The monitoring of continuous cardiac output and mixed venous oxygen saturation during coronary artery bypass grafting.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 李立环 傅家红 陈海林 刘明政 阜外心血管病医院麻醉科(100037) Li Lihuan. Fu Jiahang. Chen HaiLin. et al. Department of Anesthesiology. Cardiovascular Institute and Fu Wai Hospital , Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Paking Union Medical College . Beijing 100037 Chin J Anesthesiol ,April 1998 , Vol 18 , No .4 ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the clinical importance and influencing factors of the monitoring of continuous cardiac output (CCO) and mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2)during coronary artcry bypass grafting (CABG). Method: The changes of CCO and SvO2 were monitored in 50 patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting by placement of CCO/SvO2 Swan-Ganz catheter through right internal jugular vein. Result: The values of SvO2 measured were more than 65% in all patients accompanied by relatively low values of CI (the lowest value of CI being 1.1•m-2•min-1),there was no corrclation between CCO and SvO2 before CPB. After CPB, there were five patients having lower SvO2 (<65%), in 2 cases of whom the CO could not adequately provide oxygen to tissues, in one case lower hemoglobin concentration occurred, in the other 2 cases the oxygen consumprion might be higher. Conclusion: The SvO2 is a better guideline to tissue oxygenation than cardiac output in patients with coronary artery disease. It shoud be noticcd that SvO2 is determined by oxygen consuption, cardiac output, hemoglobin concemtration and oxygenation of arterial blood, to maintain stable hemodynamics is very important as well. Key words:Coronary artery bypass Intraoperative monitoring Cardiac output Mixed venous oxygen saturation 冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)中心排血量(CO)和混合静脉血氧饱和度(SvO2)测定是极重要的监测参数。连续心排血量(CCO)测定不仅可避免间断热稀释心排血量测定在生理和技术上的误差,且可观察CO的动态变化[1]。同时连续监测SvO2,既可了解机体的氧供需平衡状态,又可观察CO与SvO2之间的关系。对指导治疗、判断病情及转归均有重要意义[2、3]。本临床研究的目的是通过对50例CABG病人进行CCO/SvO2监测,观察CABG中CCO/SvO2监测的临床意义及影响因素。 资料与方法 病例资料 50例病人中男46例、女4例,21例年龄>年龄60岁。术前14例心功能Ⅲ~Ⅳ级,7例左室射血分数(LVEF)<0.40。冠状动脉病变3支者18例,3支+左主干者16例。术前31例有心肌梗塞病史,耳中19例梗塞范围在2处以上,7例并发室壁瘤。合并高血压者20例,心脏瓣膜病者5例,8例有严重心律失常。手术包括CABG、CABG+室壁瘤切除、左心腔成形术、CABG+瓣膜置换或室间隔修补术等。 麻醉、监测和体外循环 术前1.5~2小时口服安定10mg,术前半小时肌注吗啡0.15~0.2mg/kg、东莨菪碱0.3mg。麻醉诱导前完成桡动脉穿刺置管测压,4例并放置CCO/SvO2 Swan-Ganz导管。诱导用咪唑安定0.03~0.07mg/kg、芬太尼10~30μg/kg、哌库溴铵0.15mg/kg,气管插管后以芬太尼30~50μg/kg,辅以吸入安氟醚或持续静滴异丙酚维持麻醉。从右颈内静脉放置CCO/SvO2 Swan-Ganz导管,用连续心排血量测仪(CCO-Baxter Vigilance)监测CCO和SvO2,用Space Lab 监测仪监测ECG、肺动脉压、肺毛细血管嵌压(PCWP)、中心静脉压(CVP)、并计算各循环动力学参数。体外循环(CPB)中血液流降温到鼻咽温25℃,灌流量 2.2~2.6L•min-1/m2,灌注压8~12Kpa(60~90mmHg)。阻断心肌血运后灌注冷氧合血保护心肌。 统计学处理 所得参数以均数±标准差(x±s)表示,以t检验,P<0.05为差异显著。 |