anesthetic possibly encountered clinically. The values of λB/G located in upper-right column (17℃ and hematocrit 40%) are from 2.3 times (for desflurane) to 3.5 times (for halothane) greater than the values located in the column of 37℃ and hematocrit 20% for the same agent. λB/G determination is time consume and requires some special equipment. It is not convenient to measure several samples at different temperatures even in research laboratory either. So, it is not practical to directly monitor dynamic changes in λB/G of an anesthetic during clinical anesthesia for guiding inhaled anesthetic administration. However, the two major factors affecting blood solubility, body temperature and hematocrit, could be measured easily and quickly in operating room. Therefore, knowledge of combined effects of hypothermia and crystalloid hemodilution on blood solubility is necessary for making theoretical predictions for various purposes under different clinical conditions. By using the multiple linear regression method, we found the regression equations for predicting the combined effect of hypothermia and crystalloid hemodilution on blood solubilities of the five anesthetics. The main purposes of this study was to find equations to predict λB/G of volatile anesthetics at different cross points of various temperatures and crystalloid hemodilution that may occur in clinical anesthesia. In order to test this, we collected λB/G values (measured λB/G) reported in literatures with different temperatures and hematocrit values (crystalloid hemodilution, if any) [1, 3-8, 13], and calculated λB/G values (predicted λB/G) by using one of the five regression equations (shown in Results) based on the volatile anesthetic, temperature and hematocrit tested at the determination of corresponding measured λB/G in literatures. Bland and Altman’s “limits of agreement” analysis [14] were performed between predicted λB/G against corresponding measured λB/G (Figure 3). The mean difference between measured to predicted λB/G is -0.0307 on the log scale, and the limits of agreement (equal to mean±2*SD of the differences, which will include about 95% of the data points) are 0.1528 and -0.3617 (Figure 3). These limits tell us that for about 95% of data points, the predicted λB/G calculated by multiple regression equations may differ from the measured value by 30% below to 17% above (Figure 3). This analysis indicates that within the range of temperature and hematocrit encountered clinically, the multiple linear regression equations obtained from this study are adequate to predict λB/G for modern, halogenated volatile anesthetics. The equations could be used to predict blood solubility at various temperatures and crystalloid hemodilution conditions in order to explain concomitant changes in pharmacokinetics of volatile anesthetics.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> |
Table 1: λB/G and λS/G of five anesthetics at various temperatures and hematocrits.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 

Values are given as the mean±SD, n=6 Des.= Desflurane, Sevo.=Sevoflurane, Iso.=Isoflurane, Enf.=Enflurane, Halo.= Halothane. HCT= hematocrit. NS= normal saline. Slope = the slope of each regression line of logelB/G or logelS/G against temperature. |
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