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时间:2010-08-23 17:14:27  来源:  作者:

Effects of acute hypervolemic hemodilution on extravascular lung water during one-lung ventilation:evaluation of accuracy of the transthoracic theermodilution system(PiCCO)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


郑 晖 苏 跃
司建洛 王金珠

Zheng Hui, Su Yue
SI Jian-luo,et al.


Department of Anesthesiology,Beijing Tuberculosis & Thoracic Tumor Research Institute, Beijing 101149, China

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  Objective To evaluate the effects of different degrees of acute hypervolemic hemodilution (AHHD)on extravascular lung water(EVLW) during one-lung ventilation(OLV)using PiCCO and compare the results with those obtained by gravimetric method. Methods Sixteen healthy adult mongrel dogs weighing12-21kg were randomly divided into 2 groups: OLV group(A, n=8) and two-lung ventilation(TLV)group(B, n=8).The animals were premedicated with intramuscular ketamine 8 mg/kg and anesthetized with thiopental and vecuronium and were mechanically ventilated with 100% O2 after tracheal intubation. A CVP line was established via external jugular vein and a 4F thermodilution catheter was inserted via femoral artery and connected to atranshoracic thermodilution system (PiCCO, Pulsion). Cold normal saline(<8℃)5ml was injected rapidly through CVP line 3 times and the mean value was obrained. In OLV group the endotracheal tube was first inserted into the right main bronchus. The left lung was deflated after thoracotomy, then the left main bronchus was clamped and the endobronchial tube was withdrown back to trachea. 15 min after instrumentation, 6% HES was infused at a rate of 80ml/kg/h and Hct was reduced step by step to 25%(H1), 20%(H2)and 15%(H3). MAP, HR, CVP, cardiac output (CO) intrathoracic blood volume (ITBV), global end-diastolic volume(GEDV) and EVLW were measured and recorded after induction of andesthesia(C1) after OLV was established(C2), when the chest was closed (C3)and at H1,H2 and H3. The wet lung weight and dry lung weight were measured and EVLW was calculated.Results CVP increased significantly after OLV was started at C2 and C3 and increased further during AHHD at H1, H2 and H3. The wet lung weight and dry lung weight were measured and EVLW was calculated.Results cvp increased significantly after OLV was started at c2and C3 and increased further during AHHD at H1,H2and H3. in both groups (p<0.01). CO, GEDV and ITBV increased significantly at all levels of AHHD(H1,H2,H3)while in TLV group only at H2andH3. compared with the baseline value at C1(P<0.05 or 0.01). Three animals in OLV group showed clinical signs of pulmonary edema at H2andH3compared with the baseline The EVLW measured by PiCCO was significantly greater in OLV group than that in TLV group at H2 and H3.The EVLW measured by PiCCO was significantly greater than that by gravimetric method but they were closely correlated. Conclusion EVLW is overestimated by PiCCO compared with the calcutated by gravimetric method, but they are closely correlated. ITBV can reflect the changes in preload during OLV, The increase in EVLW induced by AHHD with 6%HES is significantly larger during OLV than that during TLV. Pulmonary edema should be avoided.
  KEY word: Hemodilution; Respiration, artificial; Extravascular lung water

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  16只康健成年杂种犬,雌雄各半,体重12~21kg,平均身长92cm,实验前禁食12 h。随机分为双肺通道(DLV)组(n=8)及OLV组(n=8),肌肉注射氯胺酮8mg/kg基础麻醉,称重后开放犬外周静脉,注入硫喷妥钠15mg/kg、维库溴铵0.12mg/kg快速诱导,将自制的气管导管(Portex单腔气管导管两根,ID为9mm和8mm,分别截断1/3后对接拈合)插入气管内。间歇正压通气(FiO2=100%),潮气量(VT)为12~15ml/kg,频率为6~10次。Min,维持呼气末二氧化碳分压(PETCO2)Z  4.00~5.33kPa(1kPa =7.5mm Hg)。必要时,给予硫喷妥钠和维库溴胺维持麻醉。经颈外静脉置入中心静脉导管15cm,经股动脉置入4F热稀释导管,与PICCO检测仪(Pulsion Medical Systems,的德国)连接。用低于8℃的生理盐水5ml快速推入颈外静脉导管,待得出检测数值后重复以上操作3次,取平均值为检测数据。
  OLV犬模型的建立 将自制的气管从气管内继续插入并深入右侧支气管,给套囊充气后取右侧卧位,左侧第6、7肋间剖胸,肺萎陷后,游离左侧总支气管后镊夹(操作时间小于5min,以挤压肺)将气管导管退至主气管右顶叶开口之上,套囊充气后右肺通气。用闭胸器将胸腔闭合。
  观察指标 分别在麻醉后即刻(C1)、开胸OLV后(C2)、用闭胸器闭合(C3)、Hct稀释至H1、H2、H3时检测中心静脉压(CVP),应用PICCO检测仪检测心率(HR)、平均动脉压(MAP),心输出量(CO)、胸内血容量(ITBV)、全心舒张末容量(GEDV)、血管外肺水(EVLWGT);按文献[1,2]所示的重量分析法检测血管外肺水含量(EVLWG)。并观察两组犬肺水肿发生情况。
  统计学分析 计量资料以均数=标准差(±s)表示,采用SPSS11.0统计软件进行分析,组内比较才哟暖和感双因素方差分析;两种方法所测EVLW结果行回归分析,P<0.05为差异有显著性。


二、结 果
  与C1比较,DLV组CVP、CO 、GEDV、ITBV在H1-3、EVLW在H2-3时升高(P<0.05或0.01)OLV组各时点差异无显著性(P>0.05)。与C2比较OLV组在C3、H1-3时CVP、在H1-3时CO、GEDV、ITBV、EVLW升高(p<0.05或0.01);DLV组各时点差异无显著性(P>0.05)。OLV组在H2-3时EVLW高于DLV组(P<0.05)。见表2
  相关分析显示两种方法所得结果显著相关,回归方程为:DLV组EVLWG=0.74EVLWT+23.69(r2=0.60,P<0.05);OLV组:EVLWG=0.68 EVLWT+28.53(r2=0.53,P<0.05)。

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