<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> HAD是近年来才出现的高渗复苏液体,在平原休克的早期液体复苏中具有“高流量,低压力”的特点,而且不会出现应用单纯高渗氯化钠导致高氯性酸中毒的危险,对平原地区的失血性休克救治有较好的作用[16,17],对高海拔地区此类患者也有一定效果[18]。 在目前的研究结果中显示,HAD与HSD与DA伍用所达到的复苏效果是接近的,但应用HAD伍用DA不仅可以对抗应用HAD输注早期所出现的血压下降,且可以取得更加理想的PH值及部分血流动力学指标。 参考文献: 1. 车惠民,刘厚东,朱素琼,等.高原失血性休克犬再灌注致肺水肿及右心衰机理.中华创伤杂志,1995,11:117-118. 2. Penfield W G,The treatment of severe and progressive hemorrhage by intravenous injection.Am J Physiol .1919,48:121. 3. Baue A E,Tragus E T,parkins W M,A comparation of isotonic and hypertonic solution and blood flow and oxygen comsuption in the initial treatment of hemorrhagic shock. J Trauma,1967,7:743. 4. Prough D S,Johnson J C,Stump D A et al.Effects of hypertonic Saline versus lactented Ringer’s solution on cerebral oxygen transpot during resuscitation from hemorrgic shock.J Neurosurg,1986,64:627. 5. Kreimier U,Chrisrt F,Frey L,et al.Small volume resuscitation for hypovolemic shock.Concept,experiment and clinical results.Anaesthetist,1997,46.309-328. 6. 蔡秀军,彭淑儒,江献川,等.7.5%高渗氯化钠溶液治疗失血性休克20例报告。实用外科杂志,1992,12.645-647. 7. 蔡秀军,牟一平,黄迪宇,等.高渗氯化钠溶液治疗失血性休克的实验研究,中华创伤杂志,2001,17:110-114. 8. 周世勇,刘秀玲,韩丽娟,等.高渗盐溶液治疗失血性休克(附30例报告),中华急诊医学杂志,2001,10:44. 9. De felippe.Treatment of refractory hypovolaemic shock by 7.5% Saline chloride injection.lancet,1980,2:1002. 10. Ben Haim SA,Edcute Y,Hayam G,et al.Sodium modulates response to hyperos mdarity in isolated working rat heart,Am J Physical,1992,263:1154-1160. 11. Bromn JM,Grosso MA,Moore EE,Hypertoric Saline and doxtran:impact on cardiac function in the isolated rat heartJ Trauma,1990,30:646-651. 12. 王德伟,孙曙光,毛智生,等.高张氯化钠右旋糖酐液在犬烧伤休克延迟复苏中的作用.1999,15(1):66-69. 13. Rizdi SB,Kapus A,Fan J ,et al.Immunic modulatory effects of hypertonic resuscitation on the development of lung inflammation following hemorrhageic shock[J],J Immund,1998,61:6288-6296. 14. Nelsen VG,Tan A,Brix AE,et al.Hextend decrsess multiple organ injury and xarithine oxidese release after hepatcenteric ischema reperfusion in rabbits[J],Crit One Med,1997,25:1565-1574. 15. 刘良明,胡德耀,刘建仓,等。HSD与多巴胺伍用对初进高原大鼠失血性休克合并肺水肿的治疗作用.创伤外科志.2003,5(5):336-339。 16. Nguyen TT,Zwischendeger JB,Weston WC,et al.Hypertonic acetatedextran achieves high-flow-low-pressure resuscitation of hemorrhageic shock.J Trauma,1995,38:602-608. 17. Krausz MM,Amistlavesky T.Hypertonic Saline in acetate treatment of hemorrhageic shock in awake rats.Shock,1995,4:56-60. 18. 林秀来,胡德耀,刘良明,等.HAD对创伤失血性休克兔肝脏血液灌流及氧代谢的影响. 第三军医大学学报.2000,22:321-324。 |