<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 总之,腹部手术尤其是上腹部手术病人术后的肺功能明显改变,从而引起多种肺部并发症。腹部手术前准确评估肺部并发症的风险非常困难。与术前心血管功能评价相比,有关术前肺功能评价的前瞻性研究很少。尽管有关接受肺叶切除手术病人的术前评估研究很多,但其结果并不能推广到其他类型手术的病人。病人的自身因素(如肥胖、吸烟、COPD及住院时间较长等)以及手术相关因素(如手术部位和时间等)均对手术后并发症的危险性有不同的影响[2]。胃内细菌定植以及留置经鼻胃管能够明显增加术后肺炎的危险性[13]。小切口及腹腔镜手术能够在很大程度上避免手术后肺功能的改变[12],从而减少肺部并发症的发生。 对于术后肺部并发症而言,最重要的预测因素是病人的总体状况(根据ASA分级)及年龄[4]。根据现有资料,腹部手术前对肺部并发症危险的评估应包括病人一般状况、体重、肺部基础病、拟行手术及切口。 多数研究者认为,如果病人没有基础肺部疾患或明显的临床症状,且肺部检查正常,则无须进行更为深入的术前评估。对于有肺部基础疾病或临床表现的病人,病史采集和体格检查往往足以评价手术风险。不推荐进行常规的术前肺功能检查。 对于哮喘或COPD病人,术前评价的目的在于了解肺功能,并通过调整药物治疗方案使病人达到其“最佳状态”。通常认为,如果FEV1小于500mL或FVC小于1L,则发生术后肺部并发症的风险极大。尽管如此,单纯根据肺部基础疾病的严重程度或肺功能检查的异常,不能准确地预测术后并发症的危险。 参考文献: 1. Lyager S,Wernberg M,Rajani N,et al. Can postoperative pulmonary conditions be improved by treatment with the Bartlett-Edwards incentive spirometer after upper abdominal surgery? Acta Anaesthesiol Scand,1979,23(4):312-319. 2. Mitchell C,Garrahy P,Peake P. Postoperative respiratory morbidity:identification and risk factors. Aust N Z J Surg,1982,52(2):203-209. 3. Celli BR,Rodriguez KS,Snider GL. A controlled trial of intermittent positive pressure breathing,incentive spirometry,and deep breathing exercises in preventing pulmonary complications after abdominal surgery. Am Rev Respir Dis,1984,130(1):12-15. 4. Hall JC,Tarala RA,Hall JL,et al. A multivariate analysis of the risk of pulmonary complications after laparotomy. Chest,1991,99(4):923-927. 5. Kocabas A,Kara K,Ozgur G,et al. Value of preoperative spirometry to predict postoperative pulmonary complications. Respir Med,1996,90(1):25-33. 6. Pasteur W. Active lobar collapse of the lung after abdominal operations. Lancet,1910,2:1080-1083 7. Barisione G,Rovida S,Gazzaniga GM,et al. Upper abdominal surgery:does a lung function test exist to predict early severe postoperative respiratory complications? Eur Respir J,1997,10(6):1301-1308. 8. Dureuil B,Viires N,Cantineau JP,et al. Diaphragmatic contractility after upper abdominal surgery. J Appl Physiol,1986,61(5):1775-1780. 9. Alexander JI,Spence AA,Parikh RK,et al. The role of airway closure in postoperative hypoxaemia. Br J Anaesth,1973,45(1): 34-40. 10. Simonneau G,Vivien A,Sartene R,et al. Diaphragm dysfunction induced by upper abdominal surgery. Am Rev Respir Dis,1983,128(5):899-903. 11. Pelosi P,Crosi M,Ravagnan I,et al. Total respiratory system,lung and chest wall mechanics in sedated-paralyzed postoperative morbidly obese patients. Chest,1996,109(1):144-151. 12. Wani KA,Dar HA,Malik AA,et al. Comparison of postoperative pulmonary function tests after cholecystectomy performed through Kocher’s incision and mini-incision. Int Surg,2002,87(2):94-98. 13. Mitchell CK,Smoger SH,Pfeifer MP,et al. Multivariate analysis of factors associated pulmonary complications following general elective surgery. Arch Surg,1998,133(2):194-198. |