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时间:2010-08-23 17:14:26  来源:  作者:

Effects of Different preestablished Target Plasma Concentration of Propofol on Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion condition<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


柯敬东 田鸣  李树人

Jing-dong Ke, Ming Tian,Shu-ren Li. Department of Anesthesiology, Friendship Hospital, Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100050, China



Objective:To compare the Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion conditions produced by different preestablished target plasma concentrations (Cpt) during the induction of anesthesia with target-controlled infusion (TCI) of propofol.

Methods:45 ASA physical status I and II patients, 18 to 60 years of age, weighing between 50 and 80 kg, undergoing minor surgery in which the use of LMA was indicated. Patients were randomly divided into three groups (n=15) to compare the effects of different propofol concentrations. Three minutes after intravenous (IV) injection of fentanyl 3μg/kg, group 1, 2and 3 received TCI of propofol with 4, 6 and 8μg/ml of Cpt, respectively. LMA was inserted when the effect-site concentration reached 2.5μg/ml, which was displayed on the infusion pump. The LMA insertion conditions (mouth opening, nausea, coughing, head or limb movement, overall conditions of insertion) were assessed, andhemodynamic responses, BIS were evaluated throughout the study period in three groups. Totaldosage of propofol, insertion time were recorded. SBP, DBP, HR and BIS were recorded at five times: based line, at the loss of consciousness, at 2.5μg/ml of EC, and immediately, and 3 minutes after the insertion of LMA.

  ResultsSystolic and diastolic blood pressure and heart rate and BIS decreased significantly throughout the study period in three groups compared with based line P<0.01). There are the significantly larger total dosage and shorter insertion time in Group 3 (2.4±0.4 mg/kg,104.1±0.8 s)than in Group 2(2.1±0.1 mg/kg,139.1±4.9 s) and in Group 1 (1.8±0.1 mg/kg,234.3±1.4s)at 2.5μg/ml of EC P <0.01). There was no significant difference between the Group 2 and Group 3 in insertion conditions, but Group 1 is unsuitableP <0.01). There are the significantly decreased SBP and DBP in Group 3 30.7%,19.6%)than in Group 226.7%,13.1%)at 3 minutes after the insertion of LMAP <0.01). <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

  Conclusion:Fentanyl 3μg/kg and 6μg/ml target plasma concentration of propofol, can provide the best LMA insertion conditions, when effect-site concentration reaches 2.5μg/kg. In contrast to endotracheal intubation, the depth of anesthesia during LMA insertion using fentanyl combined with propofol was judged by indications such as mouth opening and limb movement et al. The BIS may give some useful advice but the hemodynamic indexes are not reliable.
  Keywords:Propofol; Target-controlled infusion; Laryngeal Mask Airway; Target plasma concentrations;Effect-site concentration






病例选择及分组  选择45例行短小手术的病人,ASA I~II级,性别不限,年龄18~60岁,体重50~80kg。若病例合并下列情况则将其排除:(1)有高血压及其它心脑血管病变;(2)脂肪代谢紊乱;(3)有食道返流病史;(4)术前长期服用镇静药;(5)有中枢神经系统疾病;(6)肝肾功能异常。根据初始异丙酚靶浓度将45例病人随机分成三组,每组15例:组1为4μg/ml,组2为6μg/ml,组3为8μg/ml。

麻醉方法  麻醉前0.5h肌注东莨菪碱0.3mg。将专用电极分别置于额部和耳前,连接脑电双频谱指数监测仪(Aspect A-2000型 美国),病人静卧5min后记录清醒时的BIS值作为基础值。同时监测无创血压、心率及脉搏血氧饱和度。诱导开始后持续面罩吸氧,静脉注射芬太尼3μg/kg,3min后开始输注异丙酚。采用带’Diprifusor’的Graseby3500输液泵(佳士比医疗仪器有限公司,英国)输注1%异丙酚(PFS,AstraZeneca 2001)。当输液泵上显示的效应室浓度(EC)达到2.5μg/ml时置入LMA(男性用5号,女性用4号)。所有LMA置入均由同一人完成。

监测指标  记录给药前(T1)、意识消失(T2)、EC达到2.5μg/ml(T3)、LMA置入即刻(T4)、和LMA置入后3min(T5)的SBP、DBP、HR及BIS值。评定LMA置入条件的指征包括:张口度(完全、不完全)、恶心(无、有)、呛咳(无、有)、体动(无、有)和总体条件(容易、困难)。记录达到EC2.5μg/ml的时间(s),从注药开始到达到EC2.5μg/ml时刻异丙酚用量(mg)和异丙酚平均用量(mg/kg)。

统计学处理  应用SPSS11.0软件,计量资料用均值±标准差(x±s)表示,组内和组间比较采用单因素方差分析,计数资料采用χ2检验,P<0.05为有显著性差异。

结 果<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


三组患者当异丙酚达到EC 2.5μg/ml时LMA的置入反应及置入条件存在显著差异。组2和组3间无显著差异,都与组1有显著差异(P<0.05)(表3)。

血流动力学指标变化中,三组的SBP、DBP和HR都随着麻醉时间的延长而持续下降,从达到EC2.5μg/ml 后至置入 后3min较给药前有非常显著性降低(P<0.01)。LMA置入后3min时组3的SBP和DBP的下降幅度(30.7%,19.6%)较组2(26.7%,13.1%)有非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。组3在LMA置入即刻和LMA置入后3min时HR的下降幅度较组1有显著性差异(P<0.05)。BIS值随着异丙酚的持续输注而减小,从意识消失到LMA置入后 3min三组的BIS值较给药前有非常显著性降低(P<0.01),且组2和组3的下降幅度较组1有非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。在LMA置入后3min时组3的BIS值较组2也有非常显著性差异(P<0.01)(表4)。


讨 论

有作者提出成人使用单次给予异丙酚 2.5-3mg/kg可以提供良好的LMA置入条件,临床实验表明以11μg/ml 的血药浓度输注90s后效应浓度为2.5μg/ml,相当于单次给药的浓度2.5mg/kg[1],所以本文中以EC2.5μg/ml作为LMA置入浓度。本研究中三个组在EC2.5μg/ml 时的异丙酚用量均低于2.5mg/kg,但所有病人都给予了芬太尼,与 Kazama等[2]的研究得出的芬太尼可以减少异丙酚抑制插管反应的用量的结论相一致。还有研究指出单次给予异丙酚2.5mg/kg后60~90s应置入LMA[3],本文中组2和组3的置入时间与上述报道接近,组1的置入时间显著延长.可见TCI和单次给药的差别主要在于输注方法不同。

Dio等[4]应用异丙酚TCI复合阿芬太尼诱导时体动发生率为30.4%(14/46),与本文的总的体动发生率27.5%(13/45)相近。另一作者报道联合应用咪唑安定、异丙酚TCI 6μg/ml  和8μg/ml的总体置入条件良好的占68.2%[1]。我们的临床观察中总体置入条件良好的占71.1%,其中6μg/ml和8μg/ml的总体置入条件良好的占86.7%。这种差别主要在于联合用药的差异造成的麻醉深度不同,病人的置入反应不同。因此可以通过联合应用镇痛药调整麻醉深度,减轻置入反应。<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

本研究中三个组的SBP和DBP都随着TCI的持续输注而下降。 有作者[5]报道采用2.5mg/kg 异丙酚诱导,SBP最大下降幅度为30%,HR提高29%。本研究中SBP最大下降幅度出现在组3的LMA置入后3min(30.7%)与此报道相似;而HR随麻醉深度的增加而下降,最大下降幅度出现在LMA置入后3min(组1:10.6%、组2:14.7%、组3:17.7%),这种差别可能是应用芬太尼的结果。Nakayama等[6]比较了单用异丙酚与异丙酚复用芬太尼诱导的血流动力学差异,发现芬太尼可以抑制气管内插管时的心血管反应。芬太尼与异丙酚联合使用既可以加深麻醉深度、提高LMA置入条件,同时可以减少心血管反应,临床已广泛采用。



本研究结果表明芬太尼3μg/kg 联合异丙酚TCI靶浓度6μg/ml,当效应室浓度达2.5μg/ml时置入喉罩是较满意的诱导方法。同时提示芬太尼联合异丙酚诱导时,判断喉罩置入的麻醉深度是否合适与气管插管不同,主要根据张口度和体动等临床指征,BIS也有帮助,而血流动力学指标不是可靠的依据。




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