总之,下肢神经阻滞对于肌松要求较低的下肢血管手术患者,具有麻醉效果好,不良反应少,循环稳定,镇痛持续长,并能改善下肢血液循环等优点,不失为重危老年患者行下肢血管手术麻醉的良好方法。<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 参考文献 1. G.Fanelli MD; A Casati MD; P. Garahcini MD; et al. Nerve Stimulator and Multipoe Lnjection Technique for upper and Lower Blockade: Failure Rate, Patient Acceptance, and Neurologic Complications ANESTH ANALG, 1999;88:847-52 2. Pere Pi Pitkanen M; Tuominen M; et al. Clinical and radiological comparison of perirascular and transartenial techniques of axillary brachial pleuxus block Br J Anaesth,1993;70:276-9 3. Schroeder L. Horlocker TT, Schroeder PR. The efficacy of axillary block for surgical procedures about the elbow. Anesth Analg, 1996;83:747-51 4. Robert D; Stevens MD; Elisabeth van Gessel MD; Nicolas Flory MD;et al. Lumbar Plexus Block Reduces Pain and Blood Loss Associnted With Totol Hip Artbroplasty. Anesthesiology,2000;93:115-21 5. Fanelli G; Casati A; Aldegheri G: Cardiovaccular effects of two different regional anaesthetic techniques for unilateral leg surgery. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 1998,42:80-4 6. Capdevila X; Barthelet Y; Biboulet P; et al. Effects of Perioperative analgesic technique on the surgical outcome and duration of rehaloilitation after major knee surgery. Anesthesiology, 1990;72:770-1 7. Tnyman R; Kirwar T; Fonnely MJ. Blood loss reduced duty nip arthropiasty by lumbar plexus block. J Bone Joint Surg, 1990;72:770-1 8. White IWC; Chappell WA: Anesthesia for correction of fractured femoral neck. A comparison of three teehniques. Anaesthesia, 1980;35:1107-10 9. Matheny JM; Hanks GA; Runy GW; et al. A comparison of patient-controlled analgesia and continuous lumbar plexus block after anterior curciate ligament reconstruction. Arthroscopy, 1993;9:87-90 10. Auroy Y; Narchi P; Messiah; et al. Serious complications related to regional anesthesia. Anesthesiology, 1997;87:479-86 11. Selander D, Edshage S, Wolff T. Paresthesiae or no paresthesiae? Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 1979;23:27-33 12. Chabel C Russel LC, Lee R. Tourniquet-induced limb ischemia a neurophysio logical animal model. Anesthesiology,1990;72:1038-44 13. Chayen D; Nathan H; Chayen M. The psoas compartment block Anesthesiology, 1976;45:95-9 14. Parkinson SK; Mueller JB; Little WL; Bailey SL, Extent of blockade with various approaches to the lumber plexus. Anesth Analg, 1989,68:243-8 |