<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> (3)Winck等(7)的研究发现:应用Emerson助咳仪对COPD病人进行治疗后,咳嗽峰值流速(PCF)有明显改善(180L/min比220L/min),SpO2有明显改善(92%比97%);侧索硬化症病人在助咳治疗后PCF与SpO2也均有明显改善;呼吸急促(Borg计分)在COPD与神经肌肉性疾病患者在助咳治疗后也有明显改善。本组全麻开胸食管癌根治性切除术后病人术后早期应用Emerson助咳治疗第二天与第三天FVC与PEF均明显大于对照组,证明机械助咳治疗对全麻开胸食管癌根治性切除术后早期病人咳痰功能恢复有帮助。 (4)本助咳器械使用中的优点是具有手动与自动二种功能,部分病人在初次治疗之后可以使用其自动功能来调节适合与自己的时间与压力;其缺点是需要实施治疗的医务人员经过适当的培训,操作不当时会增加病人不适,同时达不到治疗目的。 参考文献 1. 顾恺时,主编。顾恺时胸心外科手术学 ,上海科学技术出版社2003年9月,上海,p333. 2. Bach JR. Mechanical insufflation-exsufflation,comparison of peak expiratory flows with manually assisted and unassisted coughing techniques. Chest 1993;104(5):1553-62 3. Bach JR. Update and perspective on noninvasive respiratory muscle aids. Part 2:The expiratory aids. Chest. 1994; 105(5):1538-44 4. Bach JR,Ishikawa Y, Kim H. Prevention of pulmonary morbidity for patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Chest, 1997; 112(4):1024-8 5. Birnkuant DJ,Pope JF,Eiben RM. Management of the respiratory complications of neuromuscular diseases in the pediatric intensive care unit. J Child Neurol 1999;14:139-43 6. Sancho J,Servera E,Diaz J,et al. Efficacy of mechanical insufflation-exsufflation in medically stable patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Chest 2004; 125(4):1400-5 7. Winck JC,Concalves MR,Lourenco C,et al. Effects of mechanical insufflation-exsufflation on respiratory parameters for patients with chronic airway secretion encumbrance. Chest 2004; 126(3):774-80 |